Welcome Devin Carter

So I’ll admit I don’t know one thing about who we drafted or who we should have drafted. So I tune in to 1320 to learn something about this guy and Damien Barling said his comp is some girl from the WNBA. Thanks Damien. So I’ll have to go watch stuff on catchings to find out who Devin Carter plays like. I know you are a WNBA honk but cmon man! Couldn’t find an NBA player to compare him to for those of us who don’t watch the WNBA? Thanks for nothing.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
So I’ll admit I don’t know one thing about who we drafted or who we should have drafted. So I tune in to 1320 to learn something about this guy and Damien Barling said his comp is some girl from the WNBA. Thanks Damien. So I’ll have to go watch stuff on catchings to find out who Devin Carter plays like. I know you are a WNBA honk but cmon man! Couldn’t find an NBA player to compare him to for those of us who don’t watch the WNBA? Thanks for nothing.
This guy compared him to Tamika Catchings? I guess I could see that. Catchings is on my short list for WNBA goat. She was a phenomenal defender.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Still doesn’t help me. What NBA player can you compare him to?
I don't like player comparisons. There isn't an obvious one for Carter anyway and usually that's a good thing cause you can just see a player for what they are instead of who they remind you of. It only takes 5 minutes to pull up a YouTube highlight reel which is infinitely more useful than any player name I could throw out there.
I largely agree with hrdboild's comment as comps don't tend to be accurate in most cases. But the most common comp seems to be Derrick White and I think that's reasonable.

The Ringer lists Jrue Holiday and I can squint and see that, but it's a little further off IMO
Marcus Smart with more offensive upside. I know everyone wants to compare to guys who just made a long run
Still doesn’t help me. What NBA player can you compare him to?
There's really no one player that I can think of. He's got the tenacity of Alvarado, the rebounding of Hart, defense like Keon Ellis and a big fat question mark on his shot. I have almost no doubt that he'll be a defender from day one. To say his rebounding will translate like Hart's did, that's a big ask for a guy his size. Rebounding like Rondo will probably be more realistic.

It'll all come down to his shot. To me, his stats say maybe. Hopefully fans don't expect immediate results. It takes some of these guys a few years to get their shot dialed in.

One use for him that comes to mind is the Knicks game in the last couple weeks of the season where Hart dropped 30+ on us without even shooting a 3 and without flopping his way to the line. He just imposed his will and really exposed how soft the Kings can be. With a little seasoning, I don't see that happening against Carter. He'll probably get the usual overly eager whistle treatment from the refs but if he keeps at it like Keon, they'll eventually recognize that they need to let this dude play defense and he'll start to shine.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I didn't get home until almost 2am last night and then was on my phone until now - anyways - welcome, excited to have you here!!!


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I was more asking where is this negative reaction being seen? The reaction is overwhelmingly positive on this site. I'm assuming twitter.

Drafting for need is proven to be an awful strategy in the majority of cases. You sort out your needs via trades and FA. It's amazing that some people still can't grasp this.
Kings twitter was and has been apoplectic over the last 24 hours.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
To be fair, I don’t even think that qualifies as passing on BPA for need because big man wasn’t even that high up on our list of needs (Skal and HGIII were there, WCS still looked okay and we didn’t know Z-Bo was totally washed, and Kings legend Kosta Koufos was our starting center) when Vlade picked who he did lol
Also because the Kings staff (and I think it was driven by Brandon Williams less Vlade) truly convinced themselves that the guy they picked was the BPA.

I mean a lot of us really, really wanted Luka, I'd say it was at least 2:1 but the ones that did not want Luka really, really, really talked him down. To say "everyone knew he was can't miss", well, a lot of people did, but a lot of people bad mouthed him too. There's a gray/rational area in between too where folks nailed some of his minuses that are still there despite how great he is, but there were plenty of absolutely F-minus takes on Luka too.


The Game Thread Dude
Also because the Kings staff (and I think it was driven by Brandon Williams less Vlade) truly convinced themselves that the guy they picked was the BPA.

I mean a lot of us really, really wanted Luka, I'd say it was at least 2:1 but the ones that did not want Luka really, really, really talked him down. To say "everyone knew he was can't miss", well, a lot of people did, but a lot of people bad mouthed him too. There's a gray/rational area in between too where folks nailed some of his minuses that are still there despite how great he is, but there were plenty of absolutely F-minus takes on Luka too.
Vlade’s main concern about Luka’s attitude was absolutely warranted. He’s just been so good that it hasn’t mattered lol


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Vlade’s main concern about Luka’s attitude was absolutely warranted. He’s just been so good that it hasn’t mattered lol
100% but he also hasn't played in Sacramento as a King. Because until he got injured Boogie was recognized as a special talent the second he left town. Haliburton never had any attitude problems but also basically ascended from whodat? to All-NBA talent before he could even pack his bags.
So I’ll admit I don’t know one thing about who we drafted or who we should have drafted. So I tune in to 1320 to learn something about this guy and Damien Barling said his comp is some girl from the WNBA. Thanks Damien. So I’ll have to go watch stuff on catchings to find out who Devin Carter plays like. I know you are a WNBA honk but cmon man! Couldn’t find an NBA player to compare him to for those of us who don’t watch the WNBA? Thanks for nothing.
Virtue signaling of the highest order. What an embarrassment. Exactly why I stopped listening to talk radio, and most podcasts, years ago.