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Note to VF please do not eat before/after/around the time you watch The Walking Dead tonight. I've never felt this physically ill before watching a TV show. At moments I've only felt close to being this ill during some of my worse experiences in life (only a mild exaggeration).

I need to change the off topic to change my mood around. This weekend I went to Denio's in Roseville for the first time since I was I grade school. I was looking for a bike preferably a folding bike to stash away in the trunk of my car.

Walked around for an hour (this place is huge) and found someone who carried a model I recognized from online research. The problem is that there was no seat post and it was pretty rusted. I have no idea how to fix up bikes (Any KF member have any experience?)

Some odd things I saw:
-A picture frame with Ricky Martin accepting an award (not a poster but something you'd find at Grandma's with a picture of her grandchildrem)
-A very well done and unintentional extremely masculine replica of Mona Lisa.
-A used toothbrush
-A vase that looked similar to the one grandmother brought over from Korea.

Some of the area's of the market literally looked like someone upturned someones Grandparents house and placed it under a large dark tent. It was kind of eerie and sad.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Uh oh. I just finished dinner and started to watch TWD. Now I don't know whether to stop watching or just soldier on. I guess I can turn it off if it gets to be too much.

This show bothers me at times more than I would have thought I could take but also ...

Oh God. OMG. I just saw the scene that you must have been talking about. I may not sleep at all tonight. Good lord.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Holy freaking crap. I didn't think the episode could be any more disturbing, and thought-provoking. I was wrong. I will not soon forget this hour of TV, both for its shock value and for the discussions I will be having with other TWD watchers. This isn't just a show about a bunch of people battling zombies.
I'm really missing having True Detective to watch on my Monday nights/ Tuesday mornings
my wife and i just recently started watching it through Comcast OnDemand. we're five episodes in, and i have to say, it's kind of blowing my mind. the acting is top notch, as is the writing, as is the direction, cinematography, score, and soundtrack. it won't happen, but i'd love for True Detective to signal the end of the police procedural. how do you go back to watching sh** like Law and Order or CSI: Miami or every Sherlock Holmes-ian rip-off show after something like True Detective graces the small screen? we're truly in a golden age of television. i haven't been to the movies yet this year because the likes of True Detective and House of Cards and Veep have been occupying my spare time...


Hall of Famer
Went to my first movie in a long time as date night with my wife. It's unlikely we will do such a thing in a long time. I kept wanting to pause and rewind to catch what I missed :) We recently found Breaking Bad so are addicted there. The Sherlock Holmes books are actually pretty good and all the spawn of Sherlock seem to be as popular as westerns were when I was a kid.

Oh, we saw Gravity which we both agreed could best be seen on a big screen. Now I'm not sure anything can best be seen in a theater.
my wife and i just recently started watching it through Comcast OnDemand. we're five episodes in, and i have to say, it's kind of blowing my mind. the acting is top notch, as is the writing, as is the direction, cinematography, score, and soundtrack. it won't happen, but i'd love for True Detective to signal the end of the police procedural. how do you go back to watching sh** like Law and Order or CSI: Miami or every Sherlock Holmes-ian rip-off show after something like True Detective graces the small screen? we're truly in a golden age of television. i haven't been to the movies yet this year because the likes of True Detective and House of Cards and Veep have been occupying my spare time...
If you like procedurals that aren't really procedurals after all you should take a look at Top of the Lake. Not quite the hit that True Detective (deservingly) is but just as subtle and dark.
If you like procedurals that aren't really procedurals after all you should take a look at Top of the Lake. Not quite the hit that True Detective (deservingly) is but just as subtle and dark.
thanks for the recommendation. i'll look into it once we finish the first season of True Detective...


as a writer, subtlety matters to me. i value the ability to trust an audience to do some heavy-lifting so that the writing doesn't have to be heavy-handed. through the first five episodes, at least, True Detective is brilliantly paced, and i think it's also incredibly well-served in its setting. choosing the slow crawl of life in rural louisiana over the flash of usual suspects like los angeles or new york or las vegas or chicago or miami beach allows the show an opportunity to breathe...


Hall of Famer
Holy crape!!!! Where is that?

Sometimes there is an amazing amount of luck. You just keep shooting and shooting and sometimes pictures like this happen although I must say, bracketing the sunset with two cranes who almost look like bookends might just be a once in a lifetime picture.

Imagine all the ways this picture could have been ruined including the fact a cloud covered the sun. Wow!
Holy poopooe!!!! Where is that?

Sometimes there is an amazing amount of luck. You just keep shooting and shooting and sometimes pictures like this happen although I must say, bracketing the sunset with two cranes who almost look like bookends might just be a once in a lifetime picture.

Imagine all the ways this picture could have been ruined including the fact a cloud covered the sun. Wow!
This is the Suisun Marina, one of Kevin's favorites photo spots. The herons are actually permanent metal sculptures the city has placed around town. I hope you didn't think they were live birds - that would be too lucky a shot.
I thought they were real at first too haha. Those trees looked surreal though so it kind of gave it away.

Even without the birds those colors and composition are nice. No luck needed with skill (ok so luck gives skill that extra push).
I feel like I've been trolled, for the last nine years. If that had aired today instead of yesterday, I'd have assumed it was an April Fool's joke.

i haven't bothered with it for the last five years. that show went downhill rather quickly. but i do know that those who managed to stick in there through all of the manufactured drama and non-comedy are pretty upset over last night's finale...

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
So, I saw the season finale to House of Lies, last night: I will say that that was not the blowoff to the Roscoe/Lex storyline that I was expecting... Also, what the hell is it with TV nowadays, that they just can't let two characters be happy, without immediately dumping **** all over them?


Hall of Famer
The bride and groom didn't know he was going to do this. He simply asked them if he could sing something and they said yes. For those who know the words to the song, note that he changed the lyrics to suit the occasion. He has done this before but never had it recorded with multi-camera angles. The couple did not know the priest so were very surprised. Obviously he had sung in his church before.

It was uploaded to Youtube April 7 and has more than 22,000,000 views. There are also several other versions of this on Youtube so maybe it has hit bazillion.
Saw Bobby Jackson today at the mall and had another Kings awkward encounter where it looks like they are welcoming me to say something but instead I just mumble to myself. I managed to grumble out a *bob-beee* as I walked by and I looked back and he was picking at his nose.

VF if you have BBC and are having Walking Dead withdrawals you should try watching "In the Flesh." It's a little different in that the dead have came back to life but through medication, make up and therapy they are able to live with their families again. When the undead on this show attacked the living when they were "rabid" they don't spread it doesn't spread. The show is just deals with society trying to acclimate to the returned to normal lives and all the wacky antics that follow like prejudice and anti living terrorist groups.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Saw Bobby Jackson today at the mall and had another Kings awkward encounter where it looks like they are welcoming me to say something but instead I just mumble to myself. I managed to grumble out a *bob-beee* as I walked by and I looked back and he was picking at his nose.

VF if you have BBC and are having Walking Dead withdrawals you should try watching "In the Flesh." It's a little different in that the dead have came back to life but through medication, make up and therapy they are able to live with their families again. When the undead on this show attacked the living when they were "rabid" they don't spread it doesn't spread. The show is just deals with society trying to acclimate to the returned to normal lives and all the wacky antics that follow like prejudice and anti living terrorist groups.
Already all over it, Mad D. I think the people who made Shaun of the Dead must be involved. Beware of those with PDS (partially deceased syndrome). :)


Hall of Famer
Fascinating. It grabs my interest on many levels. Thanks, Mad D. I believe the Lutheran Church in Minnesota sponsored the Hmong which must have pissed them off when they found out what the weather was like in Minnesota. :) I know in my small home town in Minnesota there are many Hmong. I am married to a filipina and a high percentage of the people she supervises are filipino. In wooing her, I told her of the huge number of filipinos in Sacramento. That's a secret to my love life that I don't want to be shared. :)

Interesting that the indigenous people are prominent in so many states including Alaska. I am guessing in Alaska that languages #2-5 are of the indigenous peoples.

Not sure why linguistics is fascinating but it always has been to me.

Why German? Are Amish, etc. counted as speaking German? Anybody know why so many speak German as opposed to French, any of the Scandanavian countries, etc?
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