Kings trade Tyrese and Buddy for Sabonis and Holiday and Lamb


Hall of Famer
well we probably win more games this season if Fox comes back but what does this cost us over the next 10 years? Hali-Mitchell was showing a lot of potential as the backcourt of the future if we moved on from Fox and got a good pick this year that helps us find a wing or a big and sets us up for the future. Instead we have 2 years to try to make whatever this is work. And now Davion makes even less sense on this roster
were they? I mean we only beat a team worse than us without their best 2 players
Yes. He's an excellent defender with a huge wing span and can even play some small-ball 5 effectively. Just a quality all-around glue-guy role player that provides elite spacing as a big. He's my biggest break-out candidate in the NBA with the right opportunity.
If he’s a 3D guy at PF why’s he even available what’s the catch
Honestly, just feels like a bigger gut punch because how much we love Hali. But the fact you get off Buddy Hield, made use of the TT expiring and DON'T have to include a FRP for a 25 year old 2-time all-star with 2 more seasons on his deal is insane when you think about it.

This is the upside swing McNair has been talking his whole time here. Win the draft, flip for a stud when it becomes available. We'll see. Just hate that it was Hali, a dude who loved the Kings be the guy to make it happen.
Replace Tyrese with Fox in this trade and it makes a lot more sense
i honestly disagree. Do we desperately need more shooting? Absolutely, but - upside aside - we got the best player in the deal that’s still young and we didn’t give up any picks to do it. Tyrese Haliburton is super likable and wanted to be here, but, it’s not as if Fox flipped off the community and said he hates it here. He’s been incredibly loyal and plays hard as well, despite this weird covid protocol filled season.
I’m sad to see Tyrese go but i really do want to give Fox a chance to recover and get himself right. Trading Fox after a couple rough months and a roster that doesn’t fit around him isn’t the best option either IMO.
I want to believe that I do but you have the house on the market for a year at "a fair price" the reality is maybe the house sucks?

I can't believe someone didn't snatch him up last year but maybe his defensive liabilities are just too much. Everyone wants a 3&D guy. Well there's no D there.
Well, you're also talking about an org that wouldn't trade for Ben Simmons because the price was too high but then paid a ridiculously high price for a 1 dimensional post player in what's been a guard/wing dominant league for the past decade plus.

So, as far as we know they had a deal that would have been acceptable to us -- but didn't pull the trigger. Because Vivek loves and wanted Buddy so freaking much.

I give up. There's just no explaining this org, their owner or their brain-dead decisions.

The harsh cold reality has finally set in for me. This org will almost certainly never be successful with Vivek Ranadive running it. He's hired every bonehead GM that's effed up every BIG decision they've been faced with.

This franchise has had ONE capable ownership group in its Sacramento existence and that group crumbled during the recession circa 2006 - 2012.

We're in purgatory until Ranadive is removed as controlling partner or decides enough is enough and sells.
Trading Haliburton also negatively impacts Richaun game as well. Their pick and roll was a joy to watch. Oh well...
Who says Holmes will even be here? Most Kings fans wanted this roster shaken up. I don’t think we should assume the rest of Vlade’s guys will be here for the next season or two. I think it’s pretty clear this whole thing will look different by summer
Comparing Boban to Sabonis is hard to understand to begin with
I’m saying they’re not on the same tier as basketball players since Sabonis is better ... but both are “skilled” ... therefore being “skilled” is not evidence by itself of being a great basketball player.

If it was Boban would be a star and start on teams.

That’s my very obvious point if you read my full post. Fit matters and putting a player in a cohesive/connected 5 man unit. It’s not a 1 on 1 game.

So back to my question - create a contender with a Fox/Sabonis lineup.
That’s where I’m at too. Domatas is an all-star and a very skilled player. Tyrese also could be an All-Star in the future but for now Sabonis is the better player. It sucks but this isn’t like the time we traded Webber for three bad contracts because we wanted cap flexibility.

people talked about following the Bulls model with Fox. Well, we just got our Vuc.
Except the Bulls pieces fit well as Vuc could stretch the floor and open up driving lanes. In this case Fox has struggled because our lack of shooting leaves no room for him to drive. So we trade away our two best shooters and the guard who could play pick and roll with Sabonis???

Monte legit builds a team like he is assembling a fantasy roster. His ability as a GM is as poor as Vlade but bad for different reasons. Very few understand the fit of what we have done.


The Game Thread Dude
I’m saying they’re not on the same tier as basketball players since Sabonis is better ... but both are “skilled” ... therefore being “skilled” is not evidence by itself of being a great basketball player.

If it was Boban would be a star and start on teams.

That’s my very obvious point if you read my full post.
but some players are more skilled than others. Sabonis is the second best passing big in the league behind only Joker. That goes beyond simply being “skilled”
i honestly disagree. Do we desperately need more shooting? Absolutely, but - upside aside - we got the best player in the deal that’s still young and we didn’t give up any picks to do it. Tyrese Haliburton is super likable and wanted to be here, but, it’s not as if Fox flipped off the community and said he hates it here. He’s been incredibly loyal and plays hard as well, despite this weird covid protocol filled season.
I’m sad to see Tyrese go but i really do want to give Fox a chance to recover and get himself right. Trading Fox after a couple rough months and a roster that doesn’t fit around him isn’t the best option either IMO.
Hali > Fox. Simple as that. Trading Hali and keeping Fox is going to set this team back 5 yrs. F’ck Monte.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Well, you're also talking about an org that wouldn't trade for Ben Simmons because the price was too high but then paid a ridiculously high price for a 1 dimensional post player in what's been a guard/wing dominant league for the past decade plus.
speaking to a fellow day one tortured soul I have nothing but respect but I feel like the Simmons deal was never really on the table and "ridiculously high price" when we kept our draft pick here feels like an overstatement. I don't like this move because it wasn't the trade I'd have made or the type of player I wanted to target. And I feel like we should have just rode the season out and secured a top pick then done this type of deal. It probably would be there on draft day.

But if we had traded Fox, Haliburton and 3 picks for Simmons I'd have murdered someone and that was apparently the price to get in the door.
We’re going to throw such a huge parade when we get wiped out in one game as the 10th seed.
Why can’t trading for Sabonis mean that they also want a chance to be better in the future? He’s not old and this move doesn’t feel like it’s just about this season. I get that a lot of people liked Haliburton but this roster was already a poor fit and one trade was never going to fix that. We have a lot more to do, but, in my eyes, getting more talented along the way is a good thing.
Well, with three PGs on the team, I figure someone has to go. But I thought they should get something out of Buddy Hield. Jeremy Lamb ain't bad...but Haliburton may turn into Magic Johnson in this league. They might now need to trade Fox for Simmons.
The Kings can’t focus on perception right now. Fox was getting it together after a rough start before getting hurt and we just got the best player in the trade.
You're completely delusional. The NBA is a guard/wing dominated league. A 3 pt shooting league.

They just traded a young, up and coming play-making guard for a post player that's not even half as dominant as a Shaq or Duncan.

If you truly believe this, you are just as clueless and naive as Monte McNair.
Man Sabonis has two years remaining on his contract this is embarrassing. We have to trade fox and voluble around him there’s no way they can play together successfully when fox is a non threat shooting
So fricken sick,pissed, disappointed AF, and my list goes on but now I have to go pick my dam groceries off the floor from the gut punch I saw on TV carrying them in

so….. we have the game tonight as we’re devoted season ticket holders so….. I shouldn’t be surprised when suddenly Fox steps back on Court minus “the sore ankle” saga?


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Monte legit builds a team like he is assembling a fantasy roster. His ability as a GM is as poor as Vlade but bad for different reasons. Very few understand the fit of what we have done.
c'mon, it was pretty clear this is the first move not the last. he had a few good deals go sour which surely would have made other moves feasible. You have to believe that at least one of Holmes or Barnes is gone. It's possible (probable) that we move both and it may not be in the order you like either. Also Monte just traded his first ever draft pick for a move that may not be resoundingly popular. To me that shows he has more cojones than anyone since Petrie. I hope we get to see him work out his vision. If it's terrible we at least deserve to see if play out with another pick, a coach, and a few more trades.