Rudy Gay to Sacramento!!!


Hall of Famer
Grizzlies got better when they traded Gay, gotta wait and see what will he brings to the Kings.
I have to disagree. They had a chance to win it all when they traded Gay. IIRC they were the best team at the time of the trade but afterwards, they really struggled in the playoffs. I thought they became easier to guard without Gay.....teams packed the middle against Zebo and Gasol.
Well, he somehow managed to play for Lionel Hollins for three and a half years, without learning how to play defense, so I'm not super confident...
His defense is what it is. I don't think it is completely awful. He can block shots.

He was shooting in the .450 range under Hollins, which is respectable for a high volume shooter. That dipped to .380 this season. There has to be a reason for that, I just have no idea what it is. He isn't old though, so it's not out of the realm of possibility that he could get it back.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Did they? Oh the pocket protectors in their front office wanted everybody to think they were so brilliant and all, but they still got eliminated, precipitated a break with their successful coach, and now are staring down missing the playoffs with a fork in the back of Tayshaun Prince. The grass isn't always greener, and it rarely can be calculated out by mathematical formulae.
That may be true. All I know is that, when Gay was injured, and unable to play in the playoffs, they upset the Spurs in the first round. The following year, he was healthy, and they went out in the first round. Then, he got traded, and they got to the conference finals.

Does that mean they're better without him? You tell me?
I have to disagree. They had a chance to win it all when they traded Gay. IIRC they were the best team at the time of the trade but afterwards, they really struggled in the playoffs. I thought they became easier to guard without Gay.....teams packed the middle against Zebo and Gasol.
Well that was just my opinion and observation, also Conley improved alot when Gay was traded.
Grizzlies didn't get better without Gay, they lost their closer and best scorer, and Z-Bo had an out of this world post-season(he's a very good player, but he was playing like and Elite level player). Memphis was a great "system" team that took advantage of the Westbrook injury, but their lack of a go to scorer at the end of games was clearly evident(Z-Bo wasn't nearly at the level he was to when they upset the Spurs 2 years ago).


Gay shot 46-47% while playing with Z-Bo should have no issue doing that as the #2 option to Cousins who's passing is on another level to Z-Bo.


Hall of Famer
Wow, this one is completely out of the blue. Well, at least nobody can say that PDA is resting on his laurels.

OK, so I'm not a huge Gay fan, but this is a win for us at this moment. He's still a clear talent and if he can get back to his best (or near it) then he's a borderline All-Star type which, despite the money he's making, is obviously a great thing. Especially when you consider that we gave up pretty much nothing.

My only small worry is that this strips us of our first round pick this year if we finish tenth worse or better. We need to get a good player in this draft to add to IT/Ben/Gay/Williams/Cousins. At that point you have plenty of options and talent going forward. Probably worrying about nothing but I would hate to see that happen.

Now, who wants to take it a step further and play with the idea of trading IT and a future pick for Rondo, and really kickstart the culture change towards winning/defense?! :p

I do like how aggressive PDA is, so credit where it's due. If we can't surround Cuz with talent, it certainly won't be for lack of trying. His approach is certainly refreshing to a fanbase that has had much of its energy drained due to the previous regime. Encouraging signs! :)
I believe that as long as we end up in the bottom 12, we retain our 1st round pick.
That may be true. All I know is that, when Gay was injured, and unable to play in the playoffs, they upset the Spurs in the first round. The following year, he was healthy, and they went out in the first round. Then, he got traded, and they got to the conference finals.

Does that mean they're better without him? You tell me?
You think they would have made it to the conference finals with Westbrook healthy?


Hall of Famer
I know one thing that Gay does well from the SF position is rebounding....he and Ben both rebound well from their positions. I'm curious to see how the new starting unit performs offensively. Gay as a stretch 4 with DWill as the SF....probably interchangeable. Can either one of them defend in the post well enough?
Ugh, I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, we've definitely consolidated talent, which is always a good thing. This is kind of the opposite of the "movable pieces" trade that saw us say goodbye to C-Webb. I wasn't high on any of the guys we traded, so I feel like we got good return for them. Rudy Gay the right fit for us? I really really don't want us to play him as a stretch 4, which apparently is the plan. He's been turning the ball over a lot this year and isn't the greatest outside shooter. He deserves the benefit of the doubt, though. Hopefully he starts as SF and only plays minutes at the stretch four when JT or Cousins are on the bench. We lost two "big men" in Hayes and Patterson so our depth up front is pretty thin. Gay is a solid on the boards, which we could certainly use.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
You think they would have made it to the conference finals with Westbrook healthy?
What I think is that, whether Westbrook was healthy or not, the Grizzlies went further without Gay than they went the season before, with him. And if they had gone out in the second round to Oklahoma City, they still would have gone further without him than they went the season before, with him.
Here's the one thing I don't like about this trade. Before the season we stressed defense and passing the ball, so we bring in The Prince and The General. Now both of them are gone and we're left with a bunch of players who will want the ball on the final shot (Cousins, IT, Gay).


Super Moderator Emeritus
Ugh, I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, we've definitely consolidated talent, which is always a good thing. This is kind of the opposite of the "movable pieces" trade that saw us say goodbye to C-Webb. I wasn't high on any of the guys we traded, so I feel like we got good return for them. Rudy Gay the right fit for us? I really really don't want us to play him as a stretch 4, which apparently is the plan. He's been turning the ball over a lot this year and isn't the greatest outside shooter. He deserves the benefit of the doubt, though. Hopefully he starts as SF and only plays minutes at the stretch four when JT or Cousins are on the bench. We lost two "big men" in Hayes and Patterson so our depth up front is pretty thin. Gay is a solid on the boards, which we could certainly use.
The other two guys in the deal are frontcourt players.
I don't think we for an instant are picking up Rudy Gay with the thought of letting him go. This is a win now, get Cousins a #2 move. Be nice to have that monstronsity over though so we can resign him to something a little more reasonable next time out.
well, my guess is that PDA is simply trying to transform the turd-filled kings roster he inherited into one that features a few legitimate assets. i mean, this is a guy with a pedigree in analytics, and with that background in mind, you don't trade for rudy gay to "win now," not given the fact that gay's inefficiency absolutely does not lead to wins. hell, the grizzlies were a better team after they traded gay to the raptors. analytics doesn't hope that a change of scenery turns a statistical black hole into an efficiently productive player...

my guess is that PDA actually views gay's inefficiency as a short-term positive. the kings' bench was just gutted in the trade, they're still a poor defensive/rebounding team, and gay's reputation as a chucker will only further contribute to the losses, particularly now that the kings lack a player with the good sense to deliver timely entry passes to demarcus in the post...

strange as it sounds, this actually strikes me as a move with "tanking" in mind. gay is most assuredly not going to make this team better in the immediate sense, there's not much in the way of assets left to trade to improve this team further, and a lottery-bound kings team is still likely to walk away with the kind of draft position that will allow them to pick up a worthy piece of the puzzle (honestly, i'd still predict a bottom-6 finish after this trade). more to the point, gay will be a HUGE expiring contract next season and a tremendously valuable trade asset with which to add to cousins/mclemore/thomas/2014 first rounder...
I actually like this trade even though Gay has tailed off in the last couple of years. If Gay resembles anything of his old self, he becomes an asset that you can trade in the future for young pieces. We basically gave up most of our garbage for him and Gay's not a long term contract. I really like how PDA is acquiring assets.

Kings are winners in this trade.
Wow! I got the news late! But damn PDA+Vivek is really rolling the dice damn well.
Rudy got 2 years left on his contract while Gray and Acy are basically enders.

We just traded 3 guys sitting on the bench for legit starter.
I don't even care if Gay will sit out for 2 seasons, God forbid. I'm just damn happy we traded Salmons and Chuck for Gay.


Super Moderator Emeritus
A lot of naysayers in here for one of the best players we have traded for in 10 years
Really? I don't see naysayers for the most part. I see people who are aware that Rudy Gay isn't a perfect player and does have a downside. Of course, there's that side discussion about whether the Grizzlies would have done better with him but I don't think that's what you're talking about, is it?


Hall of Famer
And in all honesty I don't feel like PDA is done. He has changed the face of this team so much. As of right now only 5 players on this team were here last year. 2 of those get DNP'S every night.


Super Moderator Emeritus
...strange as it sounds, this actually strikes me as a move with "tanking" in mind. gay is most assuredly not going to make this team better in the immediate sense, there's not much in the way of assets left to trade to improve this team further, and a lottery-bound kings team is still likely to walk away with the kind of draft position that will allow them to pick up a worthy piece of the puzzle (honestly, i'd still predict a bottom-6 finish after this trade). more to the point, gay will be a HUGE expiring contract next season and a tremendously valuable trade asset with which to add to cousins/mclemore/thomas/2014 first rounder...
You know, I was willing to bet at least one person would find a way to make this move about tanking. And, credit to you - yours was the first name that came to mind. :)
You know, I was willing to bet at least one person would find a way to make this move about tanking. And, credit to you - yours was the first name that came to mind. :)
hey, it makes sense to me. otherwise, i have a hard time reconciling PDA's background in analytics with the acquisition of a player who embodies everything that advanced statistics despises in a player...



Hall of Famer
Really? I don't see naysayers for the most part. I see people who are aware that Rudy Gay isn't a perfect player and does have a downside. Of course, there's that side discussion about whether the Grizzlies would have done better with him but I don't think that's what you're talking about, is it?
Yeah I guess that's what I am seeing. I'm still pissed I'm behind 2 hours lol. Sorry kinda excited to see all these changes. No Hayes no salmons. I mean we have been clamoring for this for two years.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Wow! I got the news late! But damn PDA+Vivek is really rolling the dice damn well.
Rudy got 2 years left on his contract while Gray and Acy are basically enders.

We just traded 3 guys sitting on the bench for legit starter.
I don't even care if Gay will sit out for 2 seasons, God forbid. I'm just damn happy we traded Salmons and Chuck for Gay.
Gay has this year and a player option for next year.
This is a brilliant move not because of Rudy Gay because this move will push us to focus on the 2015 free agency with cap room available for a max contract.

Having any sort of cap space for next year would of been really bad. We would probably Of had 8-10 million tops and wasted that on a mediocre player. The potential free agents of 2014 are guys like Wade and Lebron who are not coming for Sacramento for any kind of money, there is no middle level talent that is ready to take the leap that we can throw money at.

Now we can focus on 2015 and we can get a young, rising star if we throw enough money at them. In 2015 we are talking about free agents such as Marc Gasol, Roy Hibbert, Klay Thompson, Rajon Rondo, Jimmy Butler, DeAndre Jordon, Ricky Rubio, Kevin Love, LaMarcus Aldridge, Danny Green. These guys are guys on the verge of becoming stars if they already aren't and we will have enough money to throw at them without getting laughed at.
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