A will to win. A will to prove. Unwavering poise.
Refs bleep Kings? Kings smile
Clippers build to contend? Kings build to beat Clippers. With Tony Brothers, that girl and all the rest.
Poor Mike Brown. He lived in different NBA. LBJ and Cavs, Dubs. Now, never-ending acid enema from the refs. Guess what? Kings don't give a bleep. Veni vidi vici.
Since first game for Gonzaga, every team Domas showed up got "unexpectedly" better.
Fox? Since MJ times I haven't seen anything as this (to close the games).
Last year, first game after the trade, Kings had smiles on their faces. This year, Kings fans have smile on their faces.
Is this story over? Nope. One of the best quotes in NBA, that didn't get fined, was Monk's. "They always disrespect us, so I wanted to show them".
A will to prove is contagious. On any court, against any team, as Kings have one of Domas or Fox, Kings will play to win. Even if both Domas and Fox will not dress up, other guys will play to win for them, for themselves, coaches, fans.
A win like this, against Clippers, rested, healthy and ready. On the road, with Tony brothers and his whistle up his arse - can you imagine how much confidence and satisfaction it infuses?
Light beat the double team of evil and darkness (of one of the best quality).
Beam is lit, and better everybody watch it. Cause it goes sky high