Thread maybe needs to be retitled - because it is basically a one man "I hate Joerger" show. Full of absolutes from a person who apparently has current NBA coaches as personal buddies who secretly agree with him over beers. Because I haven't seen any quotes from NBA coaches this year about Joerger other than "he's doing a hell of a job" or... "he's doing an excpetional job" or.. "he's doing a really great job". I haven't seen a quote from another NBA coach that would suggest "oh with the stockpile of young talent he inherited he's running about par". I would like to see them. I would like to see which NBA coach would claim an ability to do better. One, single, example.
The Joerger hate is so random I just wonder if he was rude to somebody in traffic and their revenge is to post repetitive negative stuff about him on twitter and message boards. We have not had a good coach since Adelman (not counting Karl because I don't think he had a fair chance to run the team... just imagine if they had let him trade prime Boogie back when he wanted to). Now we have one, sniffing the playoffs with a team national press deemed the dregs of the league, likely to finish dead last - and there are posters who assign childish motivations to him (he just LOOOVES some certain mediocre player irrationally) and assume he has the most simplistic thought processes.
Nobody remembers Dave saying "this is a three year process" right after the Boogie trade? It seemed somewhat obvious to me that last year was an 82 game training camp where vets teach youth about toughness grit and fundamentals - this year was about playing young and fast and getting their feet under them - and next year will be about serious contending.
I like the starting lineup and am anxious to see it play out. And I admit 100% that I am biased. I love Dave Joerger and Vlade Divac. I'm rooting for them to shove it down their detractors' throats. So I'm not objective.
Whole heartedly agree. Kings, Vlade and Joeger had a plan beginning with the Cousins trade and they have stuck with it. It’s bearing fruit.They did not just suddenly see the light this season and come around to their detractor’s way of thinking this season. Everything was all part of the plan, not to say they haven’t been flexible and made adjustments to the plan along the way.
Let me begin by saying that I have thoroughly enjoyed the Kings as a team this year. Unfortunately, this site, not so much. I was optimistic at the end of last season about the team and I also hoped that as the team got better the forum would get better and the negativity would, if not go away, at least substantially decrease. The team has way exceeded my expectations, but the forum has under-performed. The forum was a mess at the end of last year, just dominated by a soured, constantly negative, entitled, conspiracy touting, handful of posters. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of negativity here.
They like to say it’s a message board and that it’s there for discussion. But it doesn’t seem like discussion to me, seems like the same handful are just looking for something to be constantly whining, complaining, belly-aching about.
Those kinds of people remind me of the kind of people you attend a movie with, a movie that you really enjoyed, an award-winning movie as judged by their peers, but all these people do is tell you how wrong you were to enjoy the movie. Even though they have never been in a move, directed a movie, produced a movie, never had an acting class, don’t have a degree in cinema or the arts, probably never even performed in a 3rd grade play. But nevertheless, they are self-proclaimed experts and proceed to constantly and loudly criticize the acting, the plot, even the musical score, because it’s what they do. Everything is negative with them because that is the way they demonstrate their“ superior knowledge” to everyone. They are “in the know” about such things, while you are naïve and foolish not to see how smart they are. I avoid those kinds of people every chance I get.
I used to get frustrated with that on here and take periodic vacations from the site. But I am a Kings fan, and I hunger for any and all information that pertains to the Kings, so I would give in to temptation and browse again. There are some good comments and threads on here and I enjoy those, but sooner or later almost every thread degenerates into negativity.
I was advised to use the Ignore function and I finally did, but with some misgivings. It’s not a block function, it does not prevent them from seeing your posts, commenting on your posts, quoting and misrepresenting your posts, and you won’t know if they do because you don’t see their posts. But, I finally did it, I currently have 8 people on ignore (8 out of 2717 members), 7 because of their constant negative complaining, singling out individual players or coach for constant attacks, and then one because he is just bat crap crazy.
Cleaned up the threads a lot, but they sure have a lot of holes in them because they are prolific. After this thread and yesterday’s game thread with all the unnecessary drama, looks like I left a few off. Now, I am sure I am going to get roundly criticized, but, ha, ha, I won’t know it!