De’Aaron Fox

This is a master class in advanced doomerism.

Instead of taking Guaranteed Fortune 1.0, Fox bet on himself - NOT his employer, but HIMSELF - in the hopes that he could instead land Guaranteed Fortune 1.2. It looks like that bet is not going to pay off. But instead of simply taking Guaranteed Fortune 1.0, which will still be on the table, he's going to instead spite his employer who is prohibited by rule from giving him Guaranteed Fortune 1.2, and instead of accepting Guaranteed Fortune 1.0 he's going to leave the city he has always claimed vociferously to love and an organization that has never done bad by him in order to accept Guaranteed Fortune 0.7 in another city.

It makes no sense at all. Especially when the primary evidence for the entire doom spiral is that Fox didn't want to participate in media availability after having a bad game in a bad loss. I'm a pretty amenable guy, and I wouldn't want to talk to the media after a disappointing combination personal-and-team stinkburger. I'd be grumpy and want to go home. But Fox does a completely anticipatable thing and all of a sudden these nuclear abandonment issues in the fanbase come out.

Absolutely silly stuff here.

first, a question:

when you said this:

"But instead of simply taking Guaranteed Fortune 1.0, which will still be on the table,"

i wonder what you mean?

are you suggesting that monte should let fox play out his contract and then offer him 1.0?

because that would be irresponsible - you need to protect your assets (or get something for them).

let's be clear - if fox is going to walk, you need to get something for him before that happens, correct?


now, to respond to your entire post:

silly?... how so?

certainly not "factually silly" - the kings DID make the offer and fox did reject it... fox HAS signed with klutch and the two major klutch clients are AD and LB... fox's play HAS dropped off.

apparently, the captain believes that signing somewhere else (0.7?) is NOT an option for fox (i myself believed that prior to this season).

but, as we all know, "salary" pales in comparison to "endorsements". and (as klutch might say to DA), "you'll never make big endorsement money playing in sacramento - you need to be in a major market".

let's ask ourselves WHY monte even MADE the "two years added at 100+ million" offer.

i would argue that if you want a good relationship with fox, you should never have allowed the offer to become public knowledge. but again, why even MAKE the offer (if you think he might well turn you down)?

well, it looks like monte heard some rumblings about "fox to LA" and wanted to set his course. so, he made a fair offer and fox did not take it.

what do you think was monte's response to THAT?

i would submit that monte said something like, "this is a fair offer - we are doing all we can do to keep you here, paired with sabonis, but if you don't want to be here, then be advised that we may have to explore offers for you".

if you think monte responded differently, say so - and say how monte might have responded to fox turning him down.

and let us remember that monte tried to trade fox instead of haliburton but naturally found no takers (at that time). so, is fox committed to sacramento or not?

i say he's not and that monte is exploring his options in trading fox. fox, meanwhile may be hurt or sick - or he may just be doing the minimum until he is out of here.

btw, this is not "doomerism" - i actually believe that we are in a great position to trade fox for high value and improve the team. it's too bad that we may be looking at a "non-fox" future, but i believe that the future is bright - and possibly brighter without fox than with him, because for once, we are dealing from a position of strength..
first, a question:

when you said this:

"But instead of simply taking Guaranteed Fortune 1.0, which will still be on the table,"

i wonder what you mean?

are you suggesting that monte should let fox play out his contract and then offer him 1.0?

because that would be irresponsible - you need to protect your assets (or get something for them).

let's be clear - if fox is going to walk, you need to get something for him before that happens, correct?


now, to respond to your entire post:

silly?... how so?

certainly not "factually silly" - the kings DID make the offer and fox did reject it... fox HAS signed with klutch and the two major klutch clients are AD and LB... fox's play HAS dropped off.

apparently, the captain believes that signing somewhere else (0.7?) is NOT an option for fox (i myself believed that prior to this season).

but, as we all know, "salary" pales in comparison to "endorsements". and (as klutch might say to DA), "you'll never make big endorsement money playing in sacramento - you need to be in a major market".

let's ask ourselves WHY monte even MADE the "two years added at 100+ million" offer.

i would argue that if you want a good relationship with fox, you should never have allowed the offer to become public knowledge. but again, why even MAKE the offer (if you think he might well turn you down)?

well, it looks like monte heard some rumblings about "fox to LA" and wanted to set his course. so, he made a fair offer and fox did not take it.

what do you think was monte's response to THAT?

i would submit that monte said something like, "this is a fair offer - we are doing all we can do to keep you here, paired with sabonis, but if you don't want to be here, then be advised that we may have to explore offers for you".

if you think monte responded differently, say so - and say how monte might have responded to fox turning him down.

and let us remember that monte tried to trade fox instead of haliburton but naturally found no takers (at that time). so, is fox committed to sacramento or not?

i say he's not and that monte is exploring his options in trading fox. fox, meanwhile may be hurt or sick - or he may just be doing the minimum until he is out of here.

btw, this is not "doomerism" - i actually believe that we are in a great position to trade fox for high value and improve the team. it's too bad that we may be looking at a "non-fox" future, but i believe that the future is bright - and possibly brighter without fox than with him, because for once, we are dealing from a position of strength..
Fox is under contract for two more seasons after this one. What is on the table is a contract extension. It isn't in Fox's best interest to sign that now because he can get more down the road. Once he became eligible for an extension it would've been bad form for the Kings to not offer one. This is truly a non story.
Fox is under contract for two more seasons after this one. What is on the table is a contract extension. It isn't in Fox's best interest to sign that now because he can get more down the road. Once he became eligible for an extension it would've been bad form for the Kings to not offer one. This is truly a non story.
Also, the Fox betting on himself is in regards to getting a 2nd All NBA which would make him supermax eligible.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
first, a question:

when you said this:

"But instead of simply taking Guaranteed Fortune 1.0, which will still be on the table,"

i wonder what you mean?

are you suggesting that monte should let fox play out his contract and then offer him 1.0?
Umm, no. My point is that the max extension - at whatever "max" is - is still on the table and will remain on the table.

let's be clear - if fox is going to walk, you need to get something for him before that happens, correct?
Lest you forget, it was YOUR hypothesis that Fox is going to walk, not mine.

well, it looks like monte heard some rumblings about "fox to LA" and wanted to set his course. so, he made a fair offer and fox did not take it.

what do you think was monte's response to THAT?

i would submit that monte said something like, "this is a fair offer - we are doing all we can do to keep you here, paired with sabonis, but if you don't want to be here, then be advised that we may have to explore offers for you".

if you think monte responded differently, say so - and say how monte might have responded to fox turning him down.
See, the thing about this scenario where Monte is reacting to "Fox-to-LA" rumors is that YOU MADE IT UP. You made this scenario up entirely, in your head, out of whole cloth. It is not a real thing that happened. Therefore, the question of whether Monte responded differently than you imagine he did to this made up scenario is completely moot. I neither know nor care how Imaginary Monte McNair In Your Head responded or did not respond to Imaginary Scenario In Your Head.

That said, it's one thing to make up a scenario in your head. It's another thing entirely to demand that somebody respond to the scenario you made up in your head.

so, is fox committed to sacramento or not?

i say he's not and that monte is exploring his options in trading fox. fox, meanwhile may be hurt or sick - or he may just be doing the minimum until he is out of here.
I take Fox's public statements, repeated ad nauseum, that he is committed to Sacramento and does not want to leave, at face value.
Fox is under contract for two more seasons after this one. What is on the table is a contract extension. It isn't in Fox's best interest to sign that now because he can get more down the road. Once he became eligible for an extension it would've been bad form for the Kings to not offer one. This is truly a non story.
Im not sure why people think him not taking the extension means anything. Just a common courtesy from us to offer it and we obviously knew he'd wait until if he got an All-NBA nod or not.

I'd think it'd be MORE noteworthy if we didn't offer him one. It's a sign of respect to our best player
But not an All Star.
There’s a faction of KINGS fans that don’t deserve De’Aaron Fox on their team.

This dude is doing things only DeMarcus Cousins and all the dudes currently honored up in the rafters of Golden One Center have done, but somehow he’s still not good enough.:rolleyes:

It was one thing to hate upon DeMarcus Cousins while he was the franchises star player accomplishing some of these same amazing feats — as his boorish attitude and behavior often shifted the focus — but that’s never been the case with #5. He’s always been a good kid. And unlike Boogie, Swipa actually found a way to end the franchise‘s Sahara-sized playoff drought with a #3 seed last season and is in the midst of doing it again this season.

But, again, he’s somehow not good enough.:rolleyes:

As for those deciding All-Star rosters — well — we already knew that system was beyond flawed. Swipa is a top 10-15 level player regardless whether he’s named to an all-star team or not.

More importantly, he’s proven over the past 2 seasons to be among the very best players in the game when games are largely won and lost.
If i am not wrong (based on some tweets that I read at the time) Fox had 11 and 9 deflections in the past two games (along with 6+5 steals) which are crazy numbers considering that each one of them (deflection + steal) is like 2.5 times more than the league leader has (SGA) per game. It's similar of getting 70 points, 30 rebounds, 8 blocks or 26 assists in a way and in back to back matches!!!
first, a question:

when you said this:

"But instead of simply taking Guaranteed Fortune 1.0, which will still be on the table,"

i wonder what you mean?

are you suggesting that monte should let fox play out his contract and then offer him 1.0?

because that would be irresponsible - you need to protect your assets (or get something for them).

let's be clear - if fox is going to walk, you need to get something for him before that happens, correct?


now, to respond to your entire post:

silly?... how so?

certainly not "factually silly" - the kings DID make the offer and fox did reject it... fox HAS signed with klutch and the two major klutch clients are AD and LB... fox's play HAS dropped off.

apparently, the captain believes that signing somewhere else (0.7?) is NOT an option for fox (i myself believed that prior to this season).

but, as we all know, "salary" pales in comparison to "endorsements". and (as klutch might say to DA), "you'll never make big endorsement money playing in sacramento - you need to be in a major market".

let's ask ourselves WHY monte even MADE the "two years added at 100+ million" offer.

i would argue that if you want a good relationship with fox, you should never have allowed the offer to become public knowledge. but again, why even MAKE the offer (if you think he might well turn you down)?

well, it looks like monte heard some rumblings about "fox to LA" and wanted to set his course. so, he made a fair offer and fox did not take it.

what do you think was monte's response to THAT?

i would submit that monte said something like, "this is a fair offer - we are doing all we can do to keep you here, paired with sabonis, but if you don't want to be here, then be advised that we may have to explore offers for you".

if you think monte responded differently, say so - and say how monte might have responded to fox turning him down.

and let us remember that monte tried to trade fox instead of haliburton but naturally found no takers (at that time). so, is fox committed to sacramento or not?

i say he's not and that monte is exploring his options in trading fox. fox, meanwhile may be hurt or sick - or he may just be doing the minimum until he is out of here.

btw, this is not "doomerism" - i actually believe that we are in a great position to trade fox for high value and improve the team. it's too bad that we may be looking at a "non-fox" future, but i believe that the future is bright - and possibly brighter without fox than with him, because for once, we are dealing from a position of strength..
Put the pipe down, bro.
Time for Fox to sit out a few games.
If Fox sits the next 2 games that would give him 11 days off.

Shoulder, personal, does't matter. Jimmy Butler is taking time off.

Hopefully some time off will help what ails him as we NEED starFox back.
Jimmy is taking time off due death of his family member.... a little different story ...
I am in the camp that believes Fox is beat up - particularly the shoulder seems to be hurting him. That would explain the percentages as well as the turnovers of late. I'd love to see him sit a couple games (if needed) to give that extra cushion before or after the all-star break. Then come back healthy for a full-on attack.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
The thing about Fox which I don't think fans appreciate enough is that he's playing for wins, he's not playing for stats. That's why he plays hurt even though it torpedoes his 'numbers' at times. If your mark of success is individual stats than sure, the right thing for him to do is rest and only play when he's 100%. Maybe if he'd done that this season he would be on the All-Star team. But I think he's got the right attitude for a star player. The only thing that matters is helping your team get the win every night. And even though Fox has been struggling with his shot for awhile, he's been playing like a man possessed on the defensive end.

When we get to the playoffs this season, I think we'll see the same Fox that we saw in the GS series last year. Add to that a more confident Domantas Sabonis and (hopefully) Keegan Murray and we're going to be a tough team to beat in a 7 game series.
So ummmmm where the haters at tonight?
Sure, he can come up big on the 2nd night of a back to back, on the road, against the defending champs , to lead us to a win, but can he..

Actually, that's all I got. Fox and Domas are at a point now that when they're both playing well in the same game, we basically just need 1 or 2 other guys to show up and we can hang with anybody.
The thing about Fox which I don't think fans appreciate enough is that he's playing for wins, he's not playing for stats. That's why he plays hurt even though it torpedoes his 'numbers' at times. If your mark of success is individual stats than sure, the right thing for him to do is rest and only play when he's 100%. Maybe if he'd done that this season he would be on the All-Star team. But I think he's got the right attitude for a star player. The only thing that matters is helping your team get the win every night. And even though Fox has been struggling with his shot for awhile, he's been playing like a man possessed on the defensive end.

When we get to the playoffs this season, I think we'll see the same Fox that we saw in the GS series last year. Add to that a more confident Domantas Sabonis and (hopefully) Keegan Murray and we're going to be a tough team to beat in a 7 game series
This right here. These ebbs and flows will be so freaking worth it IMO
Fox has scored 15pts or less in 9 games this year.

Shai, Luka, Curry, Booker, and Edwards scored 15pts or less in 16 combined games this year.

Fox didn't deserve the All-Star nod this year

But hopefully he has a good 2nd half resurgence after the AS Break. I think he really needs a break to get out of his funk
He deserved it over Steph, even with the bad Jan. But obviously Steph gets the legacy nod
He deserved it over Steph, even with the bad Jan. But obviously Steph gets the legacy nod
Same as it's always been. ASG has never been purely about merit. We got love last year because breaking the streak last year was truly head-turning around the league. Now, back to regularly scheduled programming.

We will probably need playoff success to get back in the national conversation