I guess. Did you see the videos of him openly laughing and mocking the trade? His admission was like a tail tuck, ya I guess I was kinda wrong...blah blah blah.
Winning teams get the benefit of the doubt. How many questionable moves (that turned out to not be great moves in hindsight) has Bill Belichick made that sports guys hedged their bets on rather than outright criticizing? And that's because the Patriots (at least for a very long time) were right more often than they were wrong, even when their moves differed from the "consensus".
The flipside is that if a NBA franchise that hasn't made the playoffs since George W Bush was president makes a move that is somewhat questionable at the time, you get carte blanche to rip it to shreds because it's most likely terrible.
If the Kings keep playing well and Monte keeps making shrewd moves, the perception will change.