Kings trade Tyrese and Buddy for Sabonis and Holiday and Lamb

i honestly disagree. Do we desperately need more shooting? Absolutely, but - upside aside - we got the best player in the deal that’s still young and we didn’t give up any picks to do it. Tyrese Haliburton is super likable and wanted to be here, but, it’s not as if Fox flipped off the community and said he hates it here. He’s been incredibly loyal and plays hard as well, despite this weird covid protocol filled season.
I’m sad to see Tyrese go but i really do want to give Fox a chance to recover and get himself right. Trading Fox after a couple rough months and a roster that doesn’t fit around him isn’t the best option either IMO.
better player today, sure. But also one who is under contract for 2 more years after this one. If this team isn’t contending does he even stick around for another contract? The only guys we have long term now are Fox and Mitchell
You're completely delusional. The NBA is a guard/wing dominated league. A 3 pt shooting league.

They just traded a young, up and coming play-making guard for a post player that's not even half as dominant as a Shaq or Duncan.

If you truly believe this, you are just as clueless and naive as Monte McNair.
speaking to a fellow day one tortured soul I have nothing but respect but I feel like the Simmons deal was never really on the table and "ridiculously high price" when we kept our draft pick here feels like an overstatement. I don't like this move because it wasn't the trade I'd have made or the type of player I wanted to target. And I feel like we should have just rode the season out and secured a top pick then done this type of deal. It probably would be there on draft day.

But if we had traded Fox, Haliburton and 3 picks for Simmons I'd have murdered someone and that was apparently the price to get in the door.
What difference do the picks make? Seriously?

All they'll do is eff them up or trade them for utter nonsense if they do hit on any of them.

Ben Simmons may have his faults, but he's infinitely more talented on both ends of the floor and useful than Sabonis.

If you are going to wreck your franchise with a trade, that was the better one to make.

I'm not saying they SHOULD have made the Simmons deal at that ridiculous price. Because I don't think they should have.

But now knowing what they did do and overpay for --- yes, I would have rather they done the 1st awful trade.


Hall of Famer
Who says Holmes will even be here? Most Kings fans wanted this roster shaken up. I don’t think we should assume the rest of Vlade’s guys will be here for the next season or two. I think it’s pretty clear this whole thing will look different by summer
that pick and roll play got us to what 18 wins and a top 10 pick again. its not as great as kayte makes it out to be. just because she was astonished by hali and holmes does not make it that great
No they didn’t. I keep on hearing people say Sabonis is an “all star” and “skilled”, in actuality yes he’s skilled but so is Boban. I’m basketball terms a shooting guard with plsymdking abilities (Haliburton) is way more valuable than a post scoring big who doesn’t shoot & can’t defend the paint.

Can someone please create a lineup with Sabonis & Fox that can defend well enough to contend ? And create an offensive scheme that’s above average? You can even pick guys from other teams. I just don’t see it
That’s Monte’s job. How in the world were we ever going to fix this roster with one trade? Haliburton or not, that’s impossible. Creating a lineup around Fox and Sabonis isn’t something to be figured out all in a matter of hours.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
What difference do the picks make? Seriously?

All they'll do is eff them up or trade them for utter nonsense if they do hit on any of them.

Ben Simmons may have his faults, but he's infinitely more talented on both ends of the floor and useful than Sabonis.

If you are going to wreck your franchise with a trade, that was the better one to make.
I really think Monte has done well with his picks. Better than Vlade and the two morons before him. And like it or hate it (or both, which is how I feel right now) he didn't flinch at picking the player he thought was BPA even if it meant trading one of the two fan favorites from the year prior would become inevitable (or trading the pick he just made). I always thought it would be Fox because 1) the cost issue but two I figured that Monte was going to be stuck on "his guys". He just showed he's not, which is actually a really promising development even though I hate the idea of building around a big who is offense first in this current landscape. But we still have at least two valuable chips in Holmes and Barnes and a huuuuuge wildcard with Bagley.
Buddy has value in a 3pt shooting league. He just does. Despite how much fans here dislike him.

No chance Tyrese should have been traded in a deal like this. But once he was, adding in Buddy just makes it infinitely worse.
I thought we all agreed that Buddy’s value was pretty low. Caris Levert was moved for picks. Buddy ain’t getting you much and I’m actually surprised we were able to throw his contract in
I've been saying all season that this team just needed a change. Any change. Because things were broken and irreparable as they were. I'm devastated by the choice of change, but also can't argue this is a big time change. This either makes us better going forward because we added an all star big or makes us worse because the pieces don't fit (assuming Monte doesn't adjust the roster construction). One way we are building towards the playoffs and one way we are getting worse and getting a better pick. Hopefully this isn't a lateral move because then we just traded away my favorite player in NBA history for more of the same.
Well, with three PGs on the team, I figure someone has to go. But I thought they should get something out of Buddy Hield. Jeremy Lamb ain't bad...but Haliburton may turn into Magic Johnson in this league. They might now need to trade Fox for Simmons.
Whoa. Magic Johnson?! I like Haliburton a LOT but idk about that
National media is gonna rip the Kings no matter what because of group think and everyone wanting to go viral. Wooo likes and retweets! Kings got a young, better player. “Potential” is great but it was still on it’s way to netting us yet another 30 win season


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
pretty sure we don’t have the New York vax rule in sac (a couple of our players were supposedly unvaxxed as is) so I don’t think that’s a concern.
those requirements are all going to be a thing of the past in another month or two, whether that's a good thing or not. I think the mask/vax crowd is doing a total 180 because reasons that don't have anything to do with public health.
I really think Monte has done well with his picks. Better than Vlade and the two morons before him.
He has. But he just traded one of the 2 good picks he's made away. That's the point.

The KINGS finally get lucky and land a very good prospect that's looking like a potential cornerstone but they just can't deal with that type of draft success.

So they trade him away for a player that's not highly valuable in today's game. And is in no way an anchor defender.

Effing genius.

If that's what you're going to do with your draft assets when you do hit on them, what's the point?

INDY is laughing their collective @$$es off. So is the rest of the league. Par for the course.

The KINGS are just a farm team for everyone.