His way of being the fan friendly guy was by hiring a guy who was a fan favorite as a PLAYER, to be the GM
I completely get what Lopes is saying about Maloofs v Vivek. Maloofs used to walk the concourse, hang out in the Skyline, give free courtside tix and concert tix to STH, host fan events. Hospitality stuff that is seemingly lost on Vivek's regime. Vivek's group hosts snooty wine tastings for suite/courtside crowd and that's about it.
I know of at least two superfans on twitter who have cancelled season tix that are complete shockers. This regime crapped on them in different ways - they threw fans in the garbage as if they were disposable. I'm talking about fans you would have to push out the door with both hands to get them to leave - and the Kings managed. These are people I follow on twitter and cannot believe they have gone sour on the Kings but they have - and it is not over W/L record. I know others too who are not social media guys but the same deal - they feel disregarded by this regime and they don't buy tickets anymore.
You can't fake customer service. This regime is clueless in this regard. You just look at the antics of Leslie Moore as Vivek's former "PR expert" (blocking fans, openly mocking Igoudala, etc) to see his real attitude - his disdain for everyone around him shows loud and clear. His staff reflects it too. Very very cocky and unaccommodating.
Maloofs had it all over Vivek in customer service and it is not even close. Maloofs weren't perfect - firing Adelman was atrocious and they were unlucky in real estate so they had to sell the team, but they were far superior hosts overall - money was much better spent on their experience for most of their time in the saddle.
Example - I'll never forget when they had men in tights perform along with the Royal Court Dancers. Crowd booed lustily. Postgame radio Joe was asked about it and said with a chuckle "yeah the fans didn't like it". And they stopped it.
Vivek's regime would say "boos? what boos? I didn't hear any boos. if they don't like it they can cancel their tickets next year".
He's the Marie Antoinette of the NBA: "Vivek, the people have no cupholders". "Cupholders?? Let them drink Crystal"
I wish Mastrov could have been chairman - I feel sure we would have a warmer culture and a more enthused fan base.