I retreated from the internet in a big way about ten years ago. It was a personal choice made from a general frustration with the direction "Web 2.0" and social media had taken online technologies. The reason I still come here is because traditional online forums are well-positioned to facilitate robust and meaningful dialogue.
Yes, we're talking about human beings here, so pettiness and ego and bad faith abound
anywhere you wander online, even on a forum like this. But it remains possible to create genuine community with others and engage in vibrant, fulfilling conversations in a way that social media cannot entirely replicate, because social media engagement is driven by an advertising model and a set of algorithms that were designed around a simple principle: "numbers go up". KingsFans.com and other forums like it may be a dying breed, but they are driven by their users, not by algorithms, and the users typically have no interest in "numbers go up". They have an interest in maintaining and supporting their community.
And personally, if what big tech refers to as "AI" is an indication of the shape of "Web 3.0", I am quite glad to have made the decisions I've made. I'll always come
home to KF.com, but much of the rest of the modern internet can politely f*** off.