Interest in AK47?

That deal is unbelievably shady. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow Kirilenko finds out he has a long lost relative who willed him a castle made of gold and diamonds somewhere in Russia.


Hall of Famer
That deal is unbelievably shady. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow Kirilenko finds out he has a long lost relative who willed him a castle made of gold and diamonds somewhere in Russia.
Yup... I smell an obscenely high endorsement deal from one of Prokhorov's businesses back home in Mother Russia.
Or that they look like a top 2 team in East.
Yes, of course, but what I meant is that Prokhorov has infinite money, so he can afford to sign AK even if he's already paying around 80 millions, just for the luxory tax. Then, being both russians, they have connections and they know each other very well.
Prokhorov and AK have connections going way back to when Prokhorov was part owner of AKs russian team, no doubt their was some under the table dealings, the spurs could have offered more and they were 5 seconds from a chip this year so i doubt the nets being stacked has much to do with it.

With luxary tax penalties AK is going to cost the nets roughly 15 million, thats only 2 million less than lebron, safe to say the nets are all in for a chip this year.
That deal is unbelievably shady. I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow Kirilenko finds out he has a long lost relative who willed him a castle made of gold and diamonds somewhere in Russia.
Don't forget that the Nets couldn't offer any more than that. And with the luxury tax, it will cost the Nets about $15 million next season.
Prokhorov and AK have connections going way back to when Prokhorov was part owner of AKs russian team, no doubt their was some under the table dealings, the spurs could have offered more and they were 5 seconds from a chip this year so i doubt the nets being stacked has much to do with it.

With luxary tax penalties AK is going to cost the nets roughly 15 million, thats only 2 million less than lebron, safe to say the nets are all in for a chip this year.
No doubts? really?

First of all, Kirilenko wanted to sign a longer contract with a good team and it did not happen. He wanted to play for SA and they could not make it happen. It is not about money for him or at least it is not all about money. He donates his salary or most of it to his own charity that helps kids. Now he has a chance to win a title. Good for him.
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No doubts? really?

First of all, Kirilenko wanted to sign a longer contract with a good team and it did not happen. He wanted to play for SA and they could not make it happen. It is not about money for him or at least it is not all about money. He donates his salary or most of it to his own charity that helps kids. Now he has a chance to win a title. Good for him.
no doubt in my estimation, he specifically came out and said he wanted more years and more total money owed when he opted out, what i take from that is he was looking for the most money possible and certainly could have gotten more anywhere else, sure him doing a favor for his buddy is cool, but not millions cool for a guy looking to get paid at the tail end of his prime. money moved in russia isnt as easily trackable as it is in the states so we(or the nba) will never truely know, but if a signing ever had wink wink stench to it, this would be the one. this dude was underpaid at 10.2 million last year and settles for 3.1 on a 1 yr at age 32 risking it all, all it takes is one awkward landing and boom there goes a potential 20 mil I dont buy it.

business isnt always clean cut this type of stuff happens all the time with athletes (as proven with NCAA players) so ill stick with my opinion. Granted its pure speculation but it doesnt take much to connect the dots.
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Don't forget that the Nets couldn't offer any more than that.
It's shady not because the Nets could have paid more but didn't, it's shady because he could have gotten more but didn't. And don't use ring chasing as an argument because the Nets are not on the top of the title contending short-list unless they have access to a DeLorean that goes back to 2008
no doubt in my estimation, he specifically came out and said he wanted more years and more total money owed when he opted out, what i take from that is he was looking for the most money possible and certainly could have gotten more anywhere else, sure him doing a favor for his buddy is cool, but not millions cool for a guy looking to get paid at the tail end of his prime. money moved in russia isnt as easily trackable as it is in the states so we(or the nba) will never truely know, but if a signing ever had wink wink stench to it, this would be the one. this dude was underpaid at 10.2 million last year and settles for 3.1 on a 1 yr at age 32 risking it all, all it takes is one awkward landing and boom there goes a potential 20 mil I dont buy it.

business isnt always clean cut this type of stuff happens all the time with athletes (as proven with NCAA players) so ill stick with my opinion. Granted its pure speculation but it doesnt take much to connect the dots.
I do not know how you cay say 'no doubts' when your opinion is only based on "your estimation". Kirilenko wanted more years and he could not get it. No good team offered him 3 years. SA wanted him but they could not find any cap space for him. He said numerous times that it is not about money anymore, he just wants to be happy. So he decided to sigh with a good team and he can live in Brooklyn, the most Russian place in America. It is just a better fit for him. Oh, I forget he is Russian and Prokhorov is Russian. So, it makes them criminals by default.
If it wasn't about the money for Kirilenko, then he wouldn't have come out of the gate wanting $9M or whatever SA was trying to sign and trade for. He would have come out looking for a long term deal for a small amount and communicated it to all the contenders before their resources were spent elsewhere.

Instead he settled for neither money nor years with the Nets and we are just supposed to assume its because he wants to ring chase with the Nets of all teams. If he wanted to be surrounded by Russians because its a better fit, he could have just gone back to play in Russia like he did before. I won't begrudge any player wanting to ring chase or play in a city that's more close to home, but that's not what it looked like Kirilenko wanted at the start of the off-season.

No one said being Russian makes you a criminal by default, keep the strawman out of this please. But you'll forgive us if people are suspicious of a shady looking deal with a multi-billionaire who has openly admitted to taking part in corrupt dealings.
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Instead he settled for neither money nor years with the Nets and we are just supposed to assume its because he wants to ring chase with the Nets of all teams. If he wanted to be surrounded by Russians because its a better fit, he could have just gone back to play in Russia like he did before.

No one said being Russian makes you a criminal by default, keep the strawman out of this please. But you'll forgive us if people are suspicious of a shady looking deal perpetrated by a multi-billionaire who has openly admitted to taking part in corrupt dealings.
He did not want to play in Europe, he wanted to play in NBA. And now he can play in NBA and be surrounded by his own people. It is a plus for him.

Oh, and no one said being Russian makes you a criminal by default and yet we see how some people immediately conclude that he will get paid under the table. Cut that BS.
Oh, and no one said being Russian makes you a criminal by default and yet we see how some people immediately conclude that he will get paid under the table. Cut that BS.
No, but becoming a Russian trillionaire who's more than happy to drop 80 mil in luxury tax without batting an eye doesn't happen by playing by the rules.
No, but becoming a Russian trillionaire who's more than happy to drop 80 mil in luxury tax without batting an eye doesn't happen by playing by the rules.
So, Prokhorov is a criminal (you know that, I do not) and Kirilenko became one too 1 hour ago by taking "under the table money". The Internet is so good. You can say whatever you want without any proof, accuse people, crap their names and be cool.
no doubt in my estimation, he specifically came out and said he wanted more years and more total money owed when he opted out, what i take from that is he was looking for the most money possible and certainly could have gotten more anywhere else, sure him doing a favor for his buddy is cool, but not millions cool for a guy looking to get paid at the tail end of his prime. money moved in russia isnt as easily trackable as it is in the states so we(or the nba) will never truely know, but if a signing ever had wink wink stench to it, this would be the one. this dude was underpaid at 10.2 million last year and settles for 3.1 on a 1 yr at age 32 risking it all, all it takes is one awkward landing and boom there goes a potential 20 mil I dont buy it.

business isnt always clean cut this type of stuff happens all the time with athletes (as proven with NCAA players) so ill stick with my opinion. Granted its pure speculation but it doesnt take much to connect the dots.
So when Monta signs a <$12MM deal I expect you'll be back saying the same thing?
So, Prokhorov is a criminal (you know that, I do not) and Kirilenko became one too 1 hour ago by taking "under the table money". The Internet is so good. You can say whatever you want without any proof, accuse people, crap their names and be cool.
Yes, you can. You put yourself into the public spotlight, then people can say things about you that they think might possibly be true without concrete proof.

You're trying to tell me you never once called Kobe a rapist when he was accused? Even though it turned out that he was innocent the whole time? (Despite, you know, the whole adultery part)

Come on. I was joking around, but the fact is, yeah, he's probably a criminal. Not saying AK47 is one, because he's just taking money to play, but i'll bet my left nut that there's back-door dealings there.

And it's not because the guy's Russian (Although that doesn't help, because the country's government is more crooked than the letter S), but because he's infinitely rich.
I'm sad we didn't get him. But not mad at the front office for this one. Rumors stated they tried but if someone wants to go to a bigger city and/or chase a ring, that's no fault of the king's fo at all. Things like this at least put some fans like myself at ease. The fact we are going after a player like ak47