Report: Kings finalizing sign and trade with Suns for Thomas

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So I guess we could use the TPE to sign a Player to a 7 mil contract even if we are over the Cap

But then wouldn't we be way over the luxury limit? We would have to stretch 2-3 players?

So maybe next off season we can use TPE if we are over the cap but under the luxury limit?

How long is the TPE good for?


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I don't think we're going to regret this move looking back. We don't want another $27 million dollar contract on the books for a player who doesn't really fit. Hopefully we're moving away from a period of merely acquiring assets and building a real team now.

The trade exception actually helps us this year since we're capped out. If somebody wants to dump a salary, that trade exception moves us near the top of the list of potential suitors because we can knock $7 million off their cap hit right away. If we did want to try and get Larry Sanders, for instance, all we have to send back now is approximately $4 million in expiring salaries. Travis Outlaw's $3 million alone might be enough. Alternatively, they could take their pick of Thompson or Landry and we'd only be adding $4-5 million onto the cap for the next three years. With 36 million in expiring contracts and a 7 million dollar trade exception, we've got a ton of flexibility here for more mid-season trades.
The problem is that we still have a ton of roster issues and little to know assets to fix them. Meanwhile, we've wasted the assets we do have.
True, we are limited, but there are still players we could offer. A $7 mill trade exception is no joke. It can help at the very least. Also, we still have D-Will, JT, possibly Landry, and even Ben if the right deal comes along. We aren't without assets either. Maybe JT+TPE can get something done.
Your surprised? I sure as hell am not. They got a pair pf 2nd rd picks and vasquez for reke. I looked up a website earlier to see ehat the protection is on the miami pick owed to cleveland and saw that gerbil has traded all the 2nd rd picks up tp 2017 or 2018. This os the kings reality. Noob ownership plus noob front office. They should shipped it out before the deadline to get a late 1st or some 2nd rd picks. Now we get a trade exeption which gerbil will be humping to use on a nother landry level player.
The picks are protected 31-55 right?
True, we are limited, but there are still players we could offer. A $7 mill trade exception is no joke. It can help at the very least. Also, we still have D-Will, JT, possibly Landry, and even Ben if the right deal comes along. We aren't without assets either. Maybe JT+TPE can get something done.

TPE's are used for one thing and one thing only and that's other teams garbage. I don't think you can combine a TPE with a player like JT. A MLE level TPE doesn't usually bring a ton via trade.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
This was pretty much over when we signed the Collison deal. It took a little longer for the other foot to drop (Lebron) and trigger everything else, but we made our decision two weeks ago and it was Collison at 3 years and 16 million instead of Thomas at 4 years and 27 million. I'm happy with that decision, but I never thought Thomas was anything more than a talented rotation guy taking advantage of an opportunity to pad his stats on a bad team with no PG depth and score a bigger deal.
I don't think we're going to regret this move looking back. We don't want another $27 million dollar contract on the books for a player who doesn't really fit. Hopefully we're moving away from a period of merely acquiring assets and building a real team now.
What period of acquiring assets? Arguably, the team has less assets than when they took over and what did they solve.
PG- IT to Collison (better fit potentially but remains to be seen how that impacts the team)
SG- Reke to Mac to Stauskus (another downgrade and wasted assetS)
SF- Salmons to Gay (huge win)
PF- Thompson to Landry to Thompson (wasted cap space)
C- Cousins to Cousins (kept him but I don't buy we would have lost him last offseason if we hadn't traded for Vasquez/signed Landry)

Our bench is still weak and we still lack defense.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The real difficulty here is that gerbil's "maneuvering", or lack thereof, has left us with very few assets. We do get a $7mil TPE out of this, but again, unless we are willing to become heavy tax payers, its of no value until we clear some serious cap space.

Going into the summer I repeatedly tagged our top three assets as the #8 pick, IT S&T, and Ben McLemore. We are now down to just Ben, and if we've gotten any better at all it depends on a rookie and addition by subtraction. My new hope centers on the enders belonging to Terry, DWil and OUtlaw, but at the pace we're going we'll swap them For Andrea Bargnani and a 2019 2nd rounder.

I was really really hoping we'd do something with Chicago and free the protections on our first round picks that have us pinned.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
So I guess we could use the TPE to sign a Player to a 7 mil contract even if we are over the Cap

But then wouldn't we be way over the luxury limit? We would have to stretch 2-3 players?

So maybe next off season we can use TPE if we are over the cap but under the luxury limit?

How long is the TPE good for?
One year Biker.

And yes, the problem is it would shoot us right over the tax limit, which tells me it might end up having a very short period of use not this season, but rather in the first couple of weeks of next offseason after our contracts have expired and we're back well under the cap, but the TPE hasn't yet expired (will expire 7/11/2015).


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
What period of acquiring assets? Arguably, the team has less assets than when they took over and what did they solve.
PG- IT to Collison (better fit potentially but remains to be seen how that impacts the team)
SG- Reke to Mac to Stauskus (another downgrade and wasted assetS)
SF- Salmons to Gay (huge win)
PF- Thompson to Landry to Thompson (wasted cap space)
C- Cousins to Cousins (kept him but I don't buy we would have lost him last offseason if we hadn't traded for Vasquez/signed Landry)

Our bench is still weak and we still lack defense.
We spent 7 years doing nothing but acquiring assets who don't play well together. It's been one year and so far all but three of them are gone. It's a new group who hasn't really meshed yet as a group, but that takes time. All you're doing is talking about players as if they are assets again -- this is exactly my point! Who cares about losing assets? Sure that's a poor short-term strategy but what's the long-term goal? We have a coach who we'll hopefully stick with for awhile and we're trying to get him players he wants to run his system. We swapped out a scoring guard for a better all-around system PG and added a shooter in the draft. It's not hard to see where those types of players fit in to an offense. I'm hoping we can bring in more defensive role-players at some point, there's still a lot of work to be done but this kind of panic is completely unwarranted I think.
The contracts we have right now aren't horrible. Landry is overpaid, but it's not a laughably overpaid contract. We just have too many PFs that aren't good enough, which leads me to believe that we still have more moves that we will make. Our PG position isn't horrible by any stretch of the imagination, neither is SG. SF and C is where most of the money is tied up and the rest at PF. We need to clear the PF slot up, maybe then we will be able to make some sense of what is going on.
Thats one way of looking at it. However my gut tells theyre gonna see the greenlight to make a move just to make a move to show they r making progress.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I don't think we're going to regret this move looking back. We don't want another $27 million dollar contract on the books for a player who doesn't really fit. Hopefully we're moving away from a period of merely acquiring assets and building a real team now.

The trade exception actually helps us this year since we're capped out. If somebody wants to dump a salary, that trade exception moves us near the top of the list of potential suitors because we can knock $7 million off their cap hit right away. If we did want to try and get Larry Sanders, for instance, all we have to send back now is approximately $4 million in expiring salaries. Travis Outlaw's $3 million alone might be enough. Alternatively, they could take their pick of Thompson or Landry and we'd only be adding $4-5 million onto the cap for the next three years. With 36 million in expiring contracts and a 7 million dollar trade exception, we've got a ton of flexibility here for more mid-season trades.
would be true hrd, but the problem is we're not just capped out, we are luxury taxed out. If we could get to the point where we were over the cap, but still $7+mil below the tax limit I would agree with you. Be most useful. As is...what do you think the odds are a team with cap space would be willing to accept a Carl Landry for nothing trade to help us out. :)
Find a way to match that. You don't have the caproom? Every other team can work around it. Find a way.

Another poor evaluation of someone's value. Wether you like IT or not, that is a contract you find a way to keep. Despite whatever garbage he spouts, he's clearly ok with coming off the considering he signed for a bench role.

Can't help but go back to declining the chance to have Lopez. Signing Landry. Drafting back to back SG's. Dropping Evans without giving much effort towards keeping him.

If he didn't make that Rudy Gay trade he'd have nothing but poor decisions to fall back on.

Everyone should be upset. Blown asset.

Lowe was spot on. No direction. No plan.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
The real difficulty here is that gerbil's "maneuvering", or lack thereof, has left us with very few assets. We do get a $7mil TPE out of this, but again, unless we are willing to become heavy tax payers, its of no value until we clear some serious cap space.

Going into the summer I repeatedly tagged our top three assets as the #8 pick, IT S&T, and Ben McLemore. We are now down to just Ben, and if we've gotten any better at all it depends on a rookie and addition by subtraction. My new hope centers on the enders belonging to Terry, DWil and OUtlaw, but at the pace we're going we'll swap them For Andrea Bargnani and a 2019 2nd rounder.

I was really really hoping we'd do something with Chicago and free the protections on our first round picks that have us pinned.
None of those assets (unsurprisingly) turned out to be worth much. Nobody else wants Rudy Gay at $19 million either. More than likely we're not winning a draft lottery any time soon. If we're going to build a winning team here it's going to have to happen through player development.

would be true hrd, but the problem is we're not just capped out, we are luxury taxed out. If we could get to the point where we were over the cap, but still $7+mil below the tax limit I would agree with you. Be most useful. As is...what do you think the odds are a team with cap space would be willing to accept a Carl Landry for nothing trade to help us out. :)
I can't say I really understand the new CBA, so I'll assume you're right. In which case the Rudy Gay trade has screwed us over pretty bad. But I believe the trade exception lasts a full calander year so it's still in play for next year's free agency period. And we're clearing a lot of salary next summer so we can do some things at that point anyway. :rolleyes:
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So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
Think about this Trade Exception coming today instead of something at the trade deadline. We now have this Exception going to the start of Free Agency next season (when incidentally Gay will be getting his deal re-worked).

That means if nothing else we can trade the exception to a team looking to make a major free agent deal, like the Cavs did to get LeBron.

Or we can utilize it somehow during the year. Maybe we open up salary some other way and then use the exception to bring in a piece we like.

The only other two scenarios that play out are we resign IT, who is obviously bitter about the way the Kings treated him, and frankly I think he is about to get a RUDE awakening in a different market, because Kings are soft and he was making scratch. So we resign a guy, go into luxury cap land, and are hamstrung with a PO'd player.

Or we take back "movable pieces" AKA Phoenix's cast offs.

Or we let him walk for nothing.

We got the best value we were getting out of this. What we do with that value is yet to be determined but I'm sure we can use it the same way when all hope was lost we wound up with a talent upgrade in Gay.

Some perspective on how Danny Ainge is currently being hailed as a genius:
But along with that haul was another huge, relatively unnoticed (by the casual fan) detail: The Celtics also got a $10.3 million trade exception.

What's a trade exception? had a solid post Tuesday explaining it, along with a handful of other key words you'll hear this summer. The extreme sparknotes version: A trade exception is given out when one team (over the salary cap) moves more salary than it gets in return. In this case, the Celtics' exception was $10.3 million that they had one year to use from the day it was given out (July 12), or it would expire.
Boston used its exception today, two days before it was set to expire. The Cavs needed to clear enough cap space to offer James a max contract. That's where C's GM Danny Ainge and the Celtics' $10.3 million came in.

The Cavs traded three players in the three-team deal that included the Nets. Cavs center Tyler Zeller was traded to the Celtics, while Cavs point guard Jarrett Jack and shooting guard Sergey Karasev were traded to the Nets. The Nets also traded shooting guard Marcus Thornton to the Celtics. Boston gives up a heavily-protected future second-round pick to Cleveland.

But the best part of the deal is that, yes, the Celtics got another pick -- a 2016, top-10 protected first-round pick from the Cavs (protected through 2018, unprotected in 2019).
I don't think we're going to regret this move looking back. We don't want another $27 million dollar contract on the books for a player who doesn't really fit. Hopefully we're moving away from a period of merely acquiring assets and building a real team now.

The trade exception actually helps us this year since we're capped out. If somebody wants to dump a salary, that trade exception moves us near the top of the list of potential suitors because we can knock $7 million off their cap hit right away. If we did want to try and get Larry Sanders, for instance, all we have to send back now is approximately $4 million in expiring salaries. Travis Outlaw's $3 million alone might be enough. Alternatively, they could take their pick of Thompson or Landry and we'd only be adding $4-5 million onto the cap for the next three years. With 36 million in expiring contracts and a 7 million dollar trade exception, we've got a ton of flexibility here for more mid-season trades.
Sigh, no we can't combine the TPE with players. It's only good on it's own.
Can you use the TPE as an asset in a trade?

Can we swap 7 mil in bad salary (Landry) for 7 mil in good salary (Defensive big) and just transfer the TPE ( not use it) to get someone to trade a good 7 mil contract

Just curious?
Can you use the TPE as an asset in a trade?

Can we swap 7 mil in bad salary (Landry) for 7 mil in good salary (Defensive big) and just transfer the TPE ( not use it) to get someone to trade a good 7 mil contract

Just curious?

No. You can combine picks with it, but I don't think you can just add it as an asset to another deal.
And let's not pretend like the kings didn't have a decent idea of what Thomas's value around the league was, or what PHO was thinking about offering. I'm sure IT's agent let the kings know before hand to try and leverage more money out of both teams.

I say that to say this, I don't think cap room was an issue. If the wanted Thomas at this price they could have fairly easily predicted this before they signed Collison.

That strikes me as poor player evaluation.
Give the Kings FO a little time before bashing them! I have to believe this is a precursor to a bigger trade.

I have a feeling a bigger trade is coming. Someone will want to move a large contract player and only bring back minimum salary in return.

End of this trade is not done. I think this leads to a bigger move soon.

I can see a Josh Smith or Larry Sanders Trade coming soon, finding that shot blocking player or stretch four in the process. These clubs probably don't want to bring back the same salary in a trade of their star/overpaid player, so the trade exception would allow Detroit or Milwaukee to bring back less salary in a trade.

Once a trade happens, I expect that Jason Terry and his $5+ million contract will be amnestied, to keep Kings under Luxury Tax.

My Prediction, the Kings will trade Jason Thompson and the TPE to Detroit for Josh Smith.

New Kings line up:

PF Josh Smith
SF Rudy Gay
SG Stauskas (or McClemore)
PG Collison
Give the Kings FO a little time before bashing them! I have to believe this is a precursor to a bigger trade.

I have a feeling a bigger trade is coming. Someone will want to move a large contract player and only bring back minimum salary in return.

End of this trade is not done. I think this leads to a bigger move soon.

I can see a Josh Smith or Larry Sanders Trade coming soon, finding that shot blocking player or stretch four in the process. These clubs probably don't want to bring back the same salary in a trade of their star/overpaid player, so the trade exception would allow Detroit or Milwaukee to bring back less salary in a trade.

Once a trade happens, I expect that Jason Terry and his $5+ million contract will be amnestied, to keep Kings under Luxury Tax.

My Prediction, the Kings will trade Jason Thompson and the TPE to Detroit for Josh Smith.

New Kings line up:

PF Josh Smith
SF Rudy Gay
SG Stauskas (or McClemore)
PG Collison
I don't care about the amount of time it takes. I care that the moves make sense in some larger context. These don't.

Also, Terry can't be amnestied. He can only be stretched. Even if we make the move you suggest, we are paying the luxury tax for a team that will barely make the playoffs and will be out of cap space (provided Gay comes back).
In all likelyhood the FO wasnt able to put together a deal that they liked via S&T. I dont know, $7 mil TPE is a pretty big TPE. Ive always thought that we're going to add that next super important player via trade. The Kings arent in the business of signing big free agents yet. Our future is going to be built on trades.
Exactly....give him a chance, people! I know that's hard to say when we were dreaming of Plumlee and maybe LeBron, but seriously...

Alex Oriakhi

@ 1min 35sec thru the video:
"I'm looking to come in and do the dirty work, rebound, defend, I love being physical and the NBA is physical; this suits me very well. I feel I have a high monitor when it comes to rebounding and you need to have a motor to do that, especially for my position."
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