Kings interview Del Negro, Jackson and Mitchell for Head Coach position (Yahoo News)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
This feels like free agent search last season. So many names but in reality its probably just a lot of coaches interviewing to put their name out there, feeling out their value for other teams. In the end we will hire the first "big name" that is willing to coach this dumpster fire. Why are we interviewing everyone and their mom while other teams have filled their positions without all the fanfare?
Coaches wouldn't be wasting their time coming in for interviews unless accepting was at least a possibility.

This coach is Vlade's big play. There is a new building. A twitchy impatient owner. This coach has to work out. This search seems overbroad to the point of being pointedly overbroad, but at least when its done there's going to be absolutely no question it is our guy. Given that every coach of the Vivek era has been at odds with whatever front office was in place at the time and that dysfunction simply had to hurt us, choosing the exact guy we want to roll the dice with this time is an important change.
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Hall of Famer
Lakers fans were bummed to see him go, because they wanted to be in contention for a top pick again next year.

I'd pass on Scott.


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Staff member
The thing I've never understood with Byron Scott is that he's always been an old school, defense first guy but his Cleveland and LA teams never improved defensively and were always some of the worst in the league on that end of the floor.

His Laker teams were also at the bottom of the league in attempts at the rim and from 3 while near the top in midrange shots.

He just seems too stubborn to adapt to today's game.

In other news, Henry Bibby is reportedly getting an interview. Despite what I just said, it's pretty hard to say Byron Scott can't make the cut if you're bringing in Henry freaking Bibby. I just hope that's an inaccurate report.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The thing I've never understood with Byron Scott is that he's always been an old school, defense first guy but his Cleveland and LA teams never improved defensively and were always some of the worst in the league on that end of the floor.

His Laker teams were also at the bottom of the league in attempts at the rim and from 3 while near the top in midrange shots.

He just seems too stubborn to adapt to today's game.

In other news, Henry Bibby is reportedly getting an interview. Despite what I just said, it's pretty hard to say Byron Scott can't make the cut if you're bringing in Henry freaking Bibby. I just hope that's an inaccurate report.
I need to go check my messages. Might have to clear a day here for my interview.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Here's another advantage as our interview list stretches towards 20 -- even if every team in the league simultaneously dumps their coaches before the playoffs are done, pretty soon we're going to be assured of getting SOMEBODY from our list. :)
First the Dukan contract and now the Henry Bibby interview... I do wonder about Vlade and his penchant for doling out favors to old pals.

Although, now that I say that, didn't Mike and Henry have a falling out?
I think Vlade is being diabolically clever. By interviewing everyone with a pulse, he's making it almost impossible for anyone to leak anything.
Could also be that one or more of these "prospective" coaches could end up on the bench and by having been interviewed by Vlade the team's vision would be clear. It might make it more comfortable for one or more of them to take a position with the team considering the dumpster fire the coaching ranks (not to mention the team) have been the last ten years.
er...please no. :)

Once in his younger days Scott was moderately well thought of, and his old school understanding of big men would be intriguing, but, BUT....we absolutely desperately need to put together a winner here. Need to go as far as we can to guarantee that the coach doesn't blow us the season, that the coach is ready to win if the roster can. And meanwhile Byron is 7 years removed from his last even 30 win coaching season. He's won 3 (of 9), 19, 21 (of 66), 24, 21 and 17 games in since 2009, and had 5 winning seasons in 15 years as a coach. And yeah, they have been for rebuilding teams. but that's kind of the point. He's almost as far removed from winning basketball as we are. He's like the Sacramento Kings of coaches, and hiring him would be as far from a comfortable "we're going to win now" sensation as we could get.

I don't disagree that Scott may not be the best option. But it seriously can't hurt to talk to him. I mean, if we are to be intrigued with McHale when he supposedly doesn't want to be here, why not talk to someone who does? To be fair, most of those losing records are from teams like the trash lakers, Cavs without LeBron, rebuilding Hornets years etc. I mean, what does anyone expect him to do with the lakers roster and kobe holding everyone hostage? In a world where Henry Bibby is suppose to have a shot at our coaching job, I would say talk to Scott too.
Well it's one thing to hold players accountable behind closed doors, but I seem to recall Byron calling players out in the media. I don't think that flies with NBA players, in general.

Thats partially true you can say for Byron. The way he does it is he will tell Randle and Russell etc. what exactly they are doing wrong and that he is going to take them out of the starting line up. When they show improvement, he will put them back in eventually. When the media asked him why such and such is not starting or why their minutes are down, he'll tell them I told "______" that here is whats going on. I want you to play better defense, better decisions etc and when you do, I'll put you back in. That's exactly what happen with Randle and he did let him start again later in the season and Randle really did make better decisions.

So his players are not going to find out from the media what the coach doesn't like about them because he already told them straight up. In a way, telling the media holds Scott himself accountable to come through with the rewards when they show improvement. With Nick Young, he told him straight up that he is going to fine him every single time he is late. Even 5 mins late is not acceptable and Nick got fined a lot and he knows why he wasn't getting mins.


Hall of Famer
Coaches wouldn't be wasting their time coming in for interviews unless accepting was at least a possibility.

This coach is Vlade's big play. There is a new building. A twitchy impatient owner. This coach has to work out. This search seems overbroad to the point of being pointedly overbroad, but at least when its done there's going to be absolutely no question it is our guy. Given that every coach of the Vivek era has been at odds with whatever front office was in place at the time and that dysfunction simply had to hurt us, choosing the exact guy we want to roll the dice with this time is an important change.
This has got to be underscored as if brick needs my help. I'll throw my degree into the argument and agree wholeheartedly. At least it can't be said we took this pick light heartedly. There is a point to the overkill. I have to presume Vlade is watching a lot of tape put together by his assistants as well as relying on his innate intelligence and experience. I don't know how you spot a good coach in an interview. I presume the interview confirms what is already suspected. Other teams don't do this. He doesn't need to interview everyone but is doing so to show the NBA that a new sheriff is in town. I have a feeling Vlade is getting little sleep but the mere effort he is putting out is the start of a change in our franchises reputation. I mean now. Now if he nails a winning coach, we will have gone a long way from even last year.

He is working his ass off and I suspect there were few rests during the last season also.
Thats partially true you can say for Byron. The way he does it is he will tell Randle and Russell etc. what exactly they are doing wrong and that he is going to take them out of the starting line up. When they show improvement, he will put them back in eventually. When the media asked him why such and such is not starting or why their minutes are down, he'll tell them I told "______" that here is whats going on. I want you to play better defense, better decisions etc and when you do, I'll put you back in. That's exactly what happen with Randle and he did let him start again later in the season and Randle really did make better decisions.

So his players are not going to find out from the media what the coach doesn't like about them because he already told them straight up. In a way, telling the media holds Scott himself accountable to come through with the rewards when they show improvement. With Nick Young, he told him straight up that he is going to fine him every single time he is late. Even 5 mins late is not acceptable and Nick got fined a lot and he knows why he wasn't getting mins.
I can't claim to have followed Scott's career nor have I followed the team from southern CA which shall not be named, but even just a quick google search turned up an article from just this year indicating that Scott was acting in a way that I find inappropriate and not conducive to team or trust building.

From the article:

"The little jabs through the media have been a constant this season and continued on Wednesday when Scott said Russell is less mature than two other rookie point guards he coached:Kyrie Irving and Chris Paul."

"The hilarious thing is that Scott seemed to be trying hard to avoid saying anything negative about Russell, but was incredibly harsh anyway. He can't avoid throwing shade at him even when he tries to compliment him or at least contextualize his struggles, which was what he was doing in the first place by mentioning how young Russell is. It's like he's incapable of saying something nice without including a backhanded remark."


Hall of Famer
Sometimes interviewing can also be a learning process where you are exposed to new ideas and new ways of seeing things even if you don't ultimately go that direction you understand it better. It may well be that this extremely broad search was as much about finding out how 20 or so capable Minds see the game developing these days. I would like to think that Vlade like many of sees himself as a lifelong learner and this is a golden opportunity.

Personally based on my experience watching the game I would love to see Vlade present the names of McHale, Blatt and Vogel consideration. I honestly couldn't choose between them but with that embarrassment of riches I'm not sure there's a bad call to be made. But who knows what's being said in these interviews.
I can't claim to have followed Scott's career nor have I followed the team from southern CA which shall not be named, but even just a quick google search turned up an article from just this year indicating that Scott was acting in a way that I find inappropriate and not conducive to team or trust building.

From the article:

"The little jabs through the media have been a constant this season and continued on Wednesday when Scott said Russell is less mature than two other rookie point guards he coached:Kyrie Irving and Chris Paul."

"The hilarious thing is that Scott seemed to be trying hard to avoid saying anything negative about Russell, but was incredibly harsh anyway. He can't avoid throwing shade at him even when he tries to compliment him or at least contextualize his struggles, which was what he was doing in the first place by mentioning how young Russell is. It's like he's incapable of saying something nice without including a backhanded remark."

The point is though, he told Russell directly that he thinks he is immature like a little kid. So it's not news to Russell that the coach thinks he is immature. Russell didn't find out for the first time that his coach thinks he is immature from the media.

Everyone on the team knows Russell is massively immature and that whole recording Nick Young and posting it about tells you all you need to know about his current level of maturity. Jordan Clarkson famously helped stop Russell from saying anything stupid to the media after a game earlier in the season because he had given many interviews to local reporters with immature comments. Russell came in thinking he is the chosen one even though he had a horrible summer league and apparently has poor work ethics. Scott is trying to basically hold him accountable by telling him, "Young fella, you have to earn it."

I can understand that some people may think Byron should just keep his mouth shut. But another way to look at it is he is keeping it real. He tells you what exactly what he thinks about you and he is not going to lie to the media about how he feels or why a player isn't playing more minutes. It beats coaches who feed everything to the media before even speaking to his own players about it.
Sometimes interviewing can also be a learning process where you are exposed to new ideas and new ways of seeing things even if you don't ultimately go that direction you understand it better. It may well be that this extremely broad search was as much about finding out how 20 or so capable Minds see the game developing these days. I would like to think that Vlade like many of sees himself as a lifelong learner and this is a golden opportunity.

Personally based on my experience watching the game I would love to see Vlade present the names of McHale, Blatt and Vogel consideration. I honestly couldn't choose between them but with that embarrassment of riches I'm not sure there's a bad call to be made. But who knows what's being said in these interviews.
I do wonder if part of this process is just gathering information from around the league of what think of his players and what they would do with them. Maybe try to come to a consensus of what to do with Cousins, whether to keep Rondo, etc. Not to say that Divac can't make these decisions himself, but it always helps to get more opinions.

Or it could simply be that he is trying to find a coach that most closely resembles the plan that he already has.
I do wonder if part of this process is just gathering information from around the league of what think of his players and what they would do with them. Maybe try to come to a consensus of what to do with Cousins, whether to keep Rondo, etc. Not to say that Divac can't make these decisions himself, but it always helps to get more opinions.

Or it could simply be that he is trying to find a coach that most closely resembles the plan that he already has.

I think they are trying to talk to as many as possible and see if they strike gold. If not, just pick the best from the pool.
So I think I'm done being a part of this conversation, because frankly, I'm sick and tired of it. I'm tired of the bias on both sides. You know what, I'm 74 years old, maybe I'm just tired period. Maybe the values I grew up with aren't relevant anymore. Maybe I need to learn how to text. Hey, Jon Snow is alive, so all is well with the world...Right?
Low blow, man :p


Hall of Famer
I'm not sure on Udoka, the Kings were reportedly wanting to interview him too. And for that matter wasn't Boston assistant Jay Larranaga on the list? With the Celtics knocked out of the playoffs he should be able to come in if he's interested.

I can't really fault Vlade for being thorough but I definitely want to keep an eye on the job Kenny Atkinson does in Brooklyn.

Atkinson was reportedly on Divac's list to interview but Sean Marks identified him as his guy and moved quickly to sign him. There's something to be said for knowing who/what you want and going out and getting it.
I agree with your line of thinking. I too believe Vlade is bringing in way too many candidates and in the process might over think or under think his decision considering all the options and different style of coaches coming in. I guess it's better than just hiring a guy right away considering that this time you absolutely must get it right and not have this coaching carousel cloud hanging over your head for the next decade.
The number of interviews stretching out the process may be a stall tactic to see if Vogel becomes available, knowing that his contract is up and Larry Bird's vocal (and strange) dissatisfaction with his coaching. We also know that with the more desireable jobs locked up (except for Indiana), the Kings are now in a buyer's market where as 2 weeks ago they were beggars. If we end up interviewing Vogel I think we could say exactly that.


Hall of Famer
I agree with your line of thinking. I too believe Vlade is bringing in way too many candidates and in the process might over think or under think his decision considering all the options and different style of coaches coming in. I guess it's better than just hiring a guy right away considering that this time you absolutely must get it right and not have this coaching carousel cloud hanging over your head for the next decade.
I think Vlade is sending a messge to the basketball community that the Kings as a franchise are no longer impulsive like the way they fired Malone and I am sure others can think of other situations. Any coach hired has a small guarantee that if he is fired, it won't be as a 3 AM impulse. It will be thought out. Now, maybe it's too much but I would rather overshoot than undershoot.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Could also be that one or more of these "prospective" coaches could end up on the bench and by having been interviewed by Vlade the team's vision would be clear. It might make it more comfortable for one or more of them to take a position with the team considering the dumpster fire the coaching ranks (not to mention the team) have been the last ten years.

I think given the breadth and inexperience of some of these guys that we might be essentially interviewing fro 2 spots too. There was a report that Elston might actually be interviewing for an "associate head coach"/lead assistant spot more than the head coach spot -- an obvious nod to Adelman talking to Vlade, and a way to connect back to the teams of old and maybe even the Princeton. If that were true, then its possible that Corliss, Bibby, Ewing etc. could basically all be doing the same thing. Yeah, maybe if you completely blow us away we consider you for the head spot, but really here we're trying to build as strong a coaching staff as we can get, and if we can get agreement from all sides maybe we hire you as the lead assistant or some such rather than Karl's imperial coaching approach.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think given the breadth and inexperience of some of these guys that we might be essentially interviewing fro 2 spots too. There was a report that Elston might actually be interviewing for an "associate head coach"/lead assistant spot more than the head coach spot -- an obvious nod to Adelman talking to Vlade, and a way to connect back to the teams of old and maybe even the Princeton. If that were true, then its possible that Corliss, Bibby, Ewing etc. could basically all be doing the same thing. Yeah, maybe if you completely blow us away we consider you for the head spot, but really here we're trying to build as strong a coaching staff as we can get, and if we can get agreement from all sides maybe we hire you as the lead assistant or some such rather than Karl's imperial coaching approach.
But doesn't this fly in the face of conventional wisdom where the head coach selects his assistants?
Coaches wouldn't be wasting their time coming in for interviews unless accepting was at least a possibility.

This coach is Vlade's big play. There is a new building. A twitchy impatient owner. This coach has to work out. This search seems overbroad to the point of being pointedly overbroad, but at least when its done there's going to be absolutely no question it is our guy. Given that every coach of the Vivek era has been at odds with whatever front office was in place at the time and that dysfunction simply had to hurt us, choosing the exact guy we want to roll the dice with this time is an important change.
The search is an overkill but by taking longer other, very worthy candidates might becomes available for us (i.e. Vogel).

Even from the list of candidates that have interviewed or that we have approached for an interview, there are some very good coaches on that list. If Vogel becomes available he is my #1 choice. McHale would be a great hire as well but he seems reluctant (understandably) and I don't want us to hire a coach who doesn't want to be here. Blatt is intriguing but we just don't know what he is like in the NBA. I know in Europe he is much respected and loved by both players and fans. Even opposition fans who are notorious for hating on other teams coaches have a great deal of respect for Blatt. They all see him as a classy act. I think he is a very good coach but for me it's about the relationships with players, especially Cousins. Whoever the coach is just simply MUST click with Cousins and be on the same page as the front office. This has to be a home run for us hence the excessive list and some names on there are a head scratchers (Henry Bibby?! WTF?!?!).

Given the type of candidates out there, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with some of these candidates on our coaching staff but not necessarily as head coaches. Some would make great assistants.


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But doesn't this fly in the face of conventional wisdom where the head coach selects his assistants?
Maybe. But maybe Vlade wants to get to know as many of them as possible, so that he can sign off on whomever is picked by the head coach.

We're in no real hurry right now anyway. I'll get nervous if we don't have anyone closer to draft time.