So how does it feel when a team wins it all? lol
Lol. It feels pretty good. More relief than anything, but still good.
While my Dolphins and KINGS have yet to win anything since I've been a fan, I have been fortunate with my Buckeyes (football) and Tar Heels (basketball) and Dodgers.
This is the first time TWO of my teams have won titles during the same calendar season, so that's different. It should have happened in 2002/03, too, with the Buckeyes and KINGS -- but we all know what happened there.
My fandom for the Dolphins goes back the longest (since I was 6 years old) and they did win two titles during my lifetime. Unfortunately I was too young to even know about it. They and the KINGS are the ones I care most about so, of course, neither has won anything since I've been a fan. If/when that happens then I will really be able to answer the "how does it feel" question. I'll probably pass out from shock.