[Game] Golden State Warriors (6) @ Sacramento Kings (3) (WCDS Game 5, 2-2) 4/26/2023 7pm Pacific 10pm Eastern (TNT)

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As much as I hate the Warriors, I won't be surprised at all if they win it all this year again. They aren't playing like a team that will only win the first round. It's like part of me wants them to lose the next round, but then again if they did win it all, we would know that we got beat by the best......
Keegan didnt shoot ANYTHING after the 1st
I saw him call for the ball two times because he knew he was hot. Ball didn’t make it back to him. That quarter was the most aggressive he has been as a pro. 3 hard drives to the basket. He has to take some of the blame for not moving harder without the ball later but I’m shocked they don’t find him any shots
It's unacceptable that we didn't run any plays to get Murray open for 3... how? Our best shooter.. especially when our offense went completely cold in a bunch of stretches. Even the players weren't looking for him. I don't want to ever hear Brown say he wants Keegan to be more aggressive.. how can he be aggressive when he doesn't even touch the ball?
I'm not really sure what the deal is. Keegan is a system role player for him. So him being aggressive is kind of odd. The entire year his iso attempts were so limited he literally doesn't even show up in the stats for it and for him to run any iso, yes, he needs the ball. My guess is he wants Keegan to attack out of the face up and he did a little in the last game but even there we've seen enough of it, if you run out on him and contest he's going to swing the ball over. As a system guy should actually so it's technically the right play.
As much as I hate the Warriors, I won't be surprised at all if they win it all this year again. They aren't playing like a team that will only win the first round. It's like part of me wants them to lose the next round, but then again if they did win it all, we would know that we got beat by the best......
They have nothing to fear in the Lakers, but I think they run into the brick wall that is PHX in the WCF if we can't steal game 6.
I mean the execution is simply not there. Our usually dynamic attack looks more and more gimmicky vs the Warriors defense the more this goes on. Which turns this into a 3pt shooting contest, and usually we'd do fine in a 3pt shooting contest but this series we're shooting it poorly, Barnes clanked 2 completely wide open looks.

They have totally disrupted our advantage at the C position and in this game its a disadvantage.

I think its fair to say the big stage has spooked our shooters a bit.

Davion Mitchell taking 8 3's in a game is not good for a lot of reasons.. Thats the kind of stat that makes the Kings look like their running on fumes.

Even though the rebounding appears similar in numbers the eye test tells a different story, we're struggling to grab defensive boards at any given moment and on the other side of the ball the kings oboards are often the result of a rushed shot where they know theres a likely oboard to come.

There's just too much indecision and we're paying dearly for it. More than anything if we lose this series its because we couldnt get the offense to run thru Sabonis crisp and cleanly, even when Sabonis gets the ball in transition I'm thinking its doomed at this point, everything just is going wrong and the word sloppy comes to mind.
PurpleHaze said:
Did you hear what Shaq just admitted he did on the set at TNT during half-time?:eek:

Many of us are watching on NBCSNCA, so I guess you'll have to tell us.

Said he "passed gas.":p Then Sir Charles blurted, "you mean you farted!" Then Kenny Smith sprinted up to the giant screen to analyze the action from that out of reach location. Not sure I ever heard or heard of a fart on live TV but there's a first for everythingo_O Btw, I switch back and forth from TNT to NBCSNCA but at half-time break would rather listen to a pro like Ernie Johnson direct the panel than clown Kyle Draper.
Brown sub Murray in for Mitchell when the game is close...?? What is he thinking? We don't need more scorers when Malik and Fox is out there...that's good enough....Mitchell should ALWAYS be in there as long as Curry is there. I am a bit disappointed with his last minutes decision to sub Mitchell out. Sabonis hasn't been able to dominate inside...he hesitated too much. When Wiggins is guarding him, he should be licking his chopsticks instead of passing out. Huerter is always a liability on defense. Also, why not go to Barnes more often....it's like he's almost forgotten. You wait until we're behind before you go to him?

Warriors has too much experience....nothing seem to fade them despite facing difficulties.
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