I agree and also have ample experience with diet and nutrition, along with my wife being a nutritionist with both American and European experience. Crossfit guys, and gals, who regularly do some of the toughest workouts also go paleo. A distinction needs to be made between types of carbs as well. It's really the processed carbs and/or the carbs connected to processed food or refined sugar which isn't all that healthy and offers little nutritional benefit. A lot of that is connected to the ongoing gluten debate which has substance. Modern day, western gluten is not the gluten our ancestors ate nor is it natural or easily digestible substance and can cause a number of health problems. But that's what happens when food is modified in a lab.
Time and time again when people cut gluten out of their diets they see benefits, from clearer skin to less joint pain to improvement in or even the end of diabetes, less inflammation, increased energy, better moods and more normal digestion. When going gluten free, paleo or low-carb, you're also generally cutting out all the processed food, wheat, refined sugar, chemicals, artificial ingredients, etc, which are toxic to the body. There's a reason much of what is in our food supply is banned across the world and as some will argue there aren't any serious effects to what's in our food supply, we're one of, if not the fattest and unhealthiest nation in the world with the highest rate of cancer and highest % of the population on pharmaceutical drugs. It's one reason, as a popular example, why when people go to central or eastern, or even part of western Europe, they lose weight while eating more. It's in part due to the food being far healthier, along with more walking.
As for Slim, I seriously question his commitment to being an NBA player. To show up to your first training camp with that kind of a gut is ridiculous. Part is on our staff for not working with him this summer on dropping weight, part is on him for not doing some basic research on his own. Hopefully he'll be able to give us a decent 5-7 min stint each half though. We could use that.