My 2 cents...for what it's worth...
Koren Robinson was just suspended for the season by the Packers after a DUI arrest. He does, however have at least one prior substance abuse offense.
DUI is a serious issue as stated earlier numerous times. .08% B.A.C. for the average person is 2 ounces of hard liquor in an hour. You may substitute a 12oz beer or 6 oz glass of wine for each ounce of liquor. The "average: person also metabolizes alcohol at a rate of .02% B.A.C. per hour.
DUI does NOT MEAN DRUNK driving. It mean UNDER THE INFLUENCE driving. Not BLACKOUT DRUNK, or BLOTTO, or any similar description. It is very subtle. My own policy is if I drink more than one, I don't drive.
I seriously doubt Musselman was anything less than a pefect gentleman with the CHP officer who arrested him. Regardless, in this day and age, a cop would be fired if the press got hold of a story that he let a DUI go. (Do you really think they wouldn't hear about it?) There is no slack for DUI, no matter who you are. Even cops get arrested by other cops for DUI, and I know of some who were fired for it.
The pressing issue for me is, "What's best for Mr. Musselman?"
Does he really have a problem? Does he need to check into rehab? Is it really just a one time stupid mistake? Imagine what he's wondering....Will the Maloof's fire him? Suspend him? Is his coaching career over? Will his ex wife try to use the arrest to her advantage regarding support or child visitation?
You can be mad as hell at your friends over a DUI arrest. Primarily because they didn't call you out of bed for a ride home! If he's my friend, I'm going out of my way to be available for him, for anything! My guess is that Muss is more embarrassed than most of us can imagine. He's probably already contacted every player to apologize for embarrasing the team.
Assuming Muss has no priors and is convicted, he will be fined, placed on 3 years probation, to include a mandatory treatment program, and at least 16 hours of community service. Whether or not he is convicted, he (pending a hearing, if he chooses to have one) will have his license to drive suspended for four months.
I fully expect the KINGS will suspend Muss for a game, as they would anyone else. I also expect them to put on a big "Anti-DUI" program with Muss saying all the right things. He'll apologize, handle the criminal charges and move on. The suspension will be the worst punishment for Muss!
I also expect the players to rally around Muss and support him through this. I also expect Ron Artest to be his biggest supporter. This kind of adversity could actually help bring the team closer. There's the games, the season, and then there's the real world and people's lives. Just for a moment, let's show concern for Eric Musselman, not for the coach of the Kings.