Actually I'm quite impressed with Malone coaching for now (and I wasn't inclined to when I've heard he's going to use DWill over Casspi
Up to now, when remembering coaches Casspi played for - none of them was impressing at all...
Byron Scott was completely stagnant with his rotation - nothing could change it more than moving replacement 2 min. in some direction.
Westphal was ... hm... just erratic in decisions - placing players in starting line-up or doghouse after two bad or good plays and driving them completely crazy.
And McHale (while better that those two) seemed to be just weak-charactered and unsure (for example, super-short rotations in play-off and actually I have strong feeling that removing Casspi from rotation wasn't his move but decision of GM/owners to "develop" DMo)
While it's only start of the season but I see Malone trying to adopt and looking for solution in every game.... So let us see how it will continue...