@dude12 @ESP47
This subject is so difficult to discuss because it’s highly sensitive, understandably so, and many people are going to be offended if you don’t agree with them or if they feel the subject is being trivialized.
Understanding that, I will say that the PC today didn’t exactly sway me toward her side. Admittedly, I’m an adult male and have never had to deal with the same inequality and assault based issues as women. But I do have a very young daughter who I love and protect with my life. If what’s alleged happened to her, I’d be more than livid. So if it seems that I’m trivializing, understand that I’m thinking of my daughter when I state this POV.
As I stated previously, the timing of this still doesn’t sit well with me. I won’t restate all of the reasons why for brevity’s sake. But now I’m reading it happened 5 years ago rather than 3. While terrible if true, what is being alleged is something I’d consider a 2 or 3 on a scale of assault crimes and not to the egregious level that I’d expect a 26 - 28 year old adult to be so terrified to discuss for an extended period of time.
If it had happend to my daughter, I’d be livid at the attacker but I’d also be disappointed in my daughter for not reporting it. Not only for the sake of potential other victims but the severity isn’t to the level where I’d expect silence. In a case like the Duke LaCrosse assault, the accusations were such that I’d fully understand someone burying it and not wanting to discuss or even think about it for a long, long time if ever (just referring to the accusations, not the outcome). But this is not at that level. Not even close.
While it shouldn’t be accepted, ever, I pretty sure most women have endured unwanted physical attention many times in their lives. Hell, I’ve seen it happen in dance clubs many times in my lifetime. I’ve even been grabbed myself on more than one occasion. While unwanted and unpleasant, it’s not something that typically scars someone for years. I recognize that Ms. Tennant’s accusations are a few levels above just a grab, but it’s not full on rape either.
Lastly, if true, I take issue that she kept it to herself throughout her tenure covering LA IF it was to protect that franchise or even her job. I’d be disappointed in my daughter for doing that, even though I’d support her claim.
We’ve heard nothing but ‘Me Too’ for the past couple years and LA is right at ground zero of it all. So why didn’t she come out with this claim at any point during the height of it?
For that reason, the severity and timing of it all, and her demeanor today, I’m just not convinced. But I won’t proclaim that it didn’t happen either. I have no idea. Nobody but the two of them will likely ever know.
**EDIT: I ran this post by my wife to make sure I wasn’t completely tone deaf and she didn’t have one problem with it. So at least one woman in this world shares my concerns
Truthfully, she’s being harder on Ms. Tennant than I have. She doesn’t believe her story at all, while I’m not convinced 100% either way.