New Era Prediction Game 2017-18: Game Over!! See You in a New Thread Next Season

We were almost all fooled by the Kings' recent good results and llulled into a W-prediction...

With our 2 most frequent L-predictors missing-in-action (97.1% of @chief bromden's predictions, and 85.5% of @eMBarkat10n's, were L-predictions)...

The 3rd one in line - @Capt. Factorial (76% Ls) was scarily accurate tonight! He nailed the Mavs' score and only missed Kings' score (and hence, the margin too) by a single point! A staggering 85!

The rest of us all struggled, with @Ron (12) and @CVKingsfan (11) being the least awful...

@BeerNerd916 held a winner prediction, worth 70 points, early on... only to replace it by a miserable 6pt-worth W-prediction about 1 hour to tip-off... :oops:



Only the 4th daily win for @Capt. Factorial this season.


Season Leaderboard

@Capt. Factorial came very close to cupturing the 2nd place, but eventually there where no changes in ranking.

@New Era let the pesty "FlatLiner" take the lead once more...


Points Per Prediction



Longest Streak Correctly Predicting Winner............14 -
@New Era in games 53-68 (absent in 2 of them)
Best Active Streak Correctly Predicting Winner...........
4 - @eMBarkat10n (kept streak alive by absence)
Worst Streak Incorrectly Predicting the Winner............
8 -
@El Paljasso in the first 9 games (absent once)
Worst Active Streak Incorrectly Predicting Winner.......
2 -
@bubulina, @VF21, @El Paljasso, @origkds
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Hi there!

For the 4th time this year, our combined mind accurately predicted (on average)
the exact actual margin (-3) ... :)
(Previous times this has happened: games #11, #53 and #64)

And mind you - that's not a common thing...
Actually, Our group-think was already off by as much as 49 points
in predicting the margin this season... :eek:o_O:D

Here's the table and chart of how our average predicted point margin
related to the actual point margin, in each and every game this season:



We had a nice accurate prediction stretch back in games 62 to 64 (and even until 66).

We had our worst patches in games 12-15 and 33-37.
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Most of us (8 of 12) predicted the L,
and most of those who predicted the L (7) scored in the 50s or 60s.

The King of the night was @CVKingsfan, with 66,
followed by @BeerNerd916 (62)
and @Capt. Factorial (61)

@origkds (nailed Pacers score) and @VF21 were both close to the actual game score,
and scored quite high (for a losing W prediction): 18 and 16, respectively.



That was daily win number 9 for @CVKingsfan

# KingsFan ........................ Daily Wins
1. @Ron ............................... 13
2. @eMBarkat10n ............. 10
--- @New Era ...................... 10
4. @LoungeLizard ............... 9
--- @CVKingsfan .................. 9
6. @chief bromden ............ 8
--- @El Paljasso .................... 8
--- @BeerNerd916 .............. 8
9. @Telemachus ................. 6
10. @origkds ........................ 4
--- @Capt. Factorial ........... 4
12. @206Fan ......................... 2
13. @SLAB ............................. 1
--- @km23 ............................. 1
--- @alonshin ....................... 1
--- @King Baller .................. 1
--- @VF21 ............................. 1


One game to go in March!

The race is still far from decided!
@LoungeLizard, @CVKingsfan and @Capt. Factorial are all strong candidates for the March King throne.

What IS decided, and is a real blessing, is that March
will be the first month this prediction season which
will NOT have that wretched "FlatLiner" ranking
in the top 3 places of the monthly leader-board... :cool:


Season Leader-board

@eMBarkat10n, missing the last 2 games, dropped to 8th place,
passed by @CVKingsfan and @Telemachus.

# KingsFan......................... ..Pts... Rnk± Pts±
1. @New Era ...................... 2,741 ...... 56
2. @Ron ............................... 2,657 ...... 53
3. @Capt. Factorial .......... 2,653 ...... 61
4. @LoungeLizard ............ 2,547 ...... 58
5. @BeerNerd916 ............ 2,437 ...... 62
6. @CVKingsfan ................ 2,394 ....1 66
7. @Telemachus ............... 2,357 ....1 48
8. @eMBarkat10n ............ 2,348 ..-2 .....
9. @El Paljasso .................. 1,384 ...... ...4
10. @chief bromden ....... 1,356 ...... 54
11. @origkds ...................... 1,273 ...... 18
12. @bubulina ....................... 705 ...... ..2
13. @YoungBlood ................ 673 ...... .....
14. @SLAB .............................. 399 ...... .....
15. @206Fan .......................... 382 ...... .....
16. @Tetsujin ......................... 303 ...... .....
17. @Tomcat .......................... 284 ...... .....
18. @alonshin ........................ 233 ...... .....
19. @King Baller ................... 221 ...... .....
20. @VF21 ............................... 209 ...... 16
21. @km23 ............................. 160 ...... .....
22. @lwc .................................... 93 ...... .....
23. @KingsFanSince85 ......... 63 ...... .....
24. @Spike ................................ 55 ...... .....
25. @OffTheWallJamal ......... 10 ...... .....

None (1) *The Flatliner...... 2,794 ...... 59

* "The flatliner" is a prediction of a 97-106 loss each game
suggested by @R2D2 to check the fixed prediction strategy.


Points Per Prediction



Longest Streak Correctly Predicting Winner....14 - @New Era in games 53-68 (absent in 2 of them)
Longest Active Streak Predicting Winner..............4 - @Capt. Factorial and @eMBarkat10n (the latter by absence)
Worst Streak Mis-Predicting Winner........................8 - @El Paljasso in the first 9 games (absent once)
Worst Active Mis-Prediction Streak...........................3 - @bubulina, @VF21, @El Paljasso and @origkds

Highs and Lows

Overall Predictions
Most Prediction Attempts.......................
76 - @Capt. Factorial and @Telemachus
Most Correct Predictions of Winner..............
50 - @Ron and @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 50+..........
27 - @CVKingsfan
Most Predictions with a Score of 60+..........
16 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 70+.............
6 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 80+.............
2 - @New Era
Most Predictions with a Score of 90+.............
1 - @origkds, @eMBarkat10n and @Ron
High % Correct in Predicting Winner...
71.0% - @eMBarkat10n
Low % Correct in Predicting Winner....
21.4% - @VF21

Kings' W Predictions
Most Kings' W Predictions...........................
69 - @El Paljasso
Least Kings' W Predictions.............................
1 - @chief bromden
Highest % of Kings' W Predictions...
100% - @King Baller, @VF21, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Lowest % of Kings' W Predictions......
2.8% - @chief bromden
Most Correct Kings' W Predictions...........
21 - @El Paljasso
Least Correct Kings' W Predictions.............
0 - @chief bromden
Highest % Correct in Kings' W Pred....
75% - @YoungBlood
Lowest % Correct in Kings' W Pred.........
0% - @chief bromden

Kings' L Predictions
Most Kings' L Predictions...........................
58 - @Capt. Factorial
Least Kings' L Predictions..............................
0 - @King Baller, @VF21, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Highest % of Kings' L Predictions...
97.2% - @chief bromden
Lowest % of Kings' L Predictions............
0% - @King Baller, @VF21, @El Paljasso and @origkds
Most Correct Kings' L Predictions............
42 - @Capt. Factorial
Least Correct Kings' L Predictions................
1 - @bubulina
Highest % Correct in Kings' L Pred....
100% - @Tetsujin
Lowest % Correct in Kings' L Pred........
50% - @bubulina

Minimum predictions to qualify:
8 (Qualified: 19 KingFans)

Full Spreadsheet

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