So irritating to see most D-league teams (group of the top teams for sure) emulate their parent team so as to help the transisition of their players to the NBA parent BUT NOT RENO AND THE KINGS!
Bighorn basketball is unwatchable! It is nothing more than playground level shooting drills. No plans (whoa, that makes sense considering), no plays, no defense, no nuturing of players, no preparation for players to advance to the NBA style of play. If this is Ranadive's idea of NBA 3.0 then to this long time fan, past STH and ex-college player it is a failure insifar as game style or pace or play is concerned. Went to a few Reno games in past years but not this year. It's not basketball anymore and it sure as h... doesn't prepare players get into the NBA much less help the Kings with player development.
So then, why should we support it? Why should we be encouraged to buy season tickets if there is no minor league team to help our Kings with up and coming players?
First, you need a plan for the Kings team to win more games. Winning solves all ills. But Kings don't seem to have a plan. Neither does Reno. Second you need a good coach who gets the team to play to their strengths, plays defense and plays together. Had that and threw it away.
What is really going on here? I sure don't know. Do you in the FO? Where is my encouragement to watch and pay to see Kings NBA style basketball? Or don't you care about the team and us any more?