Corbin already signed for remainder of year?

This just shows you how bad Vivek and his FO is.

They deny that there wasn't any argument or conflicts between Malone and them. Yet, they fire Malone for Corbine who is also not a running coach. Except for the fact that Malone is a much better coach overall and a much much better defensive coach. No beef? Why did you have to get rid of Malone now?

Must have been afraid that once Boogie came back, Malone might be able to make them play like the 9-6 start again and they would never have an excuse to fire him.

Do we all realize how sick that sounds? Our team's owner and FO is afraid that if the team starts winning and doing too well, they won't have an excuse to fire the coach that is doing a good job. They put personal reasons and love of an "exciting brand of basketball" ahead of actual winning. Oh my
No he is not. The Kings have removed the interim tag from Coach Corbin's title.
So they wont be doing interviews after the season for a new coach? Cause that is the only way the interim tag gets removed.

adjective: interim
in or for the intervening period; provisional or temporary.
"an interim arrangement"
synonyms:provisional, temporary, pro tem, stopgap, short-term, fill-in, caretaker, acting, transitional, makeshift, improvised, impromptu
"an interim advisory body"
So they wont be doing interviews after the season for a new coach? Cause that is the only way the interim tag gets removed.
Thanks for the english lesson, me just some dumb dumb who don't know good adjectitories. But hey, you know more than those reporting on the team

"The Kings have removed the interim tag from coach Tyrone Corbin’s title, sources close to the team confirmed today."

Read more here:
Follow the money. They are still paying Malone for this season and next season. Karl wants 5 million or more. Corbin is working cheaper than that I am sure. What will Mullin make??? Mullin won't pull down Karl money. Maybe Mullin will take on this gig as piece work. Say 20K per win, 25K for each playoff game won:)
Considering no one else in the league will be competing for his services, he should be quite cheap, shouldn't he?
You guys have to watch episode 27: The Game is Changing, of Open Court (NBAtv).
They talk about how analytics is crap. These new age guys and geeks coming into the league trying to think they can outsmart everyone with stats. The entire first segment just completely describes whats happening in Sacramento
If you're not listening to Grant right now, you should be. He is voicing the very same concerns we've expressed and he isn't pulling any punches. You can catch him at
first the front office has VF21 herself turning against them, now Grant Napear has decided to risk his job to call out the front office on his show. That's when you know things have gotten REAL BAD
The stage is set! This all points to Chris ****ing Mullin taking over as our coach next season and I am sick in the stomach from it that I am going to vomit! Chris ****ing Mullin was a very good player, a Hall of Famer but he has been an absolute failure as an executive at NBA level. He has a proven track record of failure, not even mediocrity. He is a cancer in this franchise that needs to be removed for good. He is a Nellie understudy that has never won anything in his career. He would not have the slightest clue of what team success is all about.

It is not about running up and down and jacking up shots, scoring 170 points in a game and allowing more than that. That is how you stay crap and never get going. The Warriors turned a new leaf when they sacked him as the GM and got Jerry West in as a consultant. Someone that gets it. That has been there and done that in terms of TEAM success. We will ALWAYS be stuck in this pathetic cycle for as long as we have people like Chris Mullin with a lot of influence in this franchise. I am a bee's whisker from being done with this team. I know a bullcrap artist when I see one, life teaches you those lessons along the way and our owner and his advisers (Mullin and PDA) are bullcrap artists. They talk the talk but are incompetent in running a basketball franchise. Their vision is not worthy of comment because their vision of Basketball will NEVER work at NBA level. Its a flawed concept.

I feel sorry for players here who have had the rug pulled from underneath them byt a trio of fraudsters who think this is all a bit of a hit and giggle. I feel sorry for Boogie for having to put up with this sort of bullcrap from the ownership and the front office AGAIN. We had a good thing going with coach Malone. He certainly wasn't without flaws but he was a young coach who was improving, just like young players improve. He had that team united. He believed in them and they believed in him and what he was preaching. We had a team going to war together, having each other's back every single day. That is what winning foundations are built on. Not on glitz and glamour.

We had owners who liked glitz and glamour and we know where that leads. Been there, seen that! We don't want any of it! All we want is a team that will go out there, battle their hearts out on defense every single night and win. We don't care if they win ugly. In fact we as a fan base LOVE those wins. We thrive on them. They reflect us as a fan base, working class, tough, determined, committed with a never say die attitude! Thats why we are the best fans! Its why we created legend in keeping our team in Sacramento, something that has not been achieved by any other fan base. We want out team to reflect those values that we have as a fan base. We don't want style. We want substance. We are not interested in what you are preaching, the Bay Area and Bollywood glitz and glamour that you are trying to shove down our throats. THIS IS SACRAMENTO! That is not us and never will be! The sooner the 3 fraudsters realize that the better it will be for all of us, including them!


Super Moderator Emeritus
The stage is set! This all points to Chris ****ing Mullin taking over as our coach next season and I am sick in the stomach from it that I am going to vomit! Chris ****ing Mullin was a very good player, a Hall of Famer but he has been an absolute failure as an executive at NBA level. He has a proven track record of failure, not even mediocrity. He is a cancer in this franchise that needs to be removed for good. He is a Nellie understudy that has never won anything in his career. He would not have the slightest clue of what team success is all about.

It is not about running up and down and jacking up shots, scoring 170 points in a game and allowing more than that. That is how you stay crap and never get going. The Warriors turned a new leaf when they sacked him as the GM and got Jerry West in as a consultant. Someone that gets it. That has been there and done that in terms of TEAM success. We will ALWAYS be stuck in this pathetic cycle for as long as we have people like Chris Mullin with a lot of influence in this franchise. I am a bee's whisker from being done with this team. I know a bullpoopoo artist when I see one, life teaches you those lessons along the way and our owner and his advisers (Mullin and PDA) are bullpoopoo artists. They talk the talk but are incompetent in running a basketball franchise. Their vision is not worthy of comment because their vision of Basketball will NEVER work at NBA level. Its a flawed concept.

I feel sorry for players here who have had the rug pulled from underneath them byt a trio of fraudsters who think this is all a bit of a hit and giggle. I feel sorry for Boogie for having to put up with this sort of bullpoopoo from the ownership and the front office AGAIN. We had a good thing going with coach Malone. He certainly wasn't without flaws but he was a young coach who was improving, just like young players improve. He had that team united. He believed in them and they believed in him and what he was preaching. We had a team going to war together, having each other's back every single day. That is what winning foundations are built on. Not on glitz and glamour.

We had owners who liked glitz and glamour and we know where that leads. Been there, seen that! We don't want any of it! All we want is a team that will go out there, battle their hearts out on defense every single night and win. We don't care if they win ugly. In fact we as a fan base LOVE those wins. We thrive on them. They reflect us as a fan base, working class, tough, determined, committed with a never say die attitude! Thats why we are the best fans! Its why we created legend in keeping our team in Sacramento, something that has not been achieved by any other fan base. We want out team to reflect those values that we have as a fan base. We don't want style. We want substance. We are not interested in what you are preaching, the Bay Area and Bollywood glitz and glamour that you are trying to shove down our throats. THIS IS SACRAMENTO! That is not us and never will be! The sooner the 3 fraudsters realize that the better it will be for all of us, including them!
Listen to Grant's show.