Kings-Lakers 10/17 Game Thread

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You know I just looked up Turiaf's height. I had no idea he was 6'10... He looks so much shorter than that... Good game... Garcia is not looking so good, nor is Taylor, I liked what we saw from Salmons I just didn't like his body language at all. But, a win is a win. Even if it is pre-season
You know I just looked up Turiaf's height. I had no idea he was 6'10... He looks so much shorter than that... Good game... Garcia is not looking so good, nor is Taylor, I liked what we saw from Salmons I just didn't like his body language at all. But, a win is a win. Even if it is pre-season
I did not see this at all.

Give him a break. He is trying to earn all that money we paid him.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I have no idea what SacKings384 means by "I just didn't like his body language at all." He said it a couple of times but didn't explain.

John Salmons did fine last night. If we didn't have him on the court, we wouldn't have won. He pretty much single-handedly stopped the bleeding from Garcia's mistakes that fed into the Laker's 11-0 run.
I have no idea what SacKings384 means by "I just didn't like his body language at all." He said it a couple of times but didn't explain.

John Salmons did fine last night. If we didn't have him on the court, we wouldn't have won. He pretty much single-handedly stopped the bleeding from Garcia's mistakes that fed into the Laker's 11-0 run.
Exactly, chalk 1 up for Salmons, without him the Lakers would have beaten us....well at least with the group we had out there. If we really wanted to win, we'd put our starting unit in their to finish them off, but that would be pretty desperate. Well a win against the Lakers anytime is a good thing. :D

I don't think Taylor was that bad, he started off with taking a charge and scoring on the other end. This is his 1st game and we are getting him for 90% off of what NY would have payed him (close to 10M). If anyone is going besides the youngings, which I really hope stick, it's Hart, Potato, and/or Woods at this point.

A lot of it with Cisco is lack of confidence and trying to hard (ie taking shots way out of his range, fouling people past the 3 pt line, just bad decisions in general), that stupid ankle injury has really stunted this guy. He was doing great and could have made a good case for Rookie of the year, or at least been in the top few last year. I do like his Defense, he just needs to be smarter about it. His hustle is nice though, I think he'll come around again. It is nice to have a shot blocker here, I hope JWill2 stocks, before him 6' 7" bench Cisco was our lone shot blocker last year.....yeah pretty pathetic. ;-)
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Hall of Famer
i understnad what he means. He has that lazy looking Marquis Daniels air about him but, I don't care as long as he fills the need and last night he did.
I have no idea what SacKings384 means by "I just didn't like his body language at all." He said it a couple of times but didn't explain.

John Salmons did fine last night. If we didn't have him on the court, we wouldn't have won. He pretty much single-handedly stopped the bleeding from Garcia's mistakes that fed into the Laker's 11-0 run.
I understand what he is suggesting. Salmons often had his shoulders slumped between plays, never really looked excited, his eyes would drift like he was unfocused. His general body language would lead you to believe he did not care.

However, his play showed that this might just be how he comes off and not how he acutally feels and acts.

I've seen this at play even in business settings. A couple of our top performers at work were inititally deemed questionable by some people in management, because they would slouch in their chairs and their general demeanor was laid back (think CA surfer cliche); however, when they had a task to do or were part of a project they would give 100% effort and achieve great results.

It is way to early to make any real assessment of Salmons, but this might be the case with him. He may not be the "rah rah cheerleader" type of player who shows a lot of emotions or has a Webber-esque serious "scowl face," but he may be very intense and serious when it comes to actually performing on the court. Obviously, he will ultimatley be judged by his results.
I understand what he is suggesting. Salmons often had his shoulders slumped between plays, never really looked excited, his eyes would drift like he was unfocused. His general body language would lead you to believe he did not care.

However, his play showed that this might just be how he comes off and not how he acutally feels and acts.

I've seen this at play even in business settings. A couple of our top performers at work were inititally deemed questionable by some people in management, because they would slouch in their chairs and their general demeanor was laid back (think CA surfer cliche); however, when they had a task to do or were part of a project they would give 100% effort and achieve great results.

It is way to early to make any real assessment of Salmons, but this might be the case with him. He may not be the "rah rah cheerleader" type of player who shows a lot of emotions or has a Webber-esque serious "scowl face," but he may be very intense and serious when it comes to actually performing on the court. Obviously, he will ultimatley be judged by his results.
Re: Salmons' apparent laziness

One word: T-Mac.

OK, maybe not, but nice fourth quarter last night. Although I still have a sickeningly sweet aftertaste from the superlatives heaped upon him by Grant and Jerry. It'll pass; I just need beer.
He looked calm and collected. He looked loose. And you would be too if you signed a contract for $25 mil.

I'm glad he doesn't look like he's got a stick up his butt. ;)
Re: Salmons' apparent laziness

One word: T-Mac.

OK, maybe not, but nice fourth quarter last night. Although I still have a sickeningly sweet aftertaste from the superlatives heaped upon him by Grant and Jerry. It'll pass; I just need beer.
That's exacly the player that came to mind for me. If you go by those droopy, sleepy looking eyes T-Mac has, you'd be making a bad mistake. Before someone asks, I'm not saying Salmons is going to perform like T-Mac, just comparing facial expressions.
Re: Salmons' apparent laziness

One word: T-Mac.

OK, maybe not, but nice fourth quarter last night. Although I still have a sickeningly sweet aftertaste from the superlatives heaped upon him by Grant and Jerry. It'll pass; I just need beer.
T-Mac; that's funny. It's true. At any given moment, the guy looks like he just pulled an all-nighter cramming for a final.
This game was just a workout for both teams, a typical pre-season game. Lots of mistakes, significant players with little or no playing time, a chance to debut rookies in front of a Vegas crowd.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I did not get any impression that Salmons was lazy, maybe its just the way the guy looks but he was very good in the second half.
Salmons has has a rep as lazy his entire career, but like last night, has always capable of stretches of excellent play before sinking back into his stupor. Classic one good game 5 sleepwalking games type of player.
Salmons has has a rep as lazy his entire career, but like last night, has always capable of stretches of excellent play before sinking back into his stupor. Classic one good game 5 sleepwalking games type of player.
Hopefully that will be different in Sacto. It isn't exactly easy playing alongside AI or coming off the bench for him. I like his versatility in playing the 1 - 3 positions as well as his great Defense. Artest commented on Salmons D and I see it. So people saying he needs to have the ball in his hands to do something are wroung, this guy plays great D.


Super Moderator Emeritus
As has happened more than once before, we may be seeing the resurrection of a career. I don't really care what happened before he got here. If John Salmons can continue to contribute anywhere near as well as he did in this game, I'll be a very happy Kings fan.
As has happened more than once before, we may be seeing the resurrection of a career. I don't really care what happened before he got here. If John Salmons can continue to contribute anywhere near as well as he did in this game, I'll be a very happy Kings fan.
I second this
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