Boy, I'd have to think long and hard about taking over this team in mid-season. I suppose you could look at it as an opportunity. For someone like Corliss, it could be a career changer. And that makes the job enticing. It would allow Corliss to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight. Of course, it's possible that at the end of the day, or the temporary experiment, you'll be pushed back into the shadows. Still, as you go round and round on the Kings merry-go round, you occasionally see that brass ring hanging there. So why not take a stab at grabbing it.
If Karl is indeed fired, and all signs seem to indicate that the organization is leaning in that direction, then the two most likely choices to take over the team are either Corliss, or Vlade. Overall, Vlade is the safer choice if you think the season may be lost. Everyone would know up front that he's only a temporary replacement with no aspirations of keeping the job. Plus, it would give the GM an up close and personal view of the internal problems of the team.
Corliss on the other hand, would be interviewing for the j0b. He would be a popular choice, but at the same time, maybe being the fan favorite would put pressure on Vlade to give him more time to prove his worth. Especially if the team shows improvement, but still misses the playoffs. We could be stuck with another coach for another season who isn't really up to the task. Let me be clear, I don't know what kind of coach Corliss would be. He may be the answer, or not. What I do know, is that this coaching carousel has to stop. This team needs stability, and you'll never have it if your constantly changing GM's and head coaches.
I'll admit that I was on board with hiring George Karl. I mean why not? He's one of the all time winning coaches in the NBA. I felt that this franchise needed a coach like him, even if temporary, to bring some structure and stability to the chaos that has surrounded the team for the last five or six years. But alas, it was not to be. And so we are where we are, and it looks like a change is eminent. I don't envy Vlade the job. The moment he fires Karl, even though expected, the incoming flak from the national media may equal shock and awe. It's easy for us arm chair GM's, beer in hand, to wax poetic (stole that one) on what Vlade should do. We don't have to read on a daily basis, that were idiots like Vlade does.
Hey, perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. Karl hasn't been fired yet, and maybe he won't be. Personally, I'm torn. On one hand I sincerely wanted Karl to succeed. On the other hand, he drove me nuts with his rotations, and his obsession with playing Belinelli excessive minutes despite the results. I didn't have as much of a problem with his system, as I did with who he decided was worthy of minutes in his system. I had a problem with him talking out of both sides of his mouth. Saying that we need to improve defensively, but leaving his best defenders sitting on the bench at crucial moments of the game. He has said that he coaches by the seat of his pants, and if so, then apparently he forgot that his head isn't located there. Anyone have Rick Adelman's phone number?