James Ham is in the process of switching from the puppy dog reporter who was supposed to just say what he was told and nothing else, to a sports pundit. And in this day and age, many would consider "Skip Bayless" and "Stephen A Smith" successful sports pundits to copy from.
So long story short, I think he is doing exactly what he thinks a pundit's job is, just as Ozymandias here putting it elegantly:
Just like many of us here, he sets expectations with his limited scope, basing it on his own experience, and then when the people in charge aren't doing exactly according to the "expectation" he set, he can now use his platform (forums, podcasts, tv shows etc) to tell the rest of the world how wrong their decisions were, by revisiting the preexisting expectation he set as if it was now being spoken enough to be treated as facts, completely ignoring how closely involved and thus how much more extra information the person in charge can have.
It's why I always say, sports pundit is one of the best jobs in the world, where you can be loud and obnoxious with any and all of the points you make, and never have to suffer from consequences of being wrong or the aforementioned "loud and obnoxious".