If the above statements were even remotely true, then why is it that, on the regular, 45-50 percent of the teams in the league have losing records? And, more to the point, why is it always the same 45-50 percent? If these guys were all as smart/good at their jobs as you claim they are, wouldn't there be more parity? If the whole "He's a GM, and you're not, therefore he must be smart/qualified, and you're not" paradigm were true, then explain why it is that, year in and year out, the same 12-14 teams make the playoffs, with the occasional cameo appearance by some interloper or other, and the same 9-10 teams go five, six, seven, eight years without making the playoffs?
I've said this before, and I feel like it bears repeating, from time to time, it's not that people feel as though specific posters here are blowing it out their *** when they say they could be a GM that's pejorative, it's the corollary sentiment that seems to more or less go like this: "The 60 ****s who are currently holding down these jobs (GM and head coach) are the only ones on earth capable of holding down the jobs," which also seems to invariably be followed up by "everyone who posts on a message board is a blithering idiot, who couldn't possibly hold down those jobs." That's the part that's ridiculous, almost to the point of being offensive.
I know that it's the thing to just dismiss the opinions of people online, and call them "internet tough," or "internet smart," but that can, and often does, go too extreme in the opposite direction. It's not like this place is 4Chan, or Reddit, or even RealGM: there's a significant percentage of intelligent people on KF.com, many of whom hold advanced degrees, as high or higher than many, if not all of the general managers in the league. I mean, we're not all working the register, or slinging hash to make a living around here: there are doctors who post here. Lawyers who post here. Teachers, engineers, journalists. People who have succeeded in business. The math alone says there's probably at least two people who post on this message board qualified to run an NBA team... TTBOMK, there's no university in the world handing out PhD's in basketball; there's nobody doing the job right now with any special qualifications that "the little people" can't get. The very idea strains credulity, even the military doesn't want recruits to be that dogmatic.
Frankly, even the people whom, allegedly, are actually qualified don't always seem that impressive: the season before last, the Charlotte Bobcats won seven games all season. Seven, out of sixty-six. I've never coached organized basketball on any level, and I'm reasonably sure that I could coach an NBA team to four wins, just by accident. Isiah Thomas literally, literally, put an entire league out of business, and then got another job. He then nearly ran an NBA team into the ground, and was rewarded with yet another job. I could put an entire league out of business: what sort of special skills are required to bankrupt a league? You mean to tell me that you see a guy at the helm of a team that posts back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back sub-30 win seasons, and you think that it's ridiculous to even suggest that a guy off the street could do a better job? How smart do you have to be to do a ****ty job?