My personal opinion is that where there is smoke there is fire,
No offense to you, as you are entitled to that opinion, and I tend see eye-to-eye with you on many things. but I've never been a fan of that POV. I believe it to be highly dangerous. It's sometimes true, but quite far from reliable.
In my lifetime I've seen instances of people lying and making false accusations towards others for reasons only justifiable to them.
In this particular situation I don't even pretend to know what did or didn't happen. So I prefer to subscribe to an 'always innocent until proven otherwise' approach. I don't know either party. I have no clue how trustworthy, honest or dishonest they may be. Even if I did know one or both parties, it still doesn't make it easy to know who is fabricating.
All I know is words in a he said, she said scenario doesn't qualify as smoke for me. Hell, there are people out there that will lob a similar accusation once someone else already has because they know it is much more likely to be believed. Not saying all instances like that are false, I'm just saying that it does happen. Just like wrongful imprisonments. So even a couple people making similar accusations doesn't do it for me. At some point there needs to be something more concrete than mere opportunity and someone's words.
Again, for me, I need a helluva lot more evidence than an accusation and proof that the two individuals were in the same place at the same time. If that's all it takes, then any of us can be guilty of anything someone wants to accuse us of.