Willie Cauley-Stein is your newest Sacramento King

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
So he can't defend the P&R and isn't much of a shot blocker but he is a VERY good defender huh.
You heard me. Very good defender. The problem is that he is very good at only one aspect of defense, which makes him a specialist.

JT isn't VERY good at anything on the court and I'm not hating I'm just being honest.
This is axiomatically wrong.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Part of what I love about this draft is that Vlade cast against type. Had we drafted Hezonja I could understand it but in a way it speaks to a narrower view on Divac's part.

The WCS pick shows he's very open minded and flexible. I would've been fine with Super Mario but I like the message this pick sends. More evidence that Vlade has the ability to be a very good VP.
After WCS settles in, hopefully wont take too long, Thompson off the bench is real real solid too. So is Landry actually as well if we can get someone to knock down shots off the bench. WCS just in theory took our Landry/Thompson woe with cap space and may have made them out to be great compliments.

We need the reliable shooter off the bench now. Ideally it is Nik.

I'm very happy. We should all give WCS 20 games or so at least before we expect him to start, but who knows maybe he steps right in there.
It's looking like lots of versatility and options, considering that Rudy can and most certainly will play some stretch 4. If we bring in Afflalo, he can play both 2 and 3.

There's some real positive things to look forward to here


Hall of Famer
I certainly wanted him here, would have been fine with Mario too.
I also would have been pretty happy with Mario, or Mudiay. I think both have pretty high upside. We also need defense and for years have needed a more ideal fit next to Cuz. We finally have that, a versatile/athletic defender who's going to make an impact. He'll be even more valuable playing in the West. Our frontline of Rudy/WCS/Cuz has a helluva lot of potential, a lot of length. If we can get Rudy to focus on defense, that's pretty damn solid.

It's not a sexy pick though. Most casual fans want the offensive guys. They likely won't even notice the impact WCS makes over the next few years but it'll be there, and wins should follow. But casual fans being what they are will get excited as soon as WCS throws down a few monster dunks on someone's face. That'll be a small portion of what he brings but they'll like it. Right now it's looking like


Lawson or Rondo looks likely. I have an unknown at the 2 as my guess is either Nik or Ben goes if we're getting Lawson but also, drafting WCS allows us to use our cap space to go after a SG. If it's Rondo, that change a bit and we're likely using our cap space for him and starting either Nik/Ben at the 2. Interestingly, as much as I'd prefer not to trade for Lawson, it does allow us to patch up our 2 spot. Go after Rondo and we're probably not doing much at the 2.

If we trade for Lawson my hope would be to keep JT as a 3rd big. But our strength is clearly in the front court. Have to shore up our guard situation and add some shooting. I'm generally happy Vlade didn't get sidetracked and stuck to solving our defensive issues, as much as I also would have liked Hezonja/Mudiay.
Sickle cell is a genetic trait that causes your red blood cells to be produced with a change in shape. If both your mom and dad have it, you basically die because your red blood cells can't carry oxygen since they're shaped all weird (like a sickle). If you have one out of two genes with sickle cell, you will produce both normal doughnut shapes as well as sickle cell shapes, but I think the normal cells predominate. In normal activity you can't tell. When you are deprived of oxygen or dehydrated can cause clogging because these sickle cells can start to clump. Doughnuts can't

It affects his safety at the very extreme end of exhaustion. In normal fatiguable conditions it is ok. Something to monitor and he has medical staff on hand. He just has to watch his diet, his fluids, and how his body is responding. Not a big deal, but I wouldn't fly him to Denver for 2 a days with Thibodeau or anything.
On a positive note, carrying a single sickle cell allele provides an advantage against malaria. :p
WCS fixes our Landry problem too. He all of a sudden gets to be back in the role where he was competitive for a 6th man. Getting to play his minutes JT/WCS gets him back in the role he was best suited for.
I love the pick.. WCS is an intelligent BBall player and intelligent in real life. He knows his role. You tell him what to do and he's going to do it. And he specializes in defense!!! What more could we want? Also it takes a LOT of heat off Cousins so it will make Cousins that much better. So we're have an improvement at PF/C and we have Cousins improving because he has the type of player that will allow cousins to flourish down low.

Now all we need to do is Sign Wes Matthews and trade for Lawson (over the cap but just a dream)

C/PF - Cousins
SF - Gay
SG - Matthews
PG - Lawson

That's a playoff roster if not this year then the next. No doubt.

And before people say it's impossible, I already know it is :) It's a fantasy not a reality lol.
You heard me. Very good defender. The problem is that he is very good at only one aspect of defense, which makes him a specialist.

This is axiomatically wrong.
Hold on I'm now really lol in real time. Now he is a defensive specialist. If Petrie doesn't give him that contact is he still in the league or is he spending quality time with his BFF Donte Greene?
Part of what I love about this draft is that Vlade cast against type. Had we drafted Hezonja I could understand it but in a way it speaks to a narrower view on Divac's part.

The WCS pick shows he's very open minded and flexible. I would've been fine with Super Mario but I like the message this pick sends. More evidence that Vlade has the ability to be a very good VP.
Something else is WCS definitely isn't a Vivek pick. More evidence Vlade is in complete control. There's no way last year in this same position we take him.

Hold on I'm now really lol in real time. Now he is a defensive specialist. If Petrie doesn't give him that contact is he still in the league or is he spending quality time with his BFF Donte Greene?
Now you're just being ridiculous. It was well known that JT was a very good individual defender. He always guarded the best big, and did a damn good job doing it. Not sure what you were watching, or maybe you're just trying to irritate.
I also would have been pretty happy with Mario, or Mudiay. I think both have pretty high upside. We also need defense and for years have needed a more ideal fit next to Cuz. We finally have that, a versatile/athletic defender who's going to make an impact. He'll be even more valuable playing in the West. Our frontline of Rudy/WCS/Cuz has a helluva lot of potential, a lot of length. If we can get Rudy to focus on defense, that's pretty damn solid.

It's not a sexy pick though. Most casual fans want the offensive guys. They likely won't even notice the impact WCS makes over the next few years but it'll be there, and wins should follow. But casual fans being what they are will get excited as soon as WCS throws down a few monster dunks on someone's face. That'll be a small portion of what he brings but they'll like it. Right now it's looking like


Lawson or Rondo looks likely. I have an unknown at the 2 as my guess is either Nik or Ben goes if we're getting Lawson but also, drafting WCS allows us to use our cap space to go after a SG. If it's Rondo, that change a bit and we're likely using our cap space for him and starting either Nik/Ben at the 2. Interestingly, as much as I'd prefer not to trade for Lawson, it does allow us to patch up our 2 spot. Go after Rondo and we're probably not doing much at the 2.

If we trade for Lawson my hope would be to keep JT as a 3rd big. But our strength is clearly in the front court. Have to shore up our guard situation and add some shooting. I'm generally happy Vlade didn't get sidetracked and stuck to solving our defensive issues, as much as I also would have liked Hezonja/Mudiay.
With no changes, we are solid through 11, with some versitility and Moreland in development or injured reserved. That's assuming we keep Miller and Casspi

Every roster piece seems logical now.


Now it may take time for that to form with WCS, maybe he plays off the bench for awhile, maybe not.

With that roster it is critical Nik nails his shots.

But the good news is we could use all available cap space on a single free agent and be complete, throw everything we have at someone, every penny.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Hold on I'm now really lol in real time. Now he is a defensive specialist. If Petrie doesn't give him that contact is he still in the league or is he spending quality time with his BFF Donte Greene?
If you didn't notice the exceptional man defense he displayed once the Malone era began, not sure what to say. He gave hell to some of the best in the league. A.D. particularly hates going against him.

Unfortunately it coincided with the rapid disappearance of the rest of his game, so now we might have 2 7 footers running around out there defending and not able to do much more.
WCS fixes our Landry problem too. He all of a sudden gets to be back in the role where he was competitive for a 6th man. Getting to play his minutes JT/WCS gets him back in the role he was best suited for.
True I mentioned this a while back, no more Landry/Reggie front court when boogie needs a blow. You can play trill/Landry. Boogie/Landry for some bully ball, something we saw early on the year under Malone. That's assuming Landry isn't moved.


Not anymore, Ty Lawson just announced he's coming to Sacramento via bleacher report. This is not good
Sickle cell is a genetic trait that causes your red blood cells to be produced with a change in shape. If both your mom and dad have it, you basically die because your red blood cells can't carry oxygen since they're shaped all weird (like a sickle). If you have one out of two genes with sickle cell, you will produce both normal doughnut shapes as well as sickle cell shapes, but I think the normal cells predominate. In normal activity you can't tell. When you are deprived of oxygen or dehydrated can cause clogging because these sickle cells can start to clump. Doughnuts can't

It affects his safety at the very extreme end of exhaustion. In normal fatiguable conditions it is ok. Something to monitor and he has medical staff on hand. He just has to watch his diet, his fluids, and how his body is responding. Not a big deal, but I wouldn't fly him to Denver for 2 a days with Thibodeau or anything.
Thanks for the thoughtful post. Do you think he has the ability to still play 35 minutes per game with this condition? I know he played limited minutes at Kentucky because of the talented roster, but maybe to temper anything?
Can't argue that it's a good fit. If Winslow or Mudiay turn out to be stars we'll be kicking our self once again.
I won't. It's like always for me. You make the best pick for yourself and never look back. But that's just me.

Best part of the Willie pick is it means Divak thinks a lot of him. That's what counts.
Thanks for the thoughtful post. Do you think he has the ability to still play 35 minutes per game with this condition? I know he played limited minutes at Kentucky because of the talented roster, but maybe to temper anything?
It's hard to call these things. There's no hard cap and I'm sure he'll be able to play normal minutes or else this would have been a far larger topic of discussion with the physicals. On the other hand, I will also not be surprised if I see him double over in the 4th in his rookie year, given that he's said he is one of those that show symptoms (rookie wall time, maybe). There's so many variables with it and it's not something that needs constant medical attention, so no one knows when it'll hit. If it's a particularly hard fought game or he's chasing some guards more than others, etc. Can't say. It's one thing to armchair GM, but armchair MD/DO is another thing altogether. Even his doc wouldn't be able to give you a set time or amount of distance ran, etc. We just don't have the ability to monitor all of the variables and predict when he'll have symptoms or not.

It's pretty rare to have sickle cell trait in the states, rarer still to show symptoms, and possibly moreso to be a pro athlete in this situation. I don't think theres enough empirical evidence in this scenario to say much in terms of overarching statements.


I hated it till this rondo nonsense started. I'll take lawson over rondo all day
Rajon Rondo would almost instantly catapult this team into a playoff position no lower than a 6th seed. Ty Lawson is undersized and not a great shooter, yes he is a solid distributor however not nearly as crafty as Rondo. In my opinion, Lawson's strengths do not outweigh his liabilities. Rondo's name alone makes sense since it will put butts in seats as well.


Strange no
I won't. It's like always for me. You make the best pick for yourself and never look back. But that's just me.

Best part of the Willie pick is it means Divak thinks a lot of him. That's what counts.
Rajon Rondo would almost instantly catapult this team into a playoff position no lower than a 6th seed. Ty Lawson is undersized and not a great shooter, yes he is a solid distributor however not nearly as crafty as Rondo. In my opinion, Lawson's strengths do not outweigh his liabilities. Rondo's name alone makes sense since it will put butts in seats as well.
Rondo of five years ago? Sure. Lawson is just as big of a name to me as Rondo now. Especially in George's system.
Vlade just said absolutely NO ONE in Kings organization knew until last second who HE was going to draft. Considered Mudiay but didn't know enough about him to feel comfortable. He knew Cauley-Stein after his workout, trusted a lot of people in Kentucky giving him feedback and no one can blame him (Vlade) for anything now into the future - it's all on him. Says he needs Coach Karl (and everyone) to trust him to do his job, get the chemistry right.
Anyone have links to interviews of WCS?
Found one:

Willie Trill Caulie-Stein: "You know, it was crazy, 'cuz I kinda got a feeling when I was there working out [for Sacramento]. Yo man, I was like, 'I like it here.' Like, you know, I really-- people was telling me, 'Sacramento is a-- You don't want to be in Sacramento. If anywhere, you don't want to be in Sacramento.' And I'm like, I got there and I seen the city, and I seen the facilities, and you know, the guys was cool, and you know, the coaching staff is great. And the new arena they're building-- I can't wait til, you know, that launches off. And, I'm just excited. I'm ecstatic."

EDIT: So many golden quotes. Sees Boogie as an older brother <3


You heard me. Very good defender. The problem is that he is very good at only one aspect of defense, which makes him a specialist.

This is axiomatically wrong.
You have never been right, and using big words won't hide that fact. WCS is actually good at MULTIPLE things, he was just asked and groomed to be a specialist.