Fox is going to get booed the first time he plays at Golden One again and probably quite a few more times after that. It doesn't matter what Dave or anyone else says. Like any fan he can express his opinion but it's not going to hold back the tide and it's obvious that this particular tide is coming. Maybe in time fans will get over it. The sooner the Kings return to being a winning team the less this will matter.
Personally I don't think it's fair to blame Fox for failing to transform the team into a perennial contender. No one else has been able to do it since CWebb and it's been 20 years now since he was playing at an MVP level. I also don't blame Fox for getting fed up with trying after 8 years and bailing on the prospect of starting over with yet another head coach. Mentally he was done. He gave it his best shot, it didn't work, and now he's moved on to something else. He's a third team All NBA guy in a league where you need a first team All NBA guy to win and I don't think there's any shame in that. There was maybe a sliver of a chance for Fox and Domas to compete as second tier stars with a top 5 defense around them but I don't think Monte was on board with that philosophy based on his roster moves so here we are. I don't expect anyone here to agree with me but Fox asking out now before he signs a super max was the honorable way for him to go, in my opinion. He did himself and the Kings a favor.
The deck is stacked against franchises like Sacramento but our leadership has also created their own problems by failing to commit to a front office, a head coach, and a team building strategy that lasts more than 3 years. CWebb had the advantage of stability during his tenure -- stability which no star player in a Sacramento Kings uniform has had before or since. Is that a coincidence or is it a prerequisite for players to perform at their best? Maybe it's nature, maybe it's nurture, maybe it's both. The clock hasn't even started yet on the next head coach. Whoever they are, if they make it to year 3 it will be a minor miracle. That's what I would be booing -- rudderless leadership. Kindof hard to know where to direct that though.