Kings speak with Mark Jackson after ESPN broadcast



"hand down, man down"

I think this move could be described by another one of Jackson's phrases

"Million Dollar move, 10 cent finish"
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Felt like this warranted a new thread as the other one was getting gnarly and long PLUS this is the first candidate aside from Mullin that Vivek has spoken to.

...After calling the game courtside for ESPN, Jackson had a lengthy meeting with Mullin, Kings general manager Pete D'Alessandro and franchise centerpiece DeMarcus Cousins inside the "Chairman's Lounge" where they had requested that arena workers and others give them some privacy.

Jackson, Mullin, and Cousins entered the room at approximately 10:20 p.m. Pacific time, with Cousins sporting a black suit as he continues to recover from his bout with viral meningitis that has kept him out of action since Nov. 26. D'Alessandro joined them approximately 20 minutes into the meeting, and the group finally exited just before midnight, long after the room had been cleared so that they could have a moment to discuss, well, connect the dots yourself.

Or, of course, maybe it was just a couple of old childhood pals sharing stories with their Kings friends. Mullin and Jackson have been the best of friends since their high school days, when Jackson was coming up at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School in Brooklyn and Mullin was a star at Power Memorial Academy in New York City...
Please note it does NOT say Vivek met with Jackson.
I might even want del negro over this dude, why us man.

He had a stagnant offense with the ****ing warriors if you can't get that team to be top 5 in offense than I don't know what to tell you.

Malone was the X/O guy when they were together all jackson did was preach. I'll never forget the spurs series I forget which one but it was under a min left in a time out. In the middle of the huddle is malone drawing up plays while Jackson is on the outside looking lost.

And this is all before we get to his off court nonsense.


The Game Thread Dude
I might even want del negro over this dude, why us man.

He had a stagnant offense with the ****ing warriors if you can't get that team to be top 5 in offense than I don't know what to tell you.

Malone was the X/O guy when they were together all jackson did was preach. I'll never forget the spurs series I forget which one but it was under a min left in a time out. In the middle of the huddle is malone drawing up plays while Jackson is on the outside looking lost.

And this is all before we get to his off court nonsense.
It was good practice for working with Vivek


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Vivek is a wannabe. He's not even respectable enough to be an emulator, doesn't have enough of a clue to be a follower. He's a Warriors wannabe. Whatever his business credentials in the outside world, in the NBA he has no NBA experience beyond the Warriors and its just pathetic. He's like a helpless babe clinging to mommy's skirts. Except in this case I suspect that over in the Bay Area mommy is shaking her head and wishing he'd grow up and move out of the basement.

He wasn't with Golden State long enough to grow this cluelessly arrogant about all things Warriors, so I can only conclude that it is just rampant NBA insecurity causing him to grasp desperately at the only things he knows (no doubt helped along by the Warriors rejects whispering in his ear as "advisors"). At least if you were the kid trying to emulate his older brother and choose to start putting together franchise out of 100% Lakers castoffs, you could say, well, Lakers have won 16 titles, their castoffs are better than some teams' A crews. But the Warriors haven't produced enough good personnel to fill one franchise, let only two.

But you gotta admit hiring a street corner preacher who sends pictures of his genitals to hookers is entirely 100% the way to rescue yourself from the humiliation of this whole fiasco.
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More crying from most of you. You guys are acting like a bunch of babies.

The positive to be taken from this is that they involved Cousins. Obviously they are including him in the search for a new head coach and that's a big plus.
Cousins expressed a desire to meet Jackson, whose ability to connect with his players during the last three seasons with the Warriors was a very real and valuable part of his successes there.
Malone knows, how Jackson operates, so Mike instigated Boogie to prop Mark to get right back in as a lead assistant. :eek::D
Well he isn't going to come out and undermine Corbin is he. Almost everything said in the media is PR managed party line scripts.

"That was an interview, we have no faith in Ty he's useless!"
I would be more comfortable with him saying "we are evaluating all of our options at this time, but Ty is our coach now and we will continue to show full support."
Well if nothing else Mark Jackson probably gave Mullin the 411 on being a Coach. I can tell MJ is unpopular on this board. IMO he is a very good motivator and he had the GSW players on his side. The man has his faith and some think he is too preachy. He is a good coach as long as there are X's and O's guys around him such as Malone. Don't forget GSW improved quite a lot under Jackson's watch, Especially defensively.

IMO whoever is going to be Vivek's, Pete's and Mullin's choice to coach the Kings should just be given the reins ASAP. It is going to suck coming in midseason but it is what it is. Otherwise this season is just a waste.

I still cannot understand letting Malone go at this point in the season???? Can someone put a positive spin on this and explain how Vivek, Pete and Mulin EVER thought it was a good move???
I just watched the game, and was thinking that throughout the broadcast Mark Jackson was totally "auditioning" for a coaching gig with us. Basically said all the stuff we know the FO wants to hear, praised the FO and ownership, didn't bring up any criticism of the firing at all, even specifically endorsed having a guy leaking out after a shot goes up etc.
mully HC, mark lead assistant? or the other way around?

KB, mully & weasel have been putting knives in malone's back. i feel they didn't give him what he needed which are defensive players. mostly get offensive and have him turn them into defensive players.
I still can't believe we let a real head coach go just because PDA was not able to get a legit starter next to DMC and Rudy. And now we're talking with random people like beggars. In reality, we only got 2 real NBA starters on this team. The rest bench players, including Collison. Then you fire a coach who can't win with just 1 starter on the roster.
I just watched the game, and was thinking that throughout the broadcast Mark Jackson was totally "auditioning" for a coaching gig with us. Basically said all the stuff we know the FO wants to hear, praised the FO and ownership, didn't bring up any criticism of the firing at all, even specifically endorsed having a guy leaking out after a shot goes up etc.
He was also saying things like "you've gotta give a guy time" "you've got to have patience"