I understood what you were saying. I'm saying that I agree with you. I just happen to agree with you from the "pro-Fox" camp, so that whereas you may (or may not, I don't know) have been saying that with an underpinning of salt, I was being earnest.
I loved the dude, my relationship with Fox is going to be complicated for probably the rest of his career. It gives me no joy to watch him or even see still photos of him in another uniform so I am avoiding them. My loyalty is to the Kings and forever will be as long as I am a fan of the NBA.
So I'm not really on here posting schadenfreude about how much I enjoyed him having a bad shooting night, but I certainly am rooting for the wheels to fall off the Spurs in 26-27 so the Kings get a killer draft pick, and I guess I would be pleased over the long run if Fox turns into more of a journeyman than a superstar and if he gets a max extension that the Spurs wind up regretting it and they never jump Houston or OKC. In my deepest fan fiction, I hope some day he realizes that he passed up the chance to be the owner of Sactown because he was persuaded the grass was greener somewhere else.
I don't want his finger to fall off, I don't want anything to shorten Wemby's career, I just hope that maybe someday he'll realize he had a special thing here and a fanbase that adored him and a team that did everything to give him the opportunity so that they could pay him 35% of the salary cap and at the end of the day the main reason that didn't happen wasn't because the Kings failed but he did.