Indeed - Lawson is a low risk, high reward signing. But when your coach is constantly talking about establishing a defensive mindset and claims, that it's not about winning now, but about establishing a certain culture this signing is a head scratcher.
Lawson is a veteran - so it's a win now move. Lawson isn't a defensive minded player - so he doesn't fit what our FO guys claim to be the new team identiy.
And on top of that DMC said, that "this is the year we turn it around". Now obviously this expresses, that he still has hope for SAC, but it's also an ultimatum, because we all know, what will most likely happen, if we once again fail to turn it around.
It seems to be now or never for Cousins in SAC. And 206 Fan has some solid points about this somehow weird two way strategy our FO most likely chose.
It's not wrong to plan for a future without DMC. But somehow it feels like we opted to sign those shortterm contracts and chose not to trade Cousins, because we don't want to open the new arena with a losing product, but we also didn't want to fully commit to a "keep Cousins at all costs-strategy" .
Is this the right thing to do moving forward?
You've asked some good questions, that obviously I don't have all the answers to. So all I can do, is what everyone else is doing, speculate. I've learned not to talk in absolutes because there are none. What a player may have done last year, or what he did a few years ago, might have nothing to do with what he'll do this coming year. Different coach and different system, and that matters more than people think. I'm not saying that to make anyone think that Lawson is going to come in and be great. Frankly I don't know, and neither does anyone else right now. What I do know, is that he's talented, he's played on a playoff team as it's leader, and that right now, for the moment, he's motivated.
Cousins has on occasion, referred to Sacramento as his town, like in hometown. OK, I'm making that connection, but when listening to him, when he's been asked about staying in Sacramento, he's blown it off as if it's not even an option. Being a simple man, I take him at his word, while realizing that yes, he like anyone can change his mind. Point is, he's seems determined to be the man that turns the Kings into contenders. Whether he is or not is open to discussion, but you have to admire his determination. I think Cousins knows what Joerger and Vlade have in mind. He's not living in a vacuum devoid of organizational information. And if so, then he's probably on board. Once again, speculation on my part.
Lastly, while Lawson is not known for his defensive abilities, he has been the leader on a playoff team, which is more than any player on the Kings can say. So, despite his flaws, he's been good enough to accomplish something no one else on the Kings has accomplished in the last ten years. Please don't misunderstand, I seriously doubt that he'll have that kind of impact on the Kings, but I also don't think his signing is a reason to wring our hands in anguish. Vlade has surrounded Cousins, Lawson excluded, with a bunch of blue collar, unselfish players. Players that will go to war for you every night. How that adds up in the win column remains to be seen. But my gut tells me that his is going to be an interesting season to watch, and it may surprise a lot of pundits.
I don't think any of the moves Vlade made were made with the intent of keeping or losing Cousins. I think he has the long range future of the Kings in mind. In all likelyhood, there were some players of recognition that he would have liked to sign, but when he couldn't, he decided not to settle for any long term second bests. Rather than forfeit the future, he put off those kind of signings until next year when the Kings will be one of the few teams with a ton of money in a much better freeagent market. I hope Cousins is here for the long term. But that will be up to him, and if he wants to leave, I can't blame him. I think we'll know that decision at the trade deadline.