Yes, it is a source of pride. And yes it is THE selling point, because we do not have other selling points. And that is a problem. As much as it is - and should be - a point of pride, it is likely very low on the list of reasons for players to want to come here and stay here. Being a good run franchise, being a perennial contender., having a reputation for developing players and being able to offer monetary incentives (not just by overpaying but also local advertising income - be a Pizza Guy!) are things which are much more important. Especially in today's game, where loyalty to a team has become loyalty to the NBA as Parker pointed out. He is not wrong and I don't have an issue with that. But it does show that a loyal fanbase means very little on the grander scale of things. And this franchise is more or less only good at overpaying for underperforming players.
So for me, this is shifting the discussion from what is really the problem (horrible FO) to a non sequitur (the fans are chasing players away) It is is disingenuous and reeks of Stockholm Syndrome, pardon me saying.
Who around here (or anywhere else) says that he deserves it? Serious question.
I think there is a very small and focal group on social media that say this awful stuff to Bagley (and maybe others) and I don't even know if they are real fans or just people venting their frustration of life.