Some people here are mocking you, but this was my experience with it (early 80's - and that was relatively crappy weed). Made me dumber and hungry. The groupthink these days (and this current era is so susceptible to groupthink it is astonishing - they think they are free thinkers but oh wow what a herd it is) ... is to defend it but nobody can tell me that when I was stoned, I wasn't freaking stoned. Stupid. Functioned lower, had munchies, strained not to giggle during field sobriety tests. It didn't exactly lead to harder stuff - and it is not worse than alcohol .... but it didn't exactly enhance my ambition either. And people who deny those effects I think are just completely dishonest.
PS I wish the stubborn old stoners at concerts could just eat the stuff in brownies or something... it's so completely inconsiderate to create indoor fumes whether it is tobacco, pot, incense or sage for that matter. Come on stoners - put it brownies and lollipops and let me be.
Ha ha funny PS there, John G.
Weed affects people differently. Some people handle dairy for example because they have lactase enzyme that breaks down lactose. Others don't have the enzyme (post infancy) and become lactose intolerant. It is not the perfect parallel of course but based on someone's genetic constitution and predisposition I think they have an adverse or pleasant experience with weed or somewhere in between. I don't care for it and agree it is
demotivating substance. And I think it makes you dumber. I pride myself in my intelligence. I want to to add to my brain cells (neurogenesis) not subtract from this incalculable number !
I have known people who love weed and I am like....why? The smell is okay. I am not as averse to it as you but don't actively want to inhale it. I know there are different strands but it is more miss than hit for me. Pass! I would rather have a frozen strawberry or passion fruit margarita with sugar on the rim. Served with side of warm tortilla chips and salsa now we are talking
Back to the esteemed backpack carrying Z-BO, the real issue prospectively is was the 35 year old dude who dresses like he is 15 years old dealing??? I had this thought trying to get into his head and bear with me because it may sound far fetched but could have merit. Let's presume Z-BO is a strong advocate of marijuana use. A safe presumption I would say. What if he thought he was doing the projects in the neighborhood a favor my dealing my weed to those interested. What if he thought he was doing a public service for the community at a small profit???? What if he got a little natural high off the dealing of drugs and the emotional connection through consummation of a deal???
Watts is a high crime area. A lot of gang activity. Is is possible Z-BO thinks by providing substance to calm nerves and take the edge off, he thinks he can quell the violent tendencies of the more extreme contingent??? I am presenting this from the perspective of chronic user (Z-BO) and how his love for weed would lead to the rational believe that others are in need of this substance for their emotional betterment.
My last thought on this matter is even if he was actively dealing, which I believe he was based on circumstantial evidence, i.e. two pounds of pot equivalent to 2000 joints, is that almost NO ONE speaks to the cops under these circumstances, so if someone participated in a drug deal, it will be extremely difficult for witness or participant to attest to this fact. Cops are the unfortunately viewed as the enemy when they are just trying to keep the peace. So even if Randolph was guilty of dealing, a prosecution and conviction is unlikely.
Here I was set to create a new thread about "Projective Competitiveness in 2017-18" and instead I am talking about two pounds of weed in the middle of August....good times!