Allegations against Luke Walton (split from new coach thread)

You're right and wrong. If he's innocent, he should fight it in court. Settling would send the wrong message. But your claim that people who are innocent don't settle is wrong. That's just not the way the world works. People settle for many reasons. Legal fees, for example, can double or triple the cost of settling. A protracted legal battle can be damaging to one's career and family. Settling can save a marriage and family (or the opposite, depending on the spouse's position). Settling might be out of the accuser's hands and in the hands of an insurance company. In my experience with being sued, I was innocent and wanted to go to court. But my insurance company claimed I was underinsured and they refused to allow it to go to court. Just sayin' that settling doesn't absolutely mean one is/was guilty.

I don't think there is a definite right or wrong in this. It's just a difference of opinion and it depends on a lot of things, as you pointed out yourself.


Hall of Famer
I'm on the opposite side after watching that. I find it hard to believe her. For someone who has spent years in front of a camera, she looks extremely uncomfortable there. Even when just explaining the lead up to the whole situation where nothing is going on other than meeting in the lobby at the hotel. Something just doesn't seem right about her demeanor. If I had to bet money on it from watching that clip, I'd say she's either lying or embellishing and is nervous about being in front of the camera and not telling the truth like she's used to.

I'm not trying to minimize what happened at all but she's telling what I feel like is a relatively mild story that involves the phrase "sexual assault" and she's acting almost terrified to tell it 3-5 years after it happened. Something about it just seems weird. Throw in the fact that she left her ex fiance' because he got hurt in a motorcycle crash and is now an "ex reporter" and "wellness coach"....I don't know, the alarm bells are just kind of going off on the whole situation.

I could be wrong about the whole thing. I wouldn't put it past a ton of athletes and high profile people to do things like this. They are used to getting what they want because they are who they are. I'm sure it happens way more than we would ever know and it's probably happened with players that we would never have expected in a million years. It's just so far in this particular case, I find it hard to believe her. If any facts come out and it turns out she was telling the truth, then Walton deserves to be blacklisted from the game.
I’m with you. Based on this video and other information given....not a lot quite frankly, I don’t buy her story and the timing of this coming out sure seems opportunistic, plus she is allegedly good friends with Walton’s wife. They don’t want to press charges, just want her to feel good, I this point, I just don’t buy it. And I get that women are hesitant to come forward when something like this happens for obvious reasons of fear, but I don’t buy it.
I’m with you. Based on this video and other information given....not a lot quite frankly, I don’t buy her story and the timing of this coming out sure seems opportunistic, plus she is allegedly good friends with Walton’s wife. They don’t want to press charges, just want her to feel good, I this point, I just don’t buy it. And I get that women are hesitant to come forward when something like this happens for obvious reasons of fear, but I don’t buy it.
Yeah I get it too. Especially when she has a job such as a sports reporter. I can't recall cases of it happening in the past but I feel like it would be career suicide to come out with it right away. It shouldn't be that way at all but I just feel like she would kind of have been blacklisted at that point regardless of what the verdict was in the end.

But with all that said, my opinion that she's not quite telling the truth isn't based on her waiting 5 years either. The whole thing just doesn't quite add up to me.
Must say it’s much more civil here than over at STR. I just don’t get how folks are so quick to fire someone based on an allegation.

Anyway, Sam Amick linked a Press Democrat article that referenced Nick Ekbatani, who was a former fiancee of the accuser. Nick was a former Bruin lineman, who lost his leg in a motorcycle incident. IMO, her comments at his trial against is going to play a major part in Luke’s defense. She basically said she dumped Nick, because caring for him became too much for her career. She was losing opps because of him. Yes, under oath, she admitted to choosing her career over her just lost his leg fiancée.

That and the fact that she cleaned her social media image seems to be a long planned out strategy to position herself. When the Luke’s defense drills in,she’s going to be seen in a whole other light.
Must say it’s much more civil here than over at STR. I just don’t get how folks are so quick to fire someone based on an allegation.

Anyway, Sam Amick linked a Press Democrat article that referenced Nick Ekbatani, who was a former fiancee of the accuser. Nick was a former Bruin lineman, who lost his leg in a motorcycle incident. IMO, her comments at his trial against is going to play a major part in Luke’s defense. She basically said she dumped Nick, because caring for him became too much for her career. She was losing opps because of him. Yes, under oath, she admitted to choosing her career over her just lost his leg fiancée.

That and the fact that she cleaned her social media image seems to be a long planned out strategy to position herself. When the Luke’s defense drills in,she’s going to be seen in a whole other light.
I was thinking about the same thing about the str comments sections. Except for a few posters here it's been mostly balanced and fair opinions. Most wanting to wait for all the facts or fire IF it's true. Over there it's a lot of fire now without facts or "statistics" say most allegations are true so he must be wrong. Smh
@dude12 @ESP47

This subject is so difficult to discuss because it’s highly sensitive, understandably so, and many people are going to be offended if you don’t agree with them or if they feel the subject is being trivialized.

Understanding that, I will say that the PC today didn’t exactly sway me toward her side. Admittedly, I’m an adult male and have never had to deal with the same inequality and assault based issues as women. But I do have a very young daughter who I love and protect with my life. If what’s alleged happened to her, I’d be more than livid. So if it seems that I’m trivializing, understand that I’m thinking of my daughter when I state this POV.

As I stated previously, the timing of this still doesn’t sit well with me. I won’t restate all of the reasons why for brevity’s sake. But now I’m reading it happened 5 years ago rather than 3. While terrible if true, what is being alleged is something I’d consider a 2 or 3 on a scale of assault crimes and not to the egregious level that I’d expect a 26 - 28 year old adult to be so terrified to discuss for an extended period of time.

If it had happend to my daughter, I’d be livid at the attacker but I’d also be disappointed in my daughter for not reporting it. Not only for the sake of potential other victims but the severity isn’t to the level where I’d expect silence. In a case like the Duke LaCrosse assault, the accusations were such that I’d fully understand someone burying it and not wanting to discuss or even think about it for a long, long time if ever (just referring to the accusations, not the outcome). But this is not at that level. Not even close.

While it shouldn’t be accepted, ever, I pretty sure most women have endured unwanted physical attention many times in their lives. Hell, I’ve seen it happen in dance clubs many times in my lifetime. I’ve even been grabbed myself on more than one occasion. While unwanted and unpleasant, it’s not something that typically scars someone for years. I recognize that Ms. Tennant’s accusations are a few levels above just a grab, but it’s not full on rape either.

Lastly, if true, I take issue that she kept it to herself throughout her tenure covering LA IF it was to protect that franchise or even her job. I’d be disappointed in my daughter for doing that, even though I’d support her claim.

We’ve heard nothing but ‘Me Too’ for the past couple years and LA is right at ground zero of it all. So why didn’t she come out with this claim at any point during the height of it?

For that reason, the severity and timing of it all, and her demeanor today, I’m just not convinced. But I won’t proclaim that it didn’t happen either. I have no idea. Nobody but the two of them will likely ever know.

**EDIT: I ran this post by my wife to make sure I wasn’t completely tone deaf and she didn’t have one problem with it. So at least one woman in this world shares my concerns :) Truthfully, she’s being harder on Ms. Tennant than I have. She doesn’t believe her story at all, while I’m not convinced 100% either way.
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Must say it’s much more civil here than over at STR. I just don’t get how folks are so quick to fire someone based on an allegation.

Anyway, Sam Amick linked a Press Democrat article that referenced Nick Ekbatani, who was a former fiancee of the accuser. Nick was a former Bruin lineman, who lost his leg in a motorcycle incident. IMO, her comments at his trial against is going to play a major part in Luke’s defense. She basically said she dumped Nick, because caring for him became too much for her career. She was losing opps because of him. Yes, under oath, she admitted to choosing her career over her just lost his leg fiancée.

That and the fact that she cleaned her social media image seems to be a long planned out strategy to position herself. When the Luke’s defense drills in,she’s going to be seen in a whole other light.

I don’t have an account at STR but I did read through comments there last night which provoked my earlier reply regarding ‘she has no reason or benefit to lie’. One particular poster kept repeating that and it was ridiculous to me. I wanted to sign up just to respond, but there appears to be a kink in the system. C’est la vie.

Regarding her ex-fiancée and social media accounts, they are just more pieces to the puzzle IMO.
@dude12 @ESP47

This subject is so difficult to discuss because it’s highly sensitive, understandably so, and many people are going to be offended if you don’t agree with them or if they feel the subject is being trivialized.

Understanding that, I will say that the PC today didn’t exactly sway me toward her side. Admittedly, I’m an adult male and have never had to deal with the same inequality and assault based issues as women. But I do have a very young daughter who I love and protect with my life. If what’s alleged happened to her, I’d be more than livid. So if it seems that I’m trivializing, understand that I’m thinking of my daughter when I state this POV.

As I stated previously, the timing of this still doesn’t sit well with me. I won’t restate all of the reasons why for brevity’s sake. But now I’m reading it happened 5 years ago rather than 3. While terrible if true, what is being alleged is something I’d consider a 2 or 3 on a scale of assault crimes and not to the egregious level that I’d expect a 26 - 28 year old adult to be so terrified to discuss for an extended period of time.

If it had happend to my daughter, I’d be livid at the attacker but I’d also be disappointed in my daughter for not reporting it. Not only for the sake of potential other victims but the severity isn’t to the level where I’d expect silence. In a case like the Duke LaCrosse assault, the accusations were such that I’d fully understand someone burying it and not wanting to discuss or even think about it for a long, long time if ever (just referring to the accusations, not the outcome). But this is not at that level. Not even close.

While it shouldn’t be accepted, ever, I pretty sure most women have endured unwanted physical attention many times in their lives. Hell, I’ve seen it happen in dance clubs many times in my lifetime. I’ve even been grabbed myself on more than one occasion. While unwanted and unpleasant, it’s not something that typically scars someone for years. I recognize that Ms. Tennant’s accusations are a few levels above just a grab, but it’s not full on rape either.

Lastly, if true, I take issue that she kept it to herself throughout her tenure covering LA IF it was to protect that franchise or even her job. I’d be disappointed in my daughter for doing that, even though I’d support her claim.

We’ve heard nothing but ‘Me Too’ for the past couple years and LA is right at ground zero of it all. So why didn’t she come out with this claim at any point during the height of it?

For that reason, the severity and timing of it all, and her demeanor today, I’m just not convinced. But I won’t proclaim that it didn’t happen either. I have no idea. Nobody but the two of them will likely ever know.

**EDIT: I ran this post by my wife to make sure I wasn’t completely tone deaf and she didn’t have one problem with it. So at least one woman in this world shares my concerns :) Truthfully, she’s being harder on Ms. Tennant than I have. She doesn’t believe her story at all, while I’m not convinced 100% either way.
Haha. Same is the case with my wife. I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

My daughter is about the same size as Ms. Tennant and knows karate so woe to the man who tried something like that. But on the other hand, if she wasn’t forcibly undressed, I would expect her to deal with it then in no uncertain terms. I would also expect her to say to the guy if something like this behavior ever happens again I’m going to your boss and the press. Period and if needed I will document it and send it to you in email. I would not be happy with her handling this situation as it’s been to my knowledge currently handled.
Here is an interesting tidbit. According to her lawsuit, it states the incident occurred in April 2016, while the GSW were in town to play the Lakers.

They did not specify the exact date, but the GSW never played the Lakers in April of the 2015-16 season. Here was the Warriors schedule for that time frame.

Makes you wonder about the timeline of events in her lawsuit.
The link says 2014
I think people who watch the video (of her press conference) will either be more or less inclined to believe her. But I’m going to try and remain undecided and uninfluenced until/unless there is corroborating evidence. One thing that I keep thinking is that, if she is telling the truth, she is not his only victim. Does that mean that others will come forward with their “me too” stories? Maybe.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
The timeline really bothers me. Also if it's true that she's good friends with his wife it makes the "he always hugged me every time I saw him" thing a lot less creepy than it appeared as first reported.

Either way, the initial behavior is totally unacceptable but I'm inclined to believe it's a private matter that shouldn't destroy careers as it is certainly not a criminal assault. Also true or not there is no way the timing of this is not related to him leaving the Lakers, for whatever that reason I reiterate it really, really bothers me.
The timeline really bothers me. Also if it's true that she's good friends with his wife it makes the "he always hugged me every time I saw him" thing a lot less creepy than it appeared as first reported.

Either way, the initial behavior is totally unacceptable but I'm inclined to believe it's a private matter that shouldn't destroy careers as it is certainly not a criminal assault. Also true or not there is no way the timing of this is not related to him leaving the Lakers, for whatever that reason I reiterate it really, really bothers me.
walton's lawyer called her an opportunists. this could be a way to smear her name or it could be the truth. i bet they are going to use this angle tho. that shes in it for the money. look at the stuff that is leaking. she left her fiance after his leg was amputated because it prevented job opportunities. she kept silent while working for a lakers linked job while walton was working there. she filed the case after he left and got a new job as head coach, and the case is a civil lawsuit not criminal suit in which her lawyer stated we dont have a specific sum in mind meaning they are going for money not to stop a potential sexual assaulter by putting him in jail. if you do a quick search about the story all that stuff is there setting up waltons lawyers' angle. it could all be circumstancial though. there are plenty of reasons why she didnt go forward right away and many victims dont and that doesnt mean they are lying. but if this was a criminal case the lawyers are gonna do all they can to cast that shadow of a doubt that would set their defendant free.
walton's lawyer called her an opportunists. this could be a way to smear her name or it could be the truth. i bet they are going to use this angle tho. that shes in it for the money. look at the stuff that is leaking. she left her fiance after his leg was amputated because it prevented job opportunities. she kept silent while working for a lakers linked job while walton was working there. she filed the case after he left and got a new job as head coach, and the case is a civil lawsuit not criminal suit in which her lawyer stated we dont have a specific sum in mind meaning they are going for money not to stop a potential sexual assaulter by putting him in jail. if you do a quick search about the story all that stuff is there setting up waltons lawyers' angle. it could all be circumstancial though. there are plenty of reasons why she didnt go forward right away and many victims dont and that doesnt mean they are lying. but if this was a criminal case the lawyers are gonna do all they can to cast that shadow of a doubt that would set their defendant free.
Yeah she doesn’t want to send him to jail but she’s okay with ruining his career? Seems odd
The timeline really bothers me. Also if it's true that she's good friends with his wife it makes the "he always hugged me every time I saw him" thing a lot less creepy than it appeared as first reported.

Either way, the initial behavior is totally unacceptable but I'm inclined to believe it's a private matter that shouldn't destroy careers as it is certainly not a criminal assault. Also true or not there is no way the timing of this is not related to him leaving the Lakers, for whatever that reason I reiterate it really, really bothers me.
Agreed. I think a lot of this timing was to sway the public opinion on her, here in SoCal, where the lawsuit was filed. If she accuses a current Laker coach of these allegations, she would get lambasted by the Laker faithful here in SoCal. By waiting until he is no longer the Lakers coach, Luke becomes an easier target, because she will not be attacked by the rabid Laker fanbase and by public opinion as much.

Also, if she was good friends with his wife, why would she not call him out to his wife privately, instead of taking this to a civil lawsuit? If she is not interested in pressing charges for justice, wouldn't it be more "cathartic" and "healing" to tell your good friend that her husband is a "dog" and make her aware of what he is doing to other women, instead of suing for money?
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Anyway, Sam Amick linked a Press Democrat article that referenced Nick Ekbatani, who was a former fiancee of the accuser. Nick was a former Bruin lineman, who lost his leg in a motorcycle incident. IMO, her comments at his trial against is going to play a major part in Luke’s defense. She basically said she dumped Nick, because caring for him became too much for her career. She was losing opps because of him. Yes, under oath, she admitted to choosing her career over her just lost his leg fiancée.
From the article that I read, it stated that her former fiancee got into that motorcycle accident just after they went out for a few times. If that's the case, that means they got engage later on after his hospital stay and most likely during his long recovery. I know it's easy to say the person that left is a bastard, but think about it for a second and look at it in an unbiased way.

Basically all she experienced in this relationship was technically "bad" times. You can look at it as she bailed on him or you can say she tried to make it work and tried to help for as long as she could even though she could've left right away. She was very young and has a life and dreams too. It's just asking a lot for her to go from barely started dating to lifelong care giver. Just pointing out there is no clear black and white in stuff like this. The truth is, we don't know about their relationship. Kudos to Nick as it seems like he has his life back together. Would be interesting to see what he has to say about her.
Agreed. I think a lot of this timing was to sway the public opinion on her, here in SoCal, where the lawsuit was filed. If she accuses a current Laker coach of these allegations, she would get lambasted by the Laker faithful here in SoCal. By waiting until he is no longer the Lakers coach, Luke becomes an easier target, because she will not be attacked by the rabid Laker fanbase and by public opinion as much.

Also, if she was good friends with his wife, why would she not call him out to his wife privately, instead of taking this to a civil lawsuit? If she is not interested in pressing charges for justice, wouldn't it be more "cathartic" and "healing" to tell your good friend that her husband is a "dog" and make her aware of what he is doing to other women, instead of suing for money?

Where did they say Kelli is/was good friends with the wife? What I remember reading was they both played volleyball and she knew Luke's wife and Luke from the volleyball circle for 10 years. Probably because they both played for PAC10 schools at the time. Kelli played for USC and Luke's wife played for Arizona.

If they were good friends, it would be odd that she didn't tell Luke's wife right away. Maybe I missed the part where they are good friends.
Where did they say Kelli is/was good friends with the wife? What I remember reading was they both played volleyball and she knew Luke's wife and Luke from the volleyball circle for 10 years. Probably because they both played for PAC10 schools at the time. Kelli played for USC and Luke's wife played for Arizona.

If they were good friends, it would be odd that she didn't tell Luke's wife right away. Maybe I missed the part where they are good friends.
There has been a couple of post that says that she was friends with Luke's wife.

I'm not sure if this is correct or not, I'm just speculating on some other comments earlier in the thread. They may or may not be friends
Here is a link to Kelli Tennants press conference. People can watch and make your own assessments from this:

Interestingly, according to the press conference, she has been family friends with her lawyer, Garo Mardirossian, since she was 12 years old. She is now 30 years old.

Knowing the type of lawyer he is, I wonder why she did not go to him earlier about her accusations? One would think if you had someone like him in your life, she or her family would go to him right away with this alleged incident.
She seemed believable to me.

It’s subjective and I’ve noticed many who question her are Walton supporters etc.

Not only am I not a fan of the hire, and wanted Messina after Joerger was unfortunately dismissed, but Walton has the stench of a misbehavior coming into the job if his contract is honored. You just hope that doesn’t play into the culture/locker room if he sticks
She seemed believable to me.

It’s subjective and I’ve noticed many who question her are Walton supporters etc.

Not only am I not a fan of the hire, and wanted Messina after Joerger was unfortunately dismissed, but Walton has the stench of a misbehavior coming into the job if his contract is honored. You just hope that doesn’t play into the culture/locker room if he sticks
You’re reply seems to be exact opposite. You say u noticed those who question her are Walton supporters then state you believe her and that u are not a Walton supporter. Both facts don’t always coincide one way or the other.
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Hall of Famer
She seemed believable to me.

It’s subjective and I’ve noticed many who question her are Walton supporters etc.

Not only am I not a fan of the hire, and wanted Messina after Joerger was unfortunately dismissed, but Walton has the stench of a misbehavior coming into the job if his contract is honored. You just hope that doesn’t play into the culture/locker room if he sticks
You just said last night you were rooting for Walton’s career(and life) to be ruined because you “dream of Messina” and then you actually have the nerve to accuse others of having an agenda that cloud their perspective on this?
You just said last night you were rooting for Walton’s career(and life) to be ruined because you “dream of Messina” and then you actually have the nerve to accuse others of having an agenda that cloud their perspective on this?
I unblocked him for a second to see what he said then regretted that quickly. I left my imprint on that block button real quick after I read that lol.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Must say it’s much more civil here than over at STR. I just don’t get how folks are so quick to fire someone based on an allegation.

Anyway, Sam Amick linked a Press Democrat article that referenced Nick Ekbatani, who was a former fiancee of the accuser. Nick was a former Bruin lineman, who lost his leg in a motorcycle incident. IMO, her comments at his trial against is going to play a major part in Luke’s defense. She basically said she dumped Nick, because caring for him became too much for her career. She was losing opps because of him. Yes, under oath, she admitted to choosing her career over her just lost his leg fiancée.

That and the fact that she cleaned her social media image seems to be a long planned out strategy to position herself. When the Luke’s defense drills in,she’s going to be seen in a whole other light.
Oh behalf of all the mods, you're welcome. ;)

I did a bit of housekeeping in this thread and removed a couple of posts that did nothing to further a rational discussion. I want to say one thing: With a couple of exceptions (one of whom is no longer leaving any imprint on this forum), you guys have done an incredible job of sharing your thoughts and opinions in this regard without breaking any of the rules. Thank you all.
I wanted to stay out of this conversation but just watched the press conference so will say...I was happy about the Luke Walton hire, but I'm a long time Kings fan and we deserve good things, this is not good and it wont ever be good. Its unfortunate for Kelli if true, yes she is believable, and unfortunate for Luke and family if baseless. We wiill never know for sure unless Luke comes out and says the allegatiions are correct, or Kelli changes her story. The courts decesion will not erase doubt.
I can go on about having daughters myself or once being a young man with ragging hormones or timing of the allegations, or damn Lakers always screwing us but bottom line I feel its best to change course to put this distraction behind us.