PG for the Kings

Jrue for Rudy is really tempting, but that's another guy who is injured a significant portion of the time in the last 3 seasons. Last season, Jrue played 65 games and that's the most since 2012-2013. However, you're getting a really good PG in return. It's the same situation with Bledsoe, do you take the risk on a frequently injured PG (even if it's Tyreke, he's injured a lot too). We don't have too many trade partners out there for Rudy, so we really can't be that picky should this trade scenario arise.
Jrue for Rudy is really tempting, but that's another guy who is injured a significant portion of the time in the last 3 seasons. Last season, Jrue played 65 games and that's the most since 2012-2013. However, you're getting a really good PG in return. It's the same situation with Bledsoe, do you take the risk on a frequently injured PG (even if it's Tyreke, he's injured a lot too). We don't have too many trade partners out there for Rudy, so we really can't be that picky should this trade scenario arise.
Do you think Holiday is available? He's currently their starting PG I would be really surprised if they wanted to move on from him. They didn't resign Cole, I think he's a more realistic target.
I don't believe Rubio can be had for that.

I'm beginning to wonder if a Gay/Tyreke trade might not be on the table.
I'm thinking Gay for Tyreke makes so much sense for both sides.

He's exactly what we need, another strong ball handler who can score and pass well. Also another + defender to add to this new identity that's emerging. I know some people have concerns with him running the point, but I've got to think that's mitigated by the fact that he'd share that responsibility with Collision. I'd think of them both as 'guards' rather than designated PG and designated SG.

3 guard rotation of Tyreke, Collison, AA would be sufficient, not to mention flexible. You even have the option of moving AA to SF and run all three if we have match-up issues.

I like Rudy, I'd be sad to see him go, but he's probably gone at the end of he year anyway. If we really think we need more out of the trade, we could push for a player like Pontdexter to be included. New Orleans could do with the upgrade at SF and Rudy can take some of the scoring burden off of AD.
PG for the Kings? Why not Isaiah Cousins.

The other PG named Isaiah was also a late second round pick, and turned into a major success story.
Go back and look at every 59th and 60th pick the last 20 years and let us know how many of them have become starters or serviceable backups in this league. That'll tell you the odds and I'll tell you right now that the odds aren't very good.


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I wouldn't be surprised to see I. Cousins make the team if he shows well in SL (I may be biased as he was a prospect I really liked in the 2nd round) but he'd strictly be a 3rd PG signing.

Tyreke would be interesting.


Would be a big, long and defensive team. Collison would get the lion's share of backup guard minutes as he could play with Tyreke or Arron. So Ben and probably Koufos could still be dealt for help elsewhere if desired.

Maybe for Beverly and Ariza?
I wouldn't be surprised to see I. Cousins make the team if he shows well in SL (I may be biased as he was a prospect I really liked in the 2nd round) but he'd strictly be a 3rd PG signing.

Tyreke would be interesting.


Would be a big, long and defensive team. Collison would get the lion's share of backup guard minutes as he could play with Tyreke or Arron. So Ben and probably Koufos could still be dealt for help elsewhere if desired.
I'm on board with Tyreke. Injuries are his problem, but I think it's a risk we should take. He can guard PGs and SGs. I wonder if we'd be able to get Pondexter back in the deal since they'd have Gay and Hill.

I think DC in the starting lineup(whenever he comes back) might be a bit better.

Tyreke could be our PG on offense while DC plays off the ball. He's shown that he's capable and actually pretty efficient playing as an off-guard. On defense, DC can guard the PG while Tyreke guards the SG.
If not Collison, I think McLemore would be good too. He's a low-usage SG. Afflalo wouldn't be the best fit because he's ball dominant and doesn't provide as much floor spacing as you'd expect.
This is the ultimate mid-risk, high reward type ordeal. I think it's highly unlikely that Gay comes back in FA. He's going to be 30 this year and I think he wants a ring. Tyreke only has 1 year left too, but he's always loved it here.
I'm on board with Tyreke. Injuries are his problem, but I think it's a risk we should take. He can guard PGs and SGs. I wonder if we'd be able to get Pondexter back in the deal since they'd have Gay and Hill.

I think DC in the starting lineup(whenever he comes back) might be a bit better.

Tyreke could be our PG on offense while DC plays off the ball. He's shown that he's capable and actually pretty efficient playing as an off-guard. On defense, DC can guard the PG while Tyreke guards the SG.
If not Collison, I think McLemore would be good too. He's a low-usage SG. Afflalo wouldn't be the best fit because he's ball dominant and doesn't provide as much floor spacing as you'd expect.
This is the ultimate mid-risk, high reward type ordeal. I think it's highly unlikely that Gay comes back in FA. He's going to be 30 this year and I think he wants a ring. Tyreke only has 1 year left too, but he's always loved it here.
I don't think Afflalo will come of the bench. He clearly views himself as a starter and was signed to start. I could actually see Tyreke coming of the bench because a) he only played 25 games last year and you want to bring him back slowly and b) he is at his best in a 1-4 offense with spacing like our bench.
If Tyreke wants to start as well we could go with Collison-Tyreke-Afflalo however.
I'm on board with Tyreke. Injuries are his problem, but I think it's a risk we should take. He can guard PGs and SGs. I wonder if we'd be able to get Pondexter back in the deal since they'd have Gay and Hill.

I think DC in the starting lineup(whenever he comes back) might be a bit better.

Tyreke could be our PG on offense while DC plays off the ball. He's shown that he's capable and actually pretty efficient playing as an off-guard. On defense, DC can guard the PG while Tyreke guards the SG.
If not Collison, I think McLemore would be good too. He's a low-usage SG. Afflalo wouldn't be the best fit because he's ball dominant and doesn't provide as much floor spacing as you'd expect.
This is the ultimate mid-risk, high reward type ordeal. I think it's highly unlikely that Gay comes back in FA. He's going to be 30 this year and I think he wants a ring. Tyreke only has 1 year left too, but he's always loved it here.
Pondexter is not on our team (last I checked). Also, any scenario with Ben starting is a scenario I don't want to see happen. He's just not very good.

I understand the Tyreke thing (on paper he's a good fit), but he and Cousins don't mesh. We already tried, for years I might add. I would rather try and pry Holiday from them, or aim for Knight/Bledsoe. Tyreke has really poor basketball IQ, still can't shoot, and has not improved hardly at all since day 1 of his career. It's too bad, but it is what it is.
Pondexter is not on our team (last I checked). Also, any scenario with Ben starting is a scenario I don't want to see happen. He's just not very good.

I understand the Tyreke thing (on paper he's a good fit), but he and Cousins don't mesh. We already tried, for years I might add. I would rather try and pry Holiday from them, or aim for Knight/Bledsoe. Tyreke has really poor basketball IQ, still can't shoot, and has not improved hardly at all since day 1 of his career. It's too bad, but it is what it is.
Do you even read others' posts?
I don't think Afflalo will come of the bench. He clearly views himself as a starter and was signed to start. I could actually see Tyreke coming of the bench because a) he only played 25 games last year and you want to bring him back slowly and b) he is at his best in a 1-4 offense with spacing like our bench.
If Tyreke wants to start as well we could go with Collison-Tyreke-Afflalo however.
Afflalo should have no problem coming off the bench..especially if it benefits the team, or he gets straight up beat by Ben.

Collison-Tyreke-Afflalo wouldn't help our floor spacing. Tyreke is almost a non-shooter(improved though). Afflalo is a solid shooter, but he's an iso player.. he likes to post up and go 1v1. I don't think that's practical on a team of Tyreke-Cousins. While Tyreke can guard SFs, it's not ideal. I'd rather have Casspi as a starter, or perhaps Pondexter(if he was included).

This is why I was a little iffy on the Afflalo signing. His offense conflicts with Gay/Cousins, and he's not a good defender anymore.

While Tyreke/Afflalo could be interesting, Afflalo isn't the type of offensive player you'd want next to Tyreke. That's why I think DC and Ben would fit better.
I wouldn't be surprised to see I. Cousins make the team if he shows well in SL (I may be biased as he was a prospect I really liked in the 2nd round) but he'd strictly be a 3rd PG signing.

Tyreke would be interesting.


Would be a big, long and defensive team. Collison would get the lion's share of backup guard minutes as he could play with Tyreke or Arron. So Ben and probably Koufos could still be dealt for help elsewhere if desired.

Maybe for Beverly and Ariza?
Evans is one of my favourite players. That said, I really don't know how much we can expect from him. I'd like to believe that good coaching would correct his defensive flaws (his attention to detail is very, very poor on the defensive end) and would also make him a more effective offensive player, but that's asking a lot. Cousins has good hands but he's rather groundbound and I don't see us benefiting from Tyreke's missed layups the same way NO does with missed layups being somewhat like an assist to AD. Cousins also isn't the catch and shoot player that AD is. Again I'd like to believe it would work, and would be overjoyed if it did, but I am skeptical.


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Staff member
Evans is one of my favourite players. That said, I really don't know how much we can expect from him. I'd like to believe that good coaching would correct his defensive flaws (his attention to detail is very, very poor on the defensive end) and would also make him a more effective offensive player, but that's asking a lot. Cousins has good hands but he's rather groundbound and I don't see us benefiting from Tyreke's missed layups the same way NO does with missed layups being somewhat like an assist to AD. Cousins also isn't the catch and shoot player that AD is. Again I'd like to believe it would work, and would be overjoyed if it did, but I am skeptical.
I'm in the same boat. But (1) Rudy Gay seems to want out and is a 30 year old free agent after this season and (2) the Kings are short at least one backup (or starting) PG. Some move has to happen and maybe I'm not thinking creatively enough but I don't see a ton of options out there to move Rudy for backcourt help.
If we get Tyreke back and it leads us to the playoffs... Brick will be forever insufferable beyond any hope of recall. If it happens we'll all deal with it - but if there was a single humbling outcome in Brick's history of being so very damn sure about everything... it was Tyreke turning out to be ordinary.

But if he comes back and does not pound the air out of the ball for 15 seconds every possession I'll be happy.
Afflalo should have no problem coming off the bench..especially if it benefits the team, or he gets straight up beat by Ben.

Collison-Tyreke-Afflalo wouldn't help our floor spacing. Tyreke is almost a non-shooter(improved though). Afflalo is a solid shooter, but he's an iso player.. he likes to post up and go 1v1. I don't think that's practical on a team of Tyreke-Cousins. While Tyreke can guard SFs, it's not ideal. I'd rather have Casspi as a starter, or perhaps Pondexter(if he was included).

This is why I was a little iffy on the Afflalo signing. His offense conflicts with Gay/Cousins, and he's not a good defender anymore.

While Tyreke/Afflalo could be interesting, Afflalo isn't the type of offensive player you'd want next to Tyreke. That's why I think DC and Ben would fit better.
I agree with you on the spacing issue. However regarding Afflalo I see it differently. After we signed him I went back and watched knicks games solely focusing on him. It seemed like earlier in the year under Fisher he was engaged defensively and good offensively. But he and Rambis didnt get a long at all. And after Rambis benched him for Sasha Vujacic he was really pissed and didnt gave effort at all.
I'm in the same boat. But (1) Rudy Gay seems to want out and is a 30 year old free agent after this season and (2) the Kings are short at least one backup (or starting) PG. Some move has to happen and maybe I'm not thinking creatively enough but I don't see a ton of options out there to move Rudy for backcourt help.
Yeah we're in a tricky situation. I too would like us to move Gay but you're right that our options seem very limited. I wouldn't mind Evans, but we would definitely need to view the move as simply getting backcourt help and not something that would magically get us over the hump
I wouldn't be surprised to see I. Cousins make the team if he shows well in SL (I may be biased as he was a prospect I really liked in the 2nd round) but he'd strictly be a 3rd PG signing.

Tyreke would be interesting.


Would be a big, long and defensive team. Collison would get the lion's share of backup guard minutes as he could play with Tyreke or Arron. So Ben and probably Koufos could still be dealt for help elsewhere if desired.

Maybe for Beverly and Ariza?
If they brought bought back Tyreke I would be frustrated that they let Seth Curry go for such a small deal. I'd like the two of them together at times. Collison would work alright with Tyreke and I think Bogdanovic may be an interesting pairing.
Would he come to Sac? He wants to go to DET.
He could be 3rd string in Detroit or second string here

Let me put it this way behind Reggie Jackson and (newly signed) ish smith OR starting when collision is suspended?
What about Heinrich (I hear Chicago has a pg ahhhhaaahahahhhahhahahah)
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Tyreke would be interesting.

The problem with Tyreke has always been that he has no outside shot. Everything is driving towards the basket, thus not giving DMC or WCS room to operate down low.

For the Kings to be successful, we need another player, either PG or SF to shot better from 3. Collison is actually pretty good and Caspi is actually better than Gay at the 3.

The problem arises with what to do with Gay?

Gay for a starting caliber PG that can defend AND shot would be ideal, but not many available.

The PG rumored to be available are Ricky Rubio, MCW, Bledsoe or Knight (both less attainable), or Beverly.

Of all the PG available, the most likely to be had in a Rudy Gay trade is 1)Beverley, 2)Rubio, or 3) MCW.

Rubio and MCW can pass, but has no shooting ability, but plays D.

Of those 3, Beverly fits the best with what we need, basically a 3 and D point guard.
The problem with Tyreke has always been that he has no outside shot. Everything is driving towards the basket, thus not giving DMC or WCS room to operate down low.

For the Kings to be successful, we need another player, either PG or SF to shot better from 3. Collison is actually pretty good and Caspi is actually better than Gay at the 3.

The problem arises with what to do with Gay?

Gay for a starting caliber PG that can defend AND shot would be ideal, but not many available.

The PG rumored to be available are Ricky Rubio, MCW, Bledsoe or Knight (both less attainable), or Beverly.

Of all the PG available, the most likely to be had in a Rudy Gay trade is 1)Beverley, 2)Rubio, or 3) MCW.

Rubio and MCW can pass, but has no shooting ability, but plays D.

Of those 3, Beverly fits the best with what we need, basically a 3 and D point guard.
Tyreke's lack of outside shot might have been a problem for us at some point. Since then, his set shot has actually improved a bit. On top of that DMC can shoot the 3 (not that you want him doing it full time) and there is no reason why Tyreke cannot function with WCS in a pick and roll for those lobs that he so often did with Davis.

People should quit suggesting players that cannot play defense because it is absolutely crystal clear that in order to get signed or traded for by the Sacramento Kings, you need to be either scrappy, or a good defender or at least have the tools to be a very good defender.

Coach Turner's presser from yesterday sheds the light on what type of team we are building so guys like Blake, Lawson et al.. just do not fit into that. Guys like Tyreke, Bledsoe, Knight, Chalmers, Douglas etc...those guys do.

While ideally you want Tyreke to be more than respectable 3pt shooter, he can still work at least as well as Stephenson worked in Memphis.
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The problem with Tyreke has always been that he has no outside shot. Everything is driving towards the basket, thus not giving DMC or WCS room to operate down low.

For the Kings to be successful, we need another player, either PG or SF to shot better from 3. Collison is actually pretty good and Caspi is actually better than Gay at the 3.

The problem arises with what to do with Gay?

Gay for a starting caliber PG that can defend AND shot would be ideal, but not many available.

The PG rumored to be available are Ricky Rubio, MCW, Bledsoe or Knight (both less attainable), or Beverly.

Of all the PG available, the most likely to be had in a Rudy Gay trade is 1)Beverley, 2)Rubio, or 3) MCW.

Rubio and MCW can pass, but has no shooting ability, but plays D.

Of those 3, Beverly fits the best with what we need, basically a 3 and D point guard.
Problem with Rudy for Beverly is Rudy>DC>Beverly. That one doesn't work for me.
Problem with Rudy for Beverly is Rudy>DC>Beverly. That one doesn't work for me.
At scoring. Almost every team already has one or 2 good scorers.
So one on one, sure, Rudy Gay is one of the top 30 guys in the nba, a top 10 small forward.
But in a team concept, guys like Gay are relics, and not valued like a low usage 3 and D guy.
At scoring. Almost every team already has one or 2 good scorers.
So one on one, sure, Rudy Gay is one of the top 30 guys in the nba, a top 10 small forward.
But in a team concept, guys like Gay are relics, and not valued like a low usage 3 and D guy.
When you say "not valued" I'm not sure I follow... Rudy makes more than Beverley and surely will continue to do so going forward. He's a more valuable player and a better player.


Unless we are getting an Bledsoe who can score, I'd rather keep Gay. If we can get someone with Ben....such as a TJ McConnell or Payne, then we are better off. We have to have a second scoring option available who is a it better than Collison or Afflalo.
McLemore for Beverley would work financially but I doubt they would do that
Goran Dragic anyone?

With the Heat seemingly heading towards a rebuild - unless of course they bet on a Dragic, a healthy Bosh, and Whiteside surrounded by young players and journeymen can get them into the play offs - then perhaps we could try and pry Dragic off them. He'd be a possible upgrade for our PG position.

Not sure what it would take to get it done, but throw a player like McLemore their way and someone else, some draft picks, and maybe that could get a deal done. Granted we've seen a lot of suggested trades which sees us lose Rudy to get a PG, maybe we can get an upgrade by giving up young players and/or assets to the Heat if they are seeking to rebuild. If they aren't then this deal won't happen, or is at least unlikely...