Malone fired



THe larger point is that he wasn't fired for any of those reasons you list. It was about the offense he ran, and apparently little more than that.

So you can talk all you want about the losses, but that's not what this was about. Irrelevant.
Nobody but Pete and Vivek know why he was fired. Do we have inside sources? No. Vivek can say whatever he wants on camera but honestly we don't know the truth.

I talk about those losses because obviously they contributed to the inevitable. If we were undefeated, Mike Malone would still be coaching this team.
Nobody but Pete and Vivek know why he was fired. Do we have inside sources? No. Vivek can say whatever he wants on camera but honestly we don't know the truth.

I talk about those losses because obviously they contributed to the inevitable. If we were undefeated, Mike Malone would still be coaching this team.
Did you read the article posted? They flew to Vegas weeks ago, when we WERE winning, to urge Malone to fire him right away.

I can't help you if you won't read the owners own words.

Unless you're just admitting Vivek is a liar. You'll get no argument from me on that.
Seems to me like Vivek doesn't like this decision, either. He's putting up a front in order to save the face of PDA's decision-making. I hope that he rehires Malone and apologizes. It's best for this team.
Seems to me like Vivek doesn't like this decision, either. He's putting up a front in order to save the face of PDA's decision-making. I hope that he rehires Malone and apologizes. It's best for this team.
He's backing away from it in a hurry, isn't he?

Petey and Mully told me to do it! I swear. I just listen to guys smarter than me.

Not so fun being hated, is it Vivek? He has all the money he could ever need. He wants to be famous now. Right now, it's infamy he has. And that can't be sitting very well with him.

PDA and Mullin made him look like a fool. I don't think he had any idea there'd be backlash like this. If you heard PDA's spin, he made it sound like this was what fans wanted, and probably sold Vivek on that too. And then Vivek found out that wasn't true at all. Almost no one wanted to fire the coach. 5%? Less? Major miscalculation.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
It's not about the coach costing you a game. A coach is only human. I understand that. But I know for damn sure that neither Pop nor Frank Vogal made as many repetitive bone-head coaching decisions in the first 20 games of their first season. Don't compare Malone to Greg Popovich, that's just wrong.
You are so, so wrong on this one.
Go back to their first years. Go to their rosters. Look at their records. Feel free to come back.
Vivek was involved with the move. They aren't re-hiring Malone. There is no regret from Vivek. This whole thing is silicon valley style hubris.

However, they did totally misread the fans on many levels. The fans liked Malone and were happy in the progress. What I think they misread is thinking that fans just want a dimestore Webber-era Kings. We had that with Westphal and Smart.

Also, and I think this might be the unraveling, they misread the defensive progress the team has made. The defense without Cousins or Darren on the floor has been rather poor. There was still defensive work to do. Big leads were lost because the bendh didn't defend and the bench guards were dysfunctional.
He's backing away from it in a hurry, isn't he?

Petey and Mully told me to do it! I swear. I just listen to guys smarter than me.

Not so fun being hated, is it Vivek? He has all the money he could ever need. He wants to be famous now. Right now, it's infamy he has. And that can't be sitting very well with him.

PDA and Mullin made him look like a fool. I don't think he had any idea there'd be backlash like this. If you heard PDA's spin, he made it sound like this was what fans wanted, and probably sold Vivek on that too. And then Vivek found out that wasn't true at all. Almost no one wanted to fire the coach. 5%? Less? Major miscalculation.
I hope you're right and Petey's head rolls soon. But I'm not holding my breath because the world isn't that morally balanced. Sneaky guys like Petey get over.

But in this case what MIGHT happen is that Petey gets out-flanked and rolled under the bus by Mullin (who has Vivek completely star-struck). Notice how Mullin is all tee'd up as the humble savior here? He's not saying the wrong things to the press - he's just biding his time. None of the sleeze is sticking to him.

Mullin as GM, Mullin's pick as head coach, and Petey on the bread line. That might be how the blame game ends up working. And if Petey's neck ends up in the noose I'll feel like justice was done.
He's backing away from it in a hurry, isn't he?

Petey and Mully told me to do it! I swear. I just listen to guys smarter than me.
Yes, it's not lost on me that last night Vivek shifted all the blame to PDA and Mullin. There was little accountability on his part, as well as when he talked about hiring Malone before hiring a GM. "Everyone I talked to said Malone would be a good hire". Yeah, except for the GM you didn't have in place. By "everyone" he probably only talked to those in GS who worked with Malone, so what the hell did he expect?

Maybe if "everyone he talked to" thought Malone would be a good hire and we started 9-5 with a healthy Cuz, with the toughest schedule in the league, Vivek should be asking why his FO braintrust has wanted to fire him for weeks.

Basically, Vivek talked to people he trusts who said Malone was great.

Then he filled our FO with people he also trusts who want no part of Malone.

He trusted those who liked Malone, now trusts those who want a completely different style and philosophy than Malone. This is what's called "getting played" by those smarter than you. They have him on a string. He apparently can't decipher between the advice he's getting which is on opposite ends of the basketball spectrum.

Then to top it off, he's put the responsibility on everyone else while attempting to sell us the idea that Ty Corbin is going to take this team to the playoffs after blowing everything up mid-season for no other reason than wanting a read and react offense, because this was apparently the right time to "pivot". Yes Vivek, in the middle of our best start in years with a coach who played to our strengths and had the full backing of our top players, is obviously the perfect time to "pivot", especially without a plan.

This is just brutal.


Hall of Famer
THe larger point is that he wasn't fired for any of those reasons you list. It was about the offense he ran, and apparently little more than that.

So you can talk all you want about the losses, but that's not what this was about. Irrelevant.
There is an article somewhere where the relationship between Malone and pretty much everybody else was disintegrating. He was withdrawing. I don't know how much I am reading here is truth or not but certainly if one part of a management team is not communicating, something has to be done. I don't think any of us knows the truth and as airing your dirty laundry in public really isn't cool, we may never know.

Maybe Malone was telling everybody to get screwed. I think he has a temper or so it is reported. I am not going to assume that Malone was pure. Unfortunately, I can see so many ways this can flush this franchise down the toilet so I won't calm myself for quite awhile.


Hall of Famer
He's backing away from it in a hurry, isn't he?

Petey and Mully told me to do it! I swear. I just listen to guys smarter than me.

Not so fun being hated, is it Vivek? He has all the money he could ever need. He wants to be famous now. Right now, it's infamy he has. And that can't be sitting very well with him.

PDA and Mullin made him look like a fool. I don't think he had any idea there'd be backlash like this. If you heard PDA's spin, he made it sound like this was what fans wanted, and probably sold Vivek on that too. And then Vivek found out that wasn't true at all. Almost no one wanted to fire the coach. 5%? Less? Major miscalculation.
Absolutely. I don't know how this fits with what I wrote above. I suspect Vivek didn't explore the problem. Wasn't this around the time he was in India? He probably trusted the guys smarter than him and was wrong.

I also suspect Mullin, PDA, Malone don't have a clue what he is talking about. They don't know when he is serious or just throwing out trial balloons. In the end the buck stops with Vivek and he may be squirming. I hope so.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
It's pretty hard to compare Greg Popovich's record as head coach to anybody else. In his second season as head coach he had not one but two hall-of-fame centers on the roster. He's now in his 19th season as coach of the same team and one of those hall-of-fame centers is not only still on the team, he's getting All Star consideration at age 38. I'm pretty sure that's never happened before and won't ever happen again.
Man, how the times have changed. I remember when Pete and Vivek were announced, there was nothing but love and excitement for those guys posted on this forum , but now it seems like it's went from love to pure hatred of those two.....I don't have an opinion either way, just stating an observation....
There is an article somewhere where the relationship between Malone and pretty much everybody else was disintegrating. He was withdrawing. I don't know how much I am reading here is truth or not but certainly if one part of a management team is not communicating, something has to be done. I don't think any of us knows the truth and as airing your dirty laundry in public really isn't cool, we may never know.

Maybe Malone was telling everybody to get screwed. I think he has a temper or so it is reported. I am not going to assume that Malone was pure. Unfortunately, I can see so many ways this can flush this franchise down the toilet so I won't calm myself for quite awhile.
I said this elsewhere, but at the core, he was fired for insubordination. They didn't like the way he ran things, and he did it anyway. That quote where he called analytics B.S.? That was probably the last straw.


Hall of Famer
I said this elsewhere, but at the core, he was fired for insubordination. They didn't like the way he ran things, and he did it anyway. That quote where he called analytics B.S.? That was probably the last straw.
Correct. I haven't read everything as I am trying to have a life. I missed it.

10 days and counting.
Man, how the times have changed. I remember when Pete and Vivek were announced, there was nothing but love and excitement for those guys posted on this forum , but now it seems like it's went from love to pure hatred of those two.....I don't have an opinion either way, just stating an observation....
I don't remember much love for PDA at any time other than the exact moment when we were 5-1.

Vivek, sure. He saved the team. He's building an arena. That's not forgotten in all of this by anyone.

I do wonder how things would be going if Ron Burkle were involved.
Correct. I haven't read everything as I am trying to have a life. I missed it.

10 days and counting.
This one. ""Analytics, whatever you want to call it. I think it’s all B.S. Defense wins in the NBA" - Mike Malone 12/6/14

That's about as blatantly calling out your front office as anyone could, who we KNOW is big into numbers and stuff.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Man, how the times have changed. I remember when Pete and Vivek were announced, there was nothing but love and excitement for those guys posted on this forum , but now it seems like it's went from love to pure hatred of those two.....I don't have an opinion either way, just stating an observation....
True. I think the manner and timing in which things were done was probably worse than the action itself. Had it happened after this season, in which Vivek said, "we thank Malone for taking us this far, but now we believe Karl will take us the rest of the way", the reaction likely wouldn't have been so visceral. Yeah, I would have been mad, but to an extent, I would have understood. This, this I don't get.
There is NOT a plan. They are figuring it out right now. As we speak. They have no ****ing clue what to do next.

They've admitted as much. Just cause you see a billionaire and think he must be smart, doesn't make it so. He's not. He has no clue how to run a basketball team. He's just doing whatever people tell him to do. At least that's his excuse. Vivek doesn't take accountability for anything.
How is that not a plan? He knows how to run a basketball team... look at all the consultants around him. You may dislike them or whatever, but they're professional NBA coaches and advisers. Vivek is the owner... I don't get this. I really don't.

You guys want Vivek to stay out of all things basketball, but at the same time you don't want him to. Which one is it??

No one knows what goes behind closed doors... do you want Vivek to be like Jerry Jones and call all the shots for the team?


Hall of Famer
This one. ""Analytics, whatever you want to call it. I think it’s all B.S. Defense wins in the NBA" - Mike Malone 12/6/14

That's about as blatantly calling out your front office as anyone could, who we KNOW is big into numbers and stuff.
I think there was more to it than that but it's probably none of our business. Or so Vivek thought. I knew about the analytics quote but I think there was more.

I think Burkle wouldn't have thought that every passing thought he has needed to be shared with the public.

I have always seen Vivek as insecure and I think he is trying to make himself look good. No guy worth close to a billion needs to prove anything to me. As to basketball, shut up. Let the smarter people run things. He is managing to look very silly. I just hope that's the worst it gets.
I said this elsewhere, but at the core, he was fired for insubordination. They didn't like the way he ran things, and he did it anyway. That quote where he called analytics B.S.? That was probably the last straw.
Of course, the issue is that you can be an insubordinate to higher-ups who know what they're doing, or you can be an insubordinate to higher-ups who wouldn't know what a winning style is if it crashed their Christmas dinner.

If it was the former, there'd be a lot less of an uproar and oh btw, we'd already have brought in a replacement for Malone since it would have been a well though out plan by higher-ups who know what they're doing, but since this whole mess smells much more of the latter, that's why we're seeing a local and national uproar, to the extent at least locally I've never seen Kings fan across all platforms generally agree to the extent they are right now. Everyone who appears to know the game has a real problem with how this went down as when it comes to the game and the business of how this league operates, it makes no sense. And there has not been a single argument I've come across which explains this situation as anything approaching good. They "have a plan" isn't an argument.


Hall of Famer
Of course, the issue is that you can be an insubordinate to higher-ups who know what they're doing, or you can be an insubordinate to higher-ups who wouldn't know what a winning style is if it crashed their Christmas dinner.

If it was the former, there'd be a lot less of an uproar and oh btw, we'd already have brought in a replacement for Malone since it would have been a well though out plan by higher-ups who know what they're doing, but since this whole mess smells much more of the latter, that's why we're seeing a local and national uproar, to the extent at least locally I've never seen Kings fan across all platforms generally agree to the extent they are right now. Everyone who appears to know the game has a real problem with how this went down as when it comes to the game and the business of how this league operates, it makes no sense. And there has not been a single argument I've come across which explains this situation as anything approaching good. They "have a plan" isn't an argument.
Yup. The latter fits this situation.
How is that not a plan? He knows how to run a basketball team... look at all the consultants around him. You may dislike them or whatever, but they're professional NBA coaches and advisers. Vivek is the owner... I don't get this. I really don't.

You guys want Vivek to stay out of all things basketball, but at the same time you don't want him to. Which one is it??

No one knows what goes behind closed doors... do you want Vivek to be like Jerry Jones and call all the shots for the team?
How is what not a plan?

They don't have a coach lined up, or any idea how to get one. That's not a plan. That's a mess. If they did have a plan, the team wouldn't have fired their coach without having a replacement.
If you honestly don't believe a talent like Rajon Rondo or Josh Smith could help this team, you're delusional. Don't be a follower, bud.
Yes they can help the team they can help any team. But it's not about only talent you have to have the talent coexist. Okc can use rondo trade jackson/lamb/jones but you won't here a peep from the cause they know rondo is talented but won't fit in the system or with the players. Plenty if teams rondo can help that won't even trade for him for that reason. Smith has no place on this team and Malone knew that I applaud him for sticking to his guns.
I said this elsewhere, but at the core, he was fired for insubordination. They didn't like the way he ran things, and he did it anyway. That quote where he called analytics B.S.? That was probably the last straw.
I think this has to be the real reason. PDA is the nerdy kid in highschool that the cool kids push around. Fast forward x number of years and the resentment is still with PDA, so when a "cool guy" like Malone doesn't listen to him, PDA gets him fired.
How is what not a plan?

They don't have a coach lined up, or any idea how to get one. That's not a plan. That's a mess. If they did have a plan, the team wouldn't have fired their coach without having a replacement.
How do you know what their plan is? How do you know their plan isn't to wait it out? They do have a replacement right now, and it's Corbin. It's like your boss interviewing your replacement while you're working. I'm pretty sure you'd be pretty upset. Maybe the Kings have more class than that? None of us really know..

This has happened in the NBA before.. a few years ago the Nets fired Avery Johnson with a 14-14 record. The assistant P.J. Carlisemo became the HC. Finished the remaining games 35-17.