Bee: Trade talks making two players squirm


Super Moderator Emeritus
Is that why AI showed up at KT's basketball camp in Albuquerque, dude don't believe everything the press puts in front of your nose! Be an independent thinker if it shows up in a newspaper does not make it true. You wonder why these guys get tired of the press they take bits and pieces and manipulate it to fit their story and agenda.
You're doing yourself and Kenny a disfavor when you continue to fight his battles.

We don't KNOW Kenny Thomas the person. It's obvious you do. We only know Kenny Thomas, #9 for the Sacramento Kings. We're going to talk about, moan about, criticize, praise, etc. THAT Kenny Thomas. Not the one you know.

There's a reason why family and friends of players don't generally post very much on message boards. That same reason is why most players don't pay any attention to message boards OR newspapers OR the sports talk shows.


Hall of Famer
You never know what he's gonna do.

All I'm saying is, it's tough to all of a sudden get kicked out of your "home."
It isn't all of the sudden. Mike is surely smart enough to know that it was possible.

He saw what happened to Webber and Pedja before him. He knew he was next


Hall of Famer
He didn't. Try reading it again.

Please don't do that.

And letting bigger, stronger PF's destroy us inside.

There is much more wrong with Kenny. And Artest hasn't been complaining...he has been speaking the truth.
First, I know Kenny didnt say anything in favor of the trade, I dont need to read the article again...I was making the point that there are certain people who will bash him regardless of what he says or does. I guess you missed that.

Second, since you asked me nicely, next time you bash him I'll give you one "freebie" from me defending him on principle :p

Third...Yes Kenny's been bearing the brunt of a lot of the top PFs in the league...But look at that sentance. Top PFs in the league. KG and Duncan beat up on a lot of guys besides KT. And those guys are "destroying" more of our frontcourt then just KT...Whats SAR done for us lately?

And lastly...Artest not complaining but speaking the truth?! Yeah I guess you're right...The guy who jacks up just under 4 threes a night at 25% and shoots 39% from the field DOES need more touches.
You're doing yourself and Kenny a disfavor when you continue to fight his battles.

We don't KNOW Kenny Thomas the person. It's obvious you do. We only know Kenny Thomas, #9 for the Sacramento Kings. We're going to talk about, moan about, criticize, praise, etc. THAT Kenny Thomas. Not the one you know.

There's a reason why family and friends of players don't generally post very much on message boards. That same reason is why most players don't pay any attention to message boards OR newspapers OR the sports talk shows.
"Kenny Thomas, #9 for the Sacramento Kings" is that similar to "rule #9?"

I fight the battles that need fighting!


Super Moderator Emeritus
As far as your continued cry about player bashing, the comments you've seen about Kenny Thomas are not player bashing. You're trying to interpret them that way, but believe me - they are not bashes. Criticism does not equal bashing in any way, shape or form. If you'd like to continue this discussion, we'll do so via PM. Thanks.

(Edited to remove sarcasm.)
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Third...Yes Kenny's been bearing the brunt of a lot of the top PFs in the league...But look at that sentance. Top PFs in the league. KG and Duncan beat up on a lot of guys besides KT. And those guys are "destroying" more of our frontcourt then just KT...Whats SAR done for us lately?
Diversion from the topic at hand does not strengthen your argument. You would have been better to leave SAR out of this. The debate about KT is about Kenny and no one else. It is no surprise how all of the people that hopelessly defend Kenny Thomas always want to compare, compare, compare. And try to take the eye off of him.

I guess when I made the statement that he allows bigger, stronger PF's to destroy us inside the only defense for that is to say SAR does too.

If you want to talk about SAR or Brad being bad defenders too then fine, but using them to help "apologize" for Kenny doesn't do anything in my book.
I'm still trying to figure out what Kenny said that was really wrong.

Based on who he's been teammates with......was anyone really expecting him to roll out the red carpet for AI at the expense of Mike?

He's not a perfect saint....far from it but why he's being called a cancer because he'd rather have Mike here.

Piksi said:
He saw what happened to Webber and Pedja before him. He knew he was next
I will disagree to a point. Both were traded but not for the same reasons. Pedja because he wasn't going to stay....writing was a clear as day. Webber out of neccessity(or so we thought)...and of course that leads right back to...............Kenny Thomas.