(3)Kings versus (6)Warriors Pre-Playoff Series Thread

Guess the end result.

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Back in the day you couldn't get season tickets. Talking the 80s> early 90s. Waiting list. We were like the worst team in the league but one of the hottest tickets. It was insane. Once you gave up your season tickets, you couldn't just get them back - back onto the waiting list. Sacramento is a fascinating market in that way. And here we are, again, with one of the hottest tickets in the league. And yeah I know these tickets are crazy expensive, but you know what? It's gonna be worth it. The atmosphere is going to be off the charts electric.

The very, VERY first practice before the season in fall of 85 (apparently they hadn't finished building the plywood bleachers in the warehouse known as Arco 1 - yes it was a literal converted warehouse) the Kings ever had in Sacramento was at American River College - they made the bold move of making it open to the public (they did crazy stuff like that back in the day). THE PLACE WAS PACKED. Like right up to the court. You could low-five Mike Woodson getting back on defense. Basic layup drills.... SCREAMING CHEERS! Make a shot (again, practice) -- FANS GO NUTS!!

Opening night? Tuxedoes. It was a black tie affair. Spontaneously. No coordinated social media campaign. People just showed up in tuxedoes and evening gowns. Whatever all that crazy enthusiasm translates to today - that's what the G1C is going to be like at every single playoff game. To whoever is going to a playoff game this year and maybe didn't experience that stuff back then - prepare for something you've never experienced before, and enjoy!!
Agreed. While I came to the game a little later than you, I all I can say to those who are going to be attending playoff games this year, prepare to be amazed. Playoff atmosphere is something that I can't even begin to explain. You, quite literally, HAVE to be in attendance, inside of the arena, to truly understand, and appreciate, the feeling. Having went to pretty much every home playoff game during our previous run, with the exception of maybe a few games early on in the run, I fully agree and second @Vinny Basketballerino's sentiments.

I am EXTREMELY jealous of those of you who will be attending a playoff game this season. Consider yourselves amongst the lucky ones. The Golden 1 Center is going to present an atmosphere like no other. Personally, I can't wait to be able to attend a home playoff game myself. Having been to a few regular season games in the G1C (only three to be exact), I can only imagine what the atmosphere is going to be like for a playoff game.
Kings will win if Warriors aren't healthy..let's be honest and true..only chance Kings have and maybe Brown knowing all of the Warriors offense and tendencies.
No one has any idea what a Kings playoff team looks like. On the other hand, every other squad in the West has a track record. The talking heads are going to go the safest route in order to protect their credibility.

That has nothing to do with the players on the court though. The biggest advantage the Warriors have is experience. As far as matchups go, Curry and Klay are phenomenal, but at least they play a position where the Kings actually have some defensive options. As opposed to say the Lakers, where AD could do what he wants because the Kings have no answer.

Don't let the prognosticators kill your vibe. It's going to be a fun series.
I think our starters will be able to match the GSW starters blow for blow. I think this series will come down to the benches.

If Monk, Lyles, Mitchelll, Kessler Edwards, Len, TD, Metu can play at a high level, like they were playing right after the ALL Star Break, I think the Kings take this series. I think Monk and Lyles play will be the key to the series.
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No one has any idea what a Kings playoff team looks like. On the other hand, every other squad in the West has a track record. The talking heads are going to go the safest route in order to protect their credibility.
There's a saying business: Nobody gets fired for buying IBM. What that means is that if you're making purchases for your company - going with the big name will save your butt if anything goes wrong. However if you were looking at a hot startup that perhaps had a better product, if anything at all goes wrong with it, heads will roll.

That's exactly what's going on here. The Warriors are IBM. We are the hot startup. The "prognosticators" are everyone trying to save their own butt.
Kings going to push the pace even faster. Our bench better than their bench.
This right here. Coach Brown has done a great job getting our bench ready for the playoffs. Edwards looks about ready to hold Lebron James scoreless. Len is 100% a legit defensive big and rim protector, and Davion's confidence is back and remains probably our best perimeter defender. Having a bench that excels at defense is a GREAT approach to building a team that can do well in the playoffs. It helps ensure that no massive run happens when your starters are out - they'll have to do that with Fox and Sabonis on the floor. And we all know that our offense is essentially unstoppable so that eliminates big runs there. Being able to score almost at will is actually a great way to stop the other team from going on a run.

And that's what the Ws rely on - big runs. Their defense is quite mediocre, and they've been able to sneak into the playoffs by their old offense going off in spurts.

Also - keep in mind, our coaching staff has been inside their locker room for years. They don't know us as well as we know them. Kings in 4.
Interesting stat I looked up:
Kings def. Rating at home: 118.2 (29th in NBA)
Kings def. Rating on road: 113.8 (8th in NBA)
Warriors def. Rating at home: 108.4 (3rd in NBA)
Warriors def rating on road: 118.3 (28th in NBA)
I’m surprised no one was brought up the Fox vs. Curry matchup. I feel like it’s going to be an extremely fun one. However, I think we’ll likely end up having Davion guard Curry for most of the game?

What does this mean for our bench? I think Monk will have to step up big time of Davion is tasked with exerting all of his energy on chasing Steph
I’m surprised no one was brought up the Fox vs. Curry matchup. I feel like it’s going to be an extremely fun one. However, I think we’ll likely end up having Davion guard Curry for most of the game?

What does this mean for our bench? I think Monk will have to step up big time of Davion is tasked with exerting all of his energy on chasing Steph
Yeah I could see Davion like 25+ MPG this series, with a ton of time chasing Curry and Poole around. This is exactly what he's here for; attempting to lock down elite guards in a playoff series.

My guess is Fox/Sabonis/HB all around 40+ MPG in this series. Davion gets tasked with the elite guard defensive assignments. And then Huerter/Monk/Keegan/Lyles all work in depending on hot hand/match-ups.

I'll be curious how much we use Len. Outside of Looney, there's no one for him to really defend and he'll just get picked apart when the Warriors go small. I think Kessler makes more sense as the 9th man than Len to match up with their wings/guards.
I’m surprised no one was brought up the Fox vs. Curry matchup. I feel like it’s going to be an extremely fun one. However, I think we’ll likely end up having Davion guard Curry for most of the game?

What does this mean for our bench? I think Monk will have to step up big time of Davion is tasked with exerting all of his energy on chasing Steph
Keeping in mind that Mitchell won't play most of the game and when he's in, they might rather have length on Curry. They may put him on Poole, if they're on the floor together. Will be interesting to see who in the starting lineup is defending him. Does Fox take on that challenge?

Will they matchup up Huerter on Thompson, or will it be Murray? Assuming Wiggins is on the floor, I'd assume Murray would be on him
Yeah I could see Davion like 25+ MPG this series, with a ton of time chasing Curry and Poole around. This is exactly what he's here for; attempting to lock down elite guards in a playoff series.

My guess is Fox/Sabonis/HB all around 40+ MPG in this series. Davion gets tasked with the elite guard defensive assignments. And then Huerter/Monk/Keegan/Lyles all work in depending on hot hand/match-ups.

I'll be curious how much we use Len. Outside of Looney, there's no one for him to really defend and he'll just get picked apart when the Warriors go small. I think Kessler makes more sense as the 9th man than Len to match up with their wings/guards.
Metu will get the call this series, unless they just go with Lyles. I look for Len to get used if they advance
I’m surprised no one was brought up the Fox vs. Curry matchup. I feel like it’s going to be an extremely fun one. However, I think we’ll likely end up having Davion guard Curry for most of the game?

What does this mean for our bench? I think Monk will have to step up big time of Davion is tasked with exerting all of his energy on chasing Steph
Another good question is who on the Warriors guards Fox?

My guess is the Warriors use zone as much as possible, because they can't matchup.
I believe we absolutely can win this series. The warriors just don’t have the same team chemistry as in the past and are prone to mistakes (as their road record will attest do). Regardless of how well their defense plays, I think the key will to have two of Keegan, Huerter, Monk or TD catching fire from three most games. If we get a couple of those guys hitting 4 to 6 threes a game I think our offense will blow them over.

Having said that, I predict a warriors series win in 6. Steph is Steph and Klay is shooting great again. Those two can will that team to win big games….and if that happens, it’s not a failure of a season. I want to see this team fight and show a lot of grit when they go through stretches of missing shots. This is a stepping stone season. Of course I want to see us advance as far as possible, but regardless I think we take another big leap next year as our defense starts to catch up to our offense.
Just realized that Wiggins had been out since February for "personal matters".

I wonder if he will come back unfocused like Holmes did after his "personal matters" issue. If Wiggins mind is elsewhere and he is not focused on basketball, the Kings will need to exploit that Wiggins matchup to win this thing
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