[Game] Game 2: Sacrificial Kiwis vs. Portalville Train Balmers 12/27/12, 7:00 BGM 10:00 EDY

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The Game Thread Dude
Kingsfans.com Official Game Thread
Game 2
Sacramento Kings vs. Portland Trailblazers

By Stephen Tetsu, Amateur Auteur

Yep. One of those nights.

Well that was fun. One game in and we’ve already devolved into plans for next year’s lottery pick. All in a week at kingsfans.com.

While we didn’t win the home opener as we normally do, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Whereas we normally get a super boost of confidence from an opening season win only to have our hearts crushed in subsequent games, this year we get to start out feeling crappy and building ourselves back up from there. You can only go up from a .000 winning percentage.

As for the game itself, enough has been made of the chaotic and ineffective offense and everything else you’d expect from a franchise that’s been conditioned to think about offense since the days of Reggie Theus and Danny Ainge. But, besides that all, I though the Kings actually did a family good job on the defensive end. While some of the Splash Brothers’ overall poor night can be attributed to a bad shooting night, some credit has to be given to our starting backcourt for really making them work for good looks. While Ben McLemore can be rightly criticized for still being rawer than a living veal calf on the offensive end, his defensive game has, for one night at least, taken a leap. Meanwhile, Darren Collison displayed good communication on the perimeter, and I thought both guys did a very good job of playing different switch situations and the like.

But of course, we only shot 30 percent for the game, so the sky is falling.

Post of the Game
Sharing the post with the most likes from the prior game thread.

Or maybe, we never should have drafted Stauskas in the first place; maybe we should have a vet starting, and McLemore should be backing him up.
WE’RE ALL GONNA DIEEEEEEE Pessimism of the Game
it's going to be an interesting season if we plan on playing offense like this...
We look worse than Keith Smart kings, seriously its time coaching took some blame. The players looked lost, pure isolation basketball. Terrible roster construction, an owner who thinks he's Pat Riley, this franchise is an absolute disaster.
Awards Time

Tony Delk Memorial Award- Marreese Speights, who simply ran roughshod over our transition D in the second half. Also, his first name is a nightmare to spell, so that is a few extra tallies in his ledger. Honorable mention goes to Draymond Green.

Jason Hart Award- Ramon Sessions, who almost single-handedly torpedoed any chance of winning during his stint in the third quarter by simply passing the ball to the other team on seemingly every possession.

Luke Walton Vacuum Cleaner Award-Going against the grain here (most of y'all would probably want Ben McLemore listed), Ramon Session pulls off the incredibly rare double award victory for his craptacular third quarter. Really, really, the stuff of legends. I thought PDA did good by locking him up for cheap but I apparently thought wrong.

Shareef Abdur-Rahim Award- Andre Iguodala, now relegated to sixth man and generally out of sorts for the game. Still provided hard-nosed defense but generally was unproductive on the offensive end and seemed preoccupied by what the old folks home would be serving for breakfast than what was going on on the hardwood.

WTF Moment- No pins given out at the games apparently. Or something of that nature. I dunno, I wasn’t really paying attention. The disasterous third quarter is pretty WTF-worthy, though.

The View From the Other Side
The opinions of the Golden State Warrior fanbase during the course of the game, as taken from Golden State of Mind:
Let's all revel
In the fact we played pretty bad and then blew out the Kings, while even though a bottom-feeder, is the exact type of match-up in the past that we’d drop a game to. We made 22% on 3’s. And we blew them out. Draymond Green played Center vs DeMarcus Cousins. And we blew them out.

Speights was 8-11. That is all.

Another interesting note
Unless I’m mistaken, Curry was defending the opposing PG the whole night. And from the eye test he seemed to be playing pretty solid D without reaching too much. Seems like Kerr may not use Klay as a PG-stopper like Jackson did. What do you guys think about this? I think I like this so far from what I’ve seen…

i noticed that too
It might just be a match up situation where it makes sense though. Sessions is not a great outside shooter, and Steph was able to lay back a little and get help from the 3 headed monster at C (still trying to come up with a nickname for them, Cerberus? SerbErAus?). Other than Cousins, their most dangerous guys are Gay, McLemore and Stauskas. It probably made sense to keep Klay on one of them.

The beauty of it
Is that if a team has multiple perimeter threats, we won’t have to hide anyone defensively all game long. Also, their PG’s are really their 2nd weakest unit offensively next to PF (Landry notwithstanding.)
Sacramento too Sacramento for us to lose
1. Congrats on first coaching win Kerr. He made nice adjustments, seemed to have the right message at the right time. Good timeouts, good sub pattern.

2. Which leads me to Dray. Don’t know how much it was his smarts or any player would have driven the hoop in this situation, but when he drove on Cousins getting DCs 4th foul, that changed the game (which Kerr sensed and went small.) Also, just another typically smart and hearty Dray game.

3. Bogut, for toughing out his stomach flu/poisoning. Amazing how cursed he seems to be with that kind of stuff, unreal if he had missed that one. And then he set the D tone, didn’t allow Cousins to get off early, which likely helped in DC having a poor shooting night.

4. Curry.

5. Mo.

Not surprised by HBs nonexistent first half. The fact he came alive a bit in the 2nd half is fine and dandy, better than the alt. But being able to post up the Kings’ weak D link, the out of position rookie, doesn’t impress me much. It’s just SO not surprising to see HB play like that. He’ll come out eventually and have a good game, but i still hear and read, everywhere, a gross imbalance between what he’s done in his career, how he looks doing it, and how much praise and faith is put on him. I’m not trying to stir the pot, but HB and how he’s treated by most, reminds me of the "great white hope" kind of player who by being a good, nice, thoughtful guy and maybe looking the part on the floor, gets WAY too much faith/hope/kind words from the general public and media.

(And hey, that may be a sign our culture is progressing. We now overvalue black players too due to them being smart, thoughtful, nice, handsome, and looking the part. That’s progress, just like pointing out the similarities.)
Tonight’s Game

Happy Halloween. Afraid yet?

Game two brings us another spooky match-up with a western conference playoff team, this time the Portland Trailblazers, led by multiple time (for some reason) All-Star Lamarcus Aldridge and greater IT and potential spawn of Satan, Damien Lillard. Coming off of a playoff season last year, the Blazers added famous bench viking Chris Kaman to the roster and neglected to pick-up Thomas Robinson's option for next year because they aren't morons. In other words, the Blazers continue to work to improve their relatively fleshy interior.

Also they beat the Thunder to start the season (albeit a Thunder team that happened to be missing arguably the best player in the world) in a game where Lamarcus Aldridge managed to score 27 points while only hauling in three boards. I'm no professional basketball player but I'm pretty sure that if I set my mind to it, I'd be able to pick up more rebounds in a single NBA game than Lamarcus sometimes does. For a seven-footer, Lamarcus displays a distinct disinterest in playing like a tall person.

Meanwhile, Damien Lillard is a poorman's IT, if a poor dude prefers more defensive ability and someone being picked in the first round (and also being passed up by Geoff Petrie). While he's an All-Star, he's not quite a Steph Curry all-star, not that there's too much space separating them as players.

Game two brings us more strong guards to contend with. Also, Thomas Robinson, which is always a bucket of fun.

Demarcus vs. Lamarcus- How long into the game before someone get their names confused? My wager is six minutes, ten seconds. Also, they're both their team's best player so that's cool.
Damien Lillard v. Darren Collison- Can Darren score as many points as Dame? After all, as Jerry has constantly reminded us over the past several seasons, that's all that matters in a point guard match-up.
Ben v. Nik- Two kids, both missing one portion of the game. Only one can start, but both aren't quite worthy of the spot just yet, so cool.
Batum v. Gay- Things don't get much easier for Rudy in game two as Batum is one of the better wing defenders in the game today. Also he's French so he's loaded up on baguettes and dark coffee.
Thomas Robinson v. Thomas Robinson- Were it not for Javale McGee, T-Rob would probably be considered the dumbest player in the NBA, as it is now, he's in the top three. Also, he still kinda sucks at anything that isn't a transition dunk.

Predictions and Final Thoughts
It's 1 AM and I have work in six hours so let's wrap this up fast, shall we? After last game's disappointment, we need a strong effort from our big two to win game 2. Demarcus needs to bound back from a poor opener. If he does like we know he can, things can open up for the rest of the team.

And so, in my sleepy haze, I say the Kings are victorious 97-94.

Go Kings!!

PS. Bonus Halloween Picture of the Day:

"Other than Cousins, their most dangerous guys are Gay, McLemore and Stauskas."

That drew a hearty chuckle.

Talk about a team without an identity. Even warriors fans have no idea who they're supposed to be worried about. Hint, not Ben.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Here's a cheery thought, and will tell us something about whether Cuz's game 1 struggles were Bogut related or he's just not into gear/comfortable yet:

Cousins 4 games vs. the Blazers + his shoulda been frontcourt partner last year:

11/08 35pts (13-25FG 9-10FT) 9reb 1ast 4stl 1blk 3TO
11/09 33pts (13-24FG 7-11FT) 12reb 0ast 1stl 1blk 2TO
01/07 35pts (13-28FG 9-15FT) 13reb 2ast 1stl 2blk 2TO
04/09 30pts (14-29FG 2-3FT) 12reb 2ast 3stl 0blk 3TO
Totals: 33.3pts (.500 .692) 11.5reb 1.3ast 2.3stl 1.0blk 2.5TO


"Other than Cousins, their most dangerous guys are Gay, McLemore and Stauskas."

That drew a hearty chuckle.

Talk about a team without an identity. Even warriors fans have no idea who they're supposed to be worried about. Hint, not Ben.
To us or the other team?

We need the Cousins who played against the GSW but just finishing lay ups, the thing was 90% of Cousins shots were actually really good shots he just missed for some reason (nerves probs). I watched Portland against OKC (minus KD) and like last season they do tend to cruise against crap teams which we are so that's our big hope that they take us lightly and we play hard.
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Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Well here's apparently what PDA has been up to:


The Sacramento Kings reportedly made a late push to trade for Thompson by offering anyone other than DeMarcus Cousins or Rudy Gay.
Trying to be opportunistic again and turn Nik and Derrick into Klay Thompson somehow. Maybe the impending max for Klay is even what led Vivek to look so grumpy during that Grant and Jerry interview.

Now that that fetish can finally be put aside, maybe PDA can get back to less pipedreamy real world improvements for the Kings.
Well here's apparently what PDA has been up to:


Trying to be opportunistic again and turn Nik and Derrick into Klay Thompson somehow. Maybe the impending max for Klay is even what led Vivek to look so grumpy during that Grant and Jerry interview.

Now that that fetish can finally be put aside, maybe PDA can get back to less pipedreamy real world improvements for the Kings.
I would have traded Rudy for Klay.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
wouldn't terribly advance our cause however. Better fit maybe, but is the same sort of thing.

Positive uptake is the conformation we are looking for a 3rd weapon. Trying to sell the Warriors on Nik being a poor man's Klay anyway so why not swap them and control costs makes sense....for us anyway. :p

Negative flipside is of course we gave away our best assets other than Cousins the last year and a half and when we go shopping for a third option now teams are probably just hanging up the phone. Maybe we can get the last year of Kobe at $30mil. :p


Hall of Famer
well based off last season, DeMarcus loves playing Portland so from that standpoint alone I am hoping this game becomes more watchable than the last. Blazers love to shoot threes so the same game plan will be implemented here by Sac running them off the three point line, good luck.
At least with 50% of the OKC roster now injured, including KD and Westbrook, our chances of winning one of our first 10 games has gone up. So we have that to be optimistic about
What the hell do you mean? These dumb ass responses are part of the reason I am not posting here much anymore. People seem to like to translate posts in a way that is antagonistic. Enlighten me, please or go pick on some one else..
Lol man i wasn't picking on you. what i meant by it was "oh my goodness that is going to be a lot of money"