Grades v. Twolves 11/06

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Artest ( A- ) -- put his offensive woes behind him in the early going here, powering us to an early lead behind 10 pts on perfect shooting. But it was too good to last, and after hitting his first 3 shots, he only shot about 20% for the rest of the game, including some rather dumb forces that began to hurt us. Fortunately the rest of his game remained very strong, as he once again hit the glass to grab 8 caroms, and simultaneously shut Ricky Davis completely out of the game (to be "fair", Davis played the game like he'd smoked an entire cannabis plant during shootaround -- I probably could have held him to single digits tonight). Nonetheless, I think the job on Davis is the tipper here between an A- grade or a B+ -- nice to see him show a semblance of decent offense, but Ron's calling card is defense, and he left it stapled to Davis's forehead tonight, while also pestering any other Wolves players who wandered into his region (including a classic rookie mistake by Randy Foye who decided he would just drive by Ron Artest for a cute little layup -- this ain't college kid).
Thomas ( B+ ) -- had a snoozeworthy first half -- grabbed a couple of good hustle boards, but combined it with a couple of really bad offensive decisions. But came out of the lockerroom after half with a burst of good garbageman play, scooping up loose balls, moving in to the hoop when others were doubled etc., and helped push us to a lead with four quick layups. Kind fo a tough one to grade, because that burst was basically ALL he did all game. BUt I felt he might be the player who really separated the teams with that little stretch, so earns the B+ basically for one quarter of good hustle work.
Reef ( C+ ) -- tried in the first half, but results against the big front line were decidely modest. Missed shots, had several shaky turnovers. And of course failed to rebound. Got...well, I guess you'd call it aggressive in the 3rd. But it came off looking a little selfish. Was kind of wild, and didn't seem interested in passing. By the end of the quarter though began to get a few things to drop, which is often the difference between "selfish" & "forceful", and finished up with a respectable 13pts 7rebs in 40+min. But it was sloppy and scrappy with turnovers and a missed shots all around.
Martin ( B ) -- this grade started out very high after Kevin got off to a hot start offensively. But maybe his best play in the early going was a crosscourt bullet pass on the break to set Mike up for an open 3. One of several nice setups he made today. Watching him being checked by Jaric was interesting -- Jaric looks a lot more focused this year, and it was a good matchup between long 6'7" guys. Grade began to sink after half as other than a few FTs was quiet in the 3rd. And I actually pondered a B- after watching soem bizarre play out of Kevin in the 4th in which he uncharacteristically got out of control and started forcing and missing shots badly, including one off of the side of the backboard. Got the feeling that he felt liek he wasn't getting his shots and so was going to go out and force the issue, and it wasn't pretty. Given that we hung on to win still gets the B for the strong first half helping spot us the lead, and especially showing some ability to create shots for teammates.
Bibby ( C- ) -- helped key our early offensive run with some good passes and a three (courtesy of Kevin) on the break. But then fell way off, could not get anything to fall, and was having basic dribbling and catching problems, including several turnovers off of his feet. Again probably the thumb there, but the end result was still an ineffective half and seeing Mike outperformed by his counterpart Mike (Mike James). At least found ways to help with his passing and racked up 8 assists, several of the very nice variety. But it was a very quiet outing for Mike, and after a while he was very much of an afterthought as the the game was played and won by others. The injury may have knocked him clear to irrelevancy in this one. Avoided killing us by not forcing the issue, but still gets dropped some grade points for being considerably outplayed by James (who still frankly wasn't that great despite scoring 23 -- no passion, and out of control a lot).
Salmons ( B+ ) -- had some good moments in his normal smattering of this that fashion in the first half. And after half stepped forward to score well for the second game in a row, finishing with a solid 13pts 5rebs in 26min, and closing the game with the starters. The good John Salmons streak again. Solid. The dark side being that the over under until he gives us 1pt on 0-3 shooting in 24min is about 2 games.
Taylor ( INC ) -- completely invisible again in the first half, yay. Did not get a return stint after half.
Price ( B- ) -- short first half minutes, missed a three, went to the bench. Came in at the end of the third and gave us a quick little boost with a hit and an assist on a three. Nothing spectacular and a few turnovers, but helped keep us steady in the second stint I thought.
Cisco ( INC ) -- hey, a Cisco sighting! Nothing great, but hit a FT, and hit a three to beat the buzzer at the end of the first half. Got him a couple more second half minutes when he had a nice assist off a drive and dish.
Corliss ( INC ) -- in a strange sequence came into the game for all of one play, and was immediately pulled back out. Hell of a way to wrap up a pretty good career.

Muss ( B ) -- Well, not a great win, but a solid one. And probably more important just in it not being a loss, which would have begun to put real pressure on the young regime. We got the lead in the first half with pretty much of a two man game -- Ron and Kevin were great, everybody else had apparently hit snooze. But the third quarter was encouraging in a larger team sense, and this TWolves team...I dunno. Don't think they are going to be dangerous no matter their talent. No spirit or fire. And with KT in particular hustling, there wasn't much of a response on their part. Of course we once again had long dry stretches offensively, but at least we continued our slow monthlong creep toward a 100pt game by making it to 93 this time. And the defensive plan was solid to try to keep the ball out of KG's hands. Muss is still annoying me by overplaying the starters though -- really overplaying them, and has this amazingly quick hook on the kids if they make even one mistake -- 1 turnover, 1 missed shot, you're banished. Glad to see Cisco do something good right off the bat this time to secure a few more miutes for himself. He might be able to help if he can ever get into a rhythm. And Muss frankly loses half a grade here for something I hate -- leaving our overplayed and banged up starters in after a timeout at the 1:50 mark in an 18 pt game, even as the Wolves went to the deep bench. That's both bad sportsmanship, and taking an unnecessary risk. We can afford no more injuries to major players. And the game is over. What the hell is Mike Bibby with a bad thumb doing on the floor checking Bracey Wrihgt and Justin Reed in the final minute of a near blowout?
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Martin is really adding some passing to his game. He's really getting good at setting Bibby up.

I really like Salmons' game. Offensively he's a lot like a young Doug Christie. Good at getting to the rim, the occasional three and good distribution.

Great to see Kenny Thomas have a good game. That was some great hussle.

Shareef was solid on defense, getting into the passing lanes, but he's really turning into a black hole on offense. He needs to pass out when the shot isn't there.

Bibby is still getting torched on the perimeter, but he's doing a good job on his defensive rotations, which is encouraging.

And of course Artest -- he still managed to shoot well under 50%, but really set the tone taking good shots and getting to the bucket. Great to see vintage Ron back.

The lineup that really worked again was Bibby/Martin/Salmons/Artest/SAR. It's not going to work against every team, but so far that has really been the best group.
Best game for Artest so far this season--7/17 is still a work in progress, but I will definitely take that from Ron Ron. I really think his efficiency in offense will be the key to the Kings' season--the Kings will win a lot of games if he can keep his FG% reasonable, set-up his more efficient teammates like Martin for more scoring, and lead a stiff defense. If he insists on chucking despite going 4-12 or 3-15, which he does have a tendency to do, then the Kings are in for a rough night and a good defense will simply not be enough.

The Kings really did a decent job rebounding tonight--granted that the rebounding deficit (-1) is actually better than it sounds because the Kings shot a better FG% (45.3% - 41.3%) than the Wolves and so had more defensive board-opportunities, but the Kings still kept it reasonably even with the 6-9 SAR / 6-7 KT frontcourt against KG. Kudos especially to KT there.
Martin is really adding some passing to his game. He's really getting good at setting Bibby up.

I really like Salmons' game. Offensively he's a lot like a young Doug Christie. Good at getting to the rim, the occasional three and good distribution.

Great to see Kenny Thomas have a good game. That was some great hussle.

Shareef was solid on defense, getting into the passing lanes, but he's really turning into a black hole on offense. He needs to pass out when the shot isn't there.

Bibby is still getting torched on the perimeter, but he's doing a good job on his defensive rotations, which is encouraging.

And of course Artest -- he still managed to shoot well under 50%, but really set the tone taking good shots and getting to the bucket. Great to see vintage Ron back.

The lineup that really worked again was Bibby/Martin/Salmons/Artest/SAR. It's not going to work against every team, but so far that has really been the best group.
Great post, and I agree on all counts.

I'd like to add one's picky (pun intended), but I notice it every time the Kings are on the defensive end. Their defense of the pick and roll is SO much better than years past. The big (or semi-big, in our case) is showing well and our guards are getting through the screen quickly. It's just nice to see us shut down something that used to torch us so often.
Yeah, great game... KT was almost as good at home as he was bad on the road... SAR shot pretty well as usual, but 7 rebounds, 4 steals and a block was great to see, I hope he can take 40 minutes like that regularly, since it looks like he's going to have to... Artest was good too -- has anyone else noticed that he is #1 in steals in the NBA so far this year? Another 4 steals and 2 blocks tonight, as well as lots of the less measurable sort of defense. At this rate he's looking more like defensive player of the year than Ben Wallace is, that's for sure. Bibby seemed less like his gimpy thumb might decide the game, and Salmons had another one of his good nights.

I was sorry to see that this meant an average of 35+ minutes for 6 guys, and a total of 20 by everyone else combined, but I guess it's to be expected.
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I really like Salmons' game. Offensively he's a lot like a young Doug Christie. Good at getting to the rim, the occasional three and good distribution.

Great to see Kenny Thomas have a good game. That was some great hussle.
I agree with you about Salmons. The few times I saw him play in Philly I always was thinking 'Who is that guy?' He looked a little complacent tonight at times, but I think everyone did at some point. Part of me thinks he and Garcia are redundant; one (or both) of them are likely trade bait.

K9 was really good with the 'garbage' areas tonight. Few plays were called for him but he still contributed. If he is to continue to start, this is the type of game that needs to be produced.

If Martin stops fading away, he is going to be scary.


Hall of Famer
Good hustle out there by the guys. We are starting to see what these guys can do on offense for longer and longer stretches and it's very exciting.
Jeez -- KT with a B+? I thought that game was a pretty dang solid A.

He played KG well. Hustled. Grabbed a pooh-load of rebounds (yes, pooh load).

We played well for our first post-BM game. Hopefully we keep it up (if only to prove me right about the frontline of KT/SAR).
I agree with you about Salmons. The few times I saw him play in Philly I always was thinking 'Who is that guy?' He looked a little complacent tonight at times, but I think everyone did at some point. Part of me thinks he and Garcia are redundant; one (or both) of them are likely trade bait.

K9 was really good with the 'garbage' areas tonight. Few plays were called for him but he still contributed. If he is to continue to start, this is the type of game that needs to be produced.

If Martin stops fading away, he is going to be scary.

Yeah, Garcia and Salmons both played well but they are similar and there doesn't really seem to be enough time for both of them. I wonder if we package one of them in a trade for more size up front.

Anyway, the Kings played real well! I enjoyed watching this game. Ron's shot selection was way better, although he still shot too many 3s(1/4). Got to the free throw line and got rebounds. He stole the ball a lot.
Kenny hustled well. He rebounded pretty well and his defense was nice. He deserves praise for a good game.
Mike distributed the ball pretty well with 8 assists.
Shareef played well in the post but shot a bad FG%. His man scored too(Blount shot 5/10). Had 4 steals though and I liked the way he played. He was aggressive on offense and some of those drives he missed on will fall usually.
Kevin could've played better but the fact that I am saying this about him after he had 19 points on only 12 shots says a lot about how good he's become.
Salmons! He's been awesome off the bench lately. I'm really starting to like this acquisition, but he and Garcia is a bit repetitive(spelling?). They both can play 1-3 and right now John has been playing better, but Garcia has a lot of talent. He needs to keep playing well though.

Overall I'm happy with how they played.
Yeah. I thought the same thing. Can't shoot, but will shoot and make them if he's open. Exactly the guy you don't want forcing jumpshots. Seems like he can get to the rim pretty easily too.

I really like Salmons' game. Offensively he's a lot like a young Doug Christie. Good at getting to the rim, the occasional three and good distribution.


Hall of Famer
I am sure or at least I hope that Garcia will eventually have a bigger role. When the starting unit starts to settle in I am hoping guys like Garcia/Taylor/Price/Big Nasty will get some consistent time. Artest can't play 40+ minutes a game for the whole season.
Post game show both Jerry Reynolds and Coach Muss singled Kenny out for high praise. They thought his defense on KG was excellent. Said he follwed the game plan exactly as told.

Muss also said Mike is playing through some significant pain and it hurts quite a bit to throw and catch. He said the coaches appreciate very much his toughness and willingness to be out there for the team. That they really need his composure and leadership on the floor.
I was at the game tonight. I have been to home openers where the fans were a little more enthusiastic. But not too bad. I give the crowd a B..;) OK here's the edit part. I forgot all about the mass exodus of fans with 4 and a half minutes left in the game. To those of you, and you know who you are. Dudes! That crap don't look good on T.V., so next time stay till they turn the cameras off. (wink)
I noticed something that I really liked. Especially from the third quarter on.. Our guys played like a real team. That seems rather promising. I give an A for the team effort. Keep it up guys.:)
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Really love Salmons game he will be the key to pushing the Kings bench from mediocre to strong. I do wish Corliss could get a few more minutes like Brick said sad ending just not sure it's ending down side for sure but he can be a quick hitter, awsome off the bench. Would like to see him get a chance to do a little more before its all said and done.
Really love Salmons game he will be the key to pushing the Kings bench from mediocre to strong. I do wish Corliss could get a few more minutes like Brick said sad ending just not sure it's ending down side for sure but he can be a quick hitter, awsome off the bench. Would like to see him get a chance to do a little more before its all said and done.
Salmons is no Bonzi, but it's been awesome seeing him come in and light a fire. He's doing everything we need from a bench player ... which is awesome!

PS - KT looked like a stud last night! Kudos to your boy, brah!
I think reef deserves A B+ :
He scored and he Played great DEfense... 4 steals and 1 block.....
I really like SAR as a starter, but last night his first half performance was a grotesque lazy performance. There was no heart, fire or passion.

3rd quarter he was better.

I'd give him a B+ if I didn't know he was capable of a full game of heart. I guess it's all relative.

For instance, if Mo Taylor did those numbers I'd be impressed. But, SAR is better than that.
Jeez -- KT with a B+? I thought that game was a pretty dang solid A.

He played KG well. Hustled. Grabbed a pooh-load of rebounds (yes, pooh load).

We played well for our first post-BM game. Hopefully we keep it up (if only to prove me right about the frontline of KT/SAR).
K9 definately deserves a solid A. He was great cleaning up the misses, hustling, and keeping KG in check all coming from a 6' 7" SF/PF.

At this point, Brad should come off the bench and we start K9 and SAR together as we did last night. I know Brad is out for awhile and until he proves otherwise, I think he lost his job to SAR, well at least till we hopefully work out a trade and bring in a 6' 11'+ PF/C which I really hope is in the works. We have done good playing small ball, but eventually it catches up to you and we need size.
Post game show both Jerry Reynolds and Coach Muss singled Kenny out for high praise. They thought his defense on KG was excellent. Said he follwed the game plan exactly as told.

Muss also said Mike is playing through some significant pain and it hurts quite a bit to throw and catch. He said the coaches appreciate very much his toughness and willingness to be out there for the team. That they really need his composure and leadership on the floor.
K9 did play team ball last night and did what was needed, great hustle and cleaning up misses. I liked how he got interviewed and was praises for his good game. Keep it up K9 and you'll be o.k. with us.

I don't know what Muss is thinking to overplay his starters, especially Bibby, especially late in the game when TW went to their bench and threw in the towel. What good can come of that? Bibby needs rest and when you don't need him (blow out either way), you bring in a young and eager Price and rest Mike.

I like how we have a good home stand now and after Wednesday's game against the Pistons, we are off till Sunday. I really hope we dig in and click like we did last night, we can really get in a groove early and get the wins up for when we need to go on the road again for awhile.


muss really should try to rest bibby and artest... im sure martin can handle the mintes but bibby and artest need to be rested im sure thomas is loving the fact that he is now forced to play huge minutes... cant wait until i get cable again... when the cable guy comes on saturday i'll be so happy.... league pass baby...

garcia needs to get minutes if artest plays less, garcia will get his chance... garcia and salmons are not redundant.... artest just plays too many minutes... take him and martin out and play garcia with salmons...
I like how we have a good home stand now and after Wednesday's game against the Pistons, we are off till Sunday. I really hope we dig in and click like we did last night, we can really get in a groove early and get the wins up for when we need to go on the road again for awhile.
ooooh long rest! if not for the injuries, i'd hate to not have any kings bball for that long.. but at this point, i'll take it.

we definitely need it. regroup and recuperate.

i'm very happy with that.

that means it's doubly important to beat detroit, though, because i'd go crazy stomaching a loss for days!:eek: ;)

pretty much agree with the grades. and definitely agree with the last part on muss. that move (leaving the starters in with 2 mins left on a blowout) left me scrathing my head.:confused:


Hall of Famer
In response to having both Garcia and Salmons being redundant. Well you lose Ron or Kevin and its not so redundant because if you only had 1 then that 1 would replace the injured player and who comes off the bench for the 2/3 then?? Hart, Douby, Price I don't think so. Now having Hart and Potapenko is flat out stupid.
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