I see so many posts about Sasha that I feel guilty none is mine

Guys you should understand- the guy is literally a GOD in Europe … if you ask 1000 fans of Oly “ name one player you want to get for Christmas” , 1001 will answer Vezenkov … they made literally a dozen of songs for him last year ….
He is used to play 28/30 min (on 40 min basket game) and to hit the crunch baskets , to end every 4 out of 5 attacks and to play with the ball in 99.9% of the attack of the team … and his numbers were great …
Now he is playing barely 10 min , 9/10 times it’s something like 3/3/2/2 and he is getting the ball once on every 50 offensive plays and shoot it once in every 100 ….
And that for a guy who is ultra competitive and wants to win the flip coin of a soccer game who to have the first possession …
So if he was frustrated (I did not seen it) it is only because he know he can bring more to the team …