I've been intrigued at the prospect of Rondo playing here for years, and I finally get to see it play out on the court.
I also prefer the 1-yr deal over a long-term deal, because it suggests that Rondo still has game left.
If he sucked like most people say he does, he would have cashed out with a multi-year deal.
The fact that he signed here, and obviously wants to prove he can still play at a high level, then after he does he can get PAID with the crazy money that will be thrown around next year, is a
good sign.
BTW - where's all those KingsFans who were wailing just hours ago that the Stouskas trade was the worst ever? Where's the impatient, hyper-critical guys?
Rondo + Bellinelli is highly likely better than Landry, JT, Stouskas, and a 15+ draft pick.
I guess we'll see.