Everyone doesnt want to trade Martin...but



Let's say you could pull off something like bibby/martin/filler for Pao Gasol...you wouldn't do it? Martin plays the position that is most abundant in the draft year to year.....Shooting guard. Martin has shown that he has skills and will develop. But his position is expendable. Getting a great big man will be irreplacable.


One of the reasons not to trade martin might be because he's not making that much...but you could get a young like that in draft, you'd be paying him a similar amount. We should be in the top 6 of the draft this year...so hopefully we can get a good pick
One of the reasons not to trade martin might be because he's not making that much...but you could get a young like that in draft, you'd be paying him a similar amount. We should be in the top 6 of the draft this year...so hopefully we can get a good pick
wow really? who? why trade someone whos already proven hes a star?

and the season is not even close to being over, how you know we going get the top 6 pick?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Martin and Bibby for KG? Sure. For Gasol? too much.

And no, Martin is not untouchable, or shouldn't be. But neither is he a throw in. For a legit superstar? Yeah. Straight up as the main piece for a star type guy? Maybe. But fact is that Bibby scored 20 last eyar. Kevin may score 20 this year. That's probably too much talent to give up for Pau, who is a second tier guy. One or the other of Bobby/Martin with throw ins, but not both.


Martin and Bibby for KG? Sure. For Gasol? too much.

And no, Martin is not untouchable, or shouldn't be. But neither is he a throw in. For a legit superstar? Yeah. Straight up as the main piece for a star type guy? Maybe. But fact is that Bibby scored 20 last eyar. Kevin may score 20 this year. That's probably too much talent to give up for Pau, who is a second tier guy. One or the other of Bobby/Martin with throw ins, but not both.
Pao Gasol is a second tier player? Have you ever watched international basketball? Look at his numbers. This is the first time he's been injured in his career...at least major injury. Players of bibby's caliber and Martin's ability can always be found. Players with size, skill and leadership of Gasol dont come along too often.


there is no way the kings will have a record better than anyone in our division. We're not better than anyone in our division or the midwest division. Let's face the truth.

I have league pass, i've been able to see Gasol play a lot. Not only is he a leader but he's a very very good team player. Just look at his numbers: 20 pts, 9 rbs, 2 blocks. 50% FG. How is that second tier??? are you crazy/???? which PF in the west is better than him? Probably just 2, Duncan and Amare.
Pao Gasol is a second tier player? Have you ever watched international basketball? Look at his numbers. This is the first time he's been injured in his career...at least major injury. Players of bibby's caliber and Martin's ability can always be found. Players with size, skill and leadership of Gasol dont come along too often.
exactly, we need to make sure first he is still the same player before we throw out our most promising player.


DUDE HE BROKE HIS FOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He hasn't had Knee or shoulder injuries. If he gets traded, watch out, the Grizzlie will totally regret it.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Pao Gasol is a second tier player? Have you ever watched international basketball? Look at his numbers. This is the first time he's been injured in his career...at least major injury. Players of bibby's caliber and Martin's ability can always be found. Players with size, skill and leadership of Gasol dont come along too often.

Uh, yes I have watched international basketball, but of what relevance is that to the NBA? Lot of guys who are studs out there ain't when they hit the NBA. Pau is obviously very good, but you take him out of the international setting where he's playing against scrawny 6'9" jumpshooters and mathc him up against the big boys, and we've seen exactly what he can and cannot be. 20pts 8rebs type guy. Very nice borderline AllStar type player. In other words, second tier.

Would love to have him -- last year in particular he started controlling games with his passing ala other bigs we've had in the past. But he's yet to show sell the farm type dominance.
Pao Gasol is a second tier player? Have you ever watched international basketball? Look at his numbers. This is the first time he's been injured in his career...at least major injury. Players of bibby's caliber and Martin's ability can always be found. Players with size, skill and leadership of Gasol dont come along too often.
True it is hard to get a big guy with some skills, much easier to find a 6 footer who is a good handler of the ball and can distribute. I'd take good skill and size any day over a PG with skills. KMart is something special though so it would have to be a really good deal, otherwise I think we'd part with Bibby or Miller easier.
Uh, yes I have watched international basketball, but of what relevance is that to the NBA? Lot of guys who are studs out there ain't when they hit the NBA. Pau is obviously very good, but you take him out of the international setting where he's playing against scrawny 6'9" jumpshooters and mathc him up against the big boys, and we've seen exactly what he can and cannot be. 20pts 8rebs type guy. Very nice borderline AllStar type player. In other words, second tier.

Would love to have him -- last year in particular he started controlling games with his passing ala other bigs we've had in the past. But he's yet to show sell the farm type dominance.
How big is the 2nd tier and small the 1st? Is a 20/8 guy a 2nd tier? What's 1st tear Kobie and AI? The rest high 2nd tier? I think getting in the 20 point range and just about 10 assists or boards (averging a double double is close to being a 1st tier).

I like Gasol and I agree Bibby & Martin would be too much. Bibby and filler or Miller and filler much more like it. He makes as much as Bibby so Bibby straight up or Miller and Pot's expiring for him.--Get UR done GP!!! :D


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Just off the top of my head, and still collating guys like Joe Johnson or Boozer -- are they fro real?

First tier =


with some borderline giuys like

maybe O'neal
Amare (until he gets healthy)
Kidd (maybe not anymore)
Artest maybe? Maybe not?

Second teir = the other guys. The guys who might make an All Star game or two, but are borderline. 20pt scorers, not 25 or 30. Rashard Lewis, Pau, Parker, Bibby, AK47 etc. Pau is among the ones closer to being in that tweener group above, but he's still a clear, long, cut below the #1s.
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is anybody else worried that the team may not be here in a few years? in my most humblest of opinions, i believe we have to go for the knockout punch right now and if trading martin has to happen to get a proven veteran/superstar/all star/mvp/scoring champion weve got to do it. if ths team were to leave without wnning a championship, that would be devistating. it seems like people are blind to this fact. i mean we have our own forum on this website set aside for the arena issue, which is a bigger problem than what our future will be because without an arena, we have no future.
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i've never been a fan of "waiting for someone to develop". either you're gonna be great or you're not. kevin martin (sorry to say) will never be as good as iverson. just look at what iverson was doing when he was kevins age. he was in the NBA finals handing it to dereck fisher. i think iverson was 25 or so. but kevins turning 24 in a few months. i think we shouldve put him in the deal with bibby and k-9. and brought in sam and iverson.

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i've never been a fan of "waiting for someone to develop". either you're gonna be great or you're not. kevin martin (sorry to say) will never be as good as iverson. just look at what iverson was doing when he was kevins age. he was in the NBA finals handing it to dereck fisher
Uhhhhh..... at 23 Allen Iverson was averaging 22 points for a team that went 31-51.
2 years. when martin turns 26 lets see if he'll be in the NBA finals with a regular season average of 31ppg and 2 steals.
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no. correction. iversons birthday is mid or late summer. he was 26 at the start of the 01-02 season. during the laker series he was 25. technically. so actually lets see where martin is in 1 year instead of 2.
Tyrant, come on. Allen Iverson was born June 7, 1975. The Lakers/Sixers series started June 6th, 2001. He turned 26 just before the start of the series.
no. correction. iversons birthday is mid or late summer. he was 26 at the start of the 01-02 season. during the laker series he was 25. technically. so actually lets see where martin is in 1 year instead of 2.
He turned 26 between games 1 and 2.

It doesn't really matter either way. Martin has a long, long, way to go to match Iverson in career accomplishments, but I still don't get what your point is.

i've never been a fan of "waiting for someone to develop". either you're gonna be great or you're not.
You're not a fan of waiting for people to develop? So if a player isn't automatically great upon entrance to the NBA you don't want a piece of him? That's a very bad tactic. The reason Martin is so exciting is because his development has been so rapid, but its clear there's still room to grow. Its not like he's some guy with tantalizing talent who isn't delivering. 21ppg on 50% shooting is delivering. In fact, Martin is the best example this year of why you should wait for guys to develop. Past examples include: Gary Payton, Steve Nash, Jermaine O'Neal, Scottie Pippen, Kevin Garnett, Tony Parker, Kobe Bryant, Peja Stojakovic and Dirk Nowitzki.