Malone fired

GMs are paid to take the blame for the owner's bad moves a lot of times. Such as the owner tells a GM who to draft, but when it doesn't work out, its on the GM.
Absolutely. But I see a lot of "PDA IS THE DEVIL GERBIL" type of comments going on here when this is starting to really smell like Vivek wanting to get his BFF into a coaching job. Even if there were some philosophical differences between PDA and Malone, I can't imagine why PDA would want to break up a coach who's doing decently with the roster he put together. Thus far, PDA-Malone have done a pretty good job at putting a competitive team on the floor.

Always got to remember who signs the checks at the end of the day.
"Mully" is always seen sitting right next to Vivek and is routinely referred to as Vivek's favorite person. Mully's smile, whispering things into vivek's ears.

I'm still betting that we end up hiring Karl.

But IF we really end up hiring Mully as coach, then this would truly be a new low for the franchise. We showed much improvement and finally, our star center is coming back on thurs. Now we throw it all away in order to give Mully a try? Someone that has zero experience in what he is going to be paid millions of dollars to do? Wow. I hope Karl is our guy, considering the circumstances.
If Karl is available and wants to coach us and we choose Mullin. Wow. That might be the nail in the coffin for me.

A reporter on Grant's show (edit: Marc Spears) on the radio: "I know George would take the job in a heartbeat. I've covered him for a very long time. I don't know anyone that got more out of Melo than George. He would be a fantastic choice."
I'm starting to believe Vivek is just too stubborn to listen to opinions that differ from his own. He hires people who agree with him and who support his stance.
Yup, I've been thinking that for a while. Just watch his war room video. He basically punked the rest of the FOs into agreeing with him that Nik is the pick. You can just tell in everyone's body language. He is too stubborn to realize that not all teams can play like the warriors and spurs. It's really a simple concept so its just his refusal to accept it.
I'm starting to believe Vivek is just too stubborn to listen to opinions that differ from his own. He hires people who agree with him and who support his stance.
Yep. That crap about "surrounding himself with people much smarter than him" is really an example of protesting too much. In other words, it is BUII $HlT
I never punched a billionaire in the face before, but hey first time for everything right? Now... how to get close enough?


Edit: I wonder if money would fall out if someone did though... food for thought
I wonder what advice has Mullin given vivek this whole time.

Mullin- "My best advice, fire Malone and hire me"
I recall when Vivek & Co. purchased Kings said he hoped to bring Mullen aboard in some capacity, probably as close front office advisor. Then Mullen was said to be "mulling" exactly he would be interested in doing in Sacramento if anything. Mullen said he was very happy living in Bay Area for years with wife, kids and probably not interested in long daily commute. Yes, I know Keith Smart did commute back to East Bay on weekends but Mullen made the point it was not his cup of tea.

Does anyone know how Vivek Ranadive handles his Bay Area to Sacramento life? He has his mansion in Atherton we know. Does he rent a place in Sac? Have crash pad suite at Sheraton Hotel downtown? He was said to be looking to purchase home somewhere in Sacramento area.

Anyway, I seriously doubt Chris Mullen is desperately seeking Kings head coach position - but for sure George Karl is.
Sacramento in the early 2000's still is the best example of what a fast pace offence can be.

That team was lead by Webber and Vlade. Niether one of those guys were track stars. DMC has some of the, if not the best hands in the game. He can't exactly outrun the defense but he can definitely drop dimes and outlet passes with the best of em. crap, I don't know, just trying to be positive. This sucks.
Man, Cousins can barely crack 30 minutes a game playing a half court game. He wouldn't make it past 26-28 playing a full on track fest flying up/down the court. That's AD's game, not Cousin's. He was built to make you cry in the post.
I recall when Vivek & Co. purchased Kings said he hoped to bring Mullen aboard in some capacity, probably as close front office advisor. Then Mullen was said to be "mulling" exactly he would be interested in doing in Sacramento if anything. Mullen said he was very happy living in Bay Area for years with wife, kids and probably not interested in long daily commute. Yes, I know Keith Smart did commute back to East Bay on weekends but Mullen made the point it was not his cup of tea.

Does anyone know how Vivek Ranadive handles his Bay Area to Sacramento life? He has his mansion in Atherton we know. Does he rent a place in Sac? Have crash pad suite at Sheraton Hotel downtown? He was said to be looking to purchase home somewhere in Sacramento area.

Anyway, I seriously doubt Chris Mullen is desperately seeking Kings head coach position - but for sure George Karl is.
Still lives in the bay area but flys here on a chartered plane whenever he needs/wants, stays at the embassy suites whose owner is also a minority owner of the kings.