Youth movement looms for Monarchs


Youth movement looms for Monarchs

By Debbie Arrington -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 2:15 am PST Friday, December 17, 2004

With his players spread across the globe for winter basketball, Monarchs general manager and coach John Whisenant wrestles with the hardest decisions in his almost two years with Sacramento's WNBA franchise.He has decided to keep coaching, at least for now. But his dilemma: whether to trade star post players Yolanda Griffith or Tangela Smith.

"We have to make some changes; we have to get younger," Whisenant said Thursday. "And those are the two players people want. As coach, the thought of giving up Yo scares the hell out of me. But as general manager, I've got to do what's best for the franchise."

After a major scare, Whisenant says he feels healthy enough to continue as coach and GM. The bleeding lesion in his left lung - discovered during the Monarchs' Western Conference finals against eventual champion Seattle - turned out to be noncancerous.Extensive tests later revealed Whisenant had histoplasmosis, a rare condition caused by a fungus found in his native eastern Oklahoma.

"I probably had been carrying this around most of my life," he said. "It can cause bleeding during times of stress, and that's apparently what happened.

"I'll never know how much it distracted me during the playoffs," he added. "But it's hard to focus on basketball when you're worried about dying."

As GM, Whisenant said he reserves the right to hire another coach if he finds "the next (Seattle coach) Anne Donovan," considered by many the WNBA's best.

"I don't look on myself as coach for the next three to five years," Whisenant said. "But I haven't found the right person to replace me."

In the meantime, he wants to rejuvenate his team with younger players. The veteran Monarchs' 2004 roster (average age, 28.6 years) is the oldest in the WNBA.

More importantly, seven of the core 11 players are free agents, six unrestricted. With a hard salary cap of $673,000, Whisenant has little room to maneuver without major remodeling.

Besides Griffith and Smith, the Monarchs' free agents include Ruthie Bolton, Lady Grooms, Edna Campbell and Ticha Penicheiro. Forward DeMya Walker is a restricted free agent, and the Monarchs can match any offer she may receive from another club.

Grooms, 34 and a Monarch for seven seasons, is pregnant with her first child.

"Lady and her husband, Dell, are expecting a baby girl in April, so I think she'll be pretty busy," Whisenant said of the unlikelihood of Grooms' return. WNBA training camps open May 1.

Whisenant plans to protect the Monarchs' rights to Griffith and Smith by designating them core players, then take his chances on the others.

"No teams will talk to me now, because they're not signed and they could get them as free agents," Whisenant said of potential trades.

Under league rules, players can be offered contracts between Jan. 15 and 31, with Feb. 1 the first day of signing.

Griffith was the Monarchs' leading scorer (14.5 points per game) and rebounder (7.2) last season, and ranks No. 2 in the league in overall efficiency (combining 10 statistical categories), behind only league MVP Lisa Leslie. But Griffith, a two-time Olympic gold medalist, will turn 35 on March 1.

Smith, who turns 28 on April 1, was behind Griffith with averages of 11.2 points and 4.1 rebounds.

"Yo is a foundation player, but she's not getting any younger," Whisenant said. "If we're going to get any value for her, now is the time. But I've got be to very careful in this attempt to get younger. It's a puzzle that will take a whole lot more work."
ReinadelosReys said:
Besides Griffith and Smith, the Monarchs' free agents include Ruthie Bolton, Lady Grooms, Edna Campbell and Ticha Penicheiro. Forward DeMya Walker is a restricted free agent, and the Monarchs can match any offer she may receive from another club.

Grooms, 34 and a Monarch for seven seasons, is pregnant with her first child.

"Lady and her husband, Dell, are expecting a baby girl in April, so I think she'll be pretty busy," Whisenant said of the unlikelihood of Grooms' return. WNBA training camps open May 1.

Whisenant plans to protect the Monarchs' rights to Griffith and Smith by designating them core players, then take his chances on the others.
First of all....congratulations to Lady!!!!

Second of all...I'm not envying Whiz and the decisions he needs to make. I'm inclined to think that coring Tangela and Yo is the way to go, but what about holding on to Ticha and testing her trade value? This is definitely going to be a tough call.
Monty'sBiggestFan said:
First of all....congratulations to Lady!!!!

Second of all...I'm not envying Whiz and the decisions he needs to make. I'm inclined to think that coring Tangela and Yo is the way to go, but what about holding on to Ticha and testing her trade value? This is definitely going to be a tough call.
I completely agree about Ticha. I believe that she still has value in this league without question. YOU DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT TRADE YOLANDA GRIFFITH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. I would hate to see Tangela go, but I think that is what you have to do. Package both Ticha and Tang to get something young and dynamic if you have to.


Homer Fan Since 1985
Purple Reign said:
I completely agree about Ticha. I believe that she still has value in this league without question. YOU DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT TRADE YOLANDA GRIFFITH UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. I would hate to see Tangela go, but I think that is what you have to do. Package both Ticha and Tang to get something young and dynamic if you have to.
I agree. There are still plenty of teams (with shooters) who could use a pure PG...a tall one at that. And, packaging Ticha and Tangela could get a dynamic player.
The M's have three players starting in the front court who essentially play the same position, then add Brunson and Chantel in there and its simply too many 4-5's. I'd be more inclined to not even entertain trade talks with Yo and Brunson. Chantel needs to go some place where she can play and where he playing time isn't dictated by her ability to play defense and rebound. Demaya and Tan are prime trade bait. We all know what we need, a 3 who can well, shoot 3's. We are in desperate need of a perimeter scorer and someone who can stretch the D. I think that Whis and his staff are greater talent evaluators than they are coaches (not a knock on them, just what I think), so I think they'll look to fill the needs of this team.

P.S. Congrats Lady!
ReinadelosReys said:
With a hard salary cap of $673,000, Whisenant has little room to maneuver without major remodeling.
Ouch! That SC needs to go up a few digits... Our players shouldnt have to play overseas.....

We were ONE game from going to the finals last year. We have a great core post with Tan and Yo. We have an adequate PG in Ticha. We need offensive power at the #2 and #3 positions.

Last season Tan was our top scorer (15.8 ppg), and was our second-top scorer in 2001, 2002 and 2003. In 2000, she was third, behind Yo and Ruthie with 12.1 ppg. She has been second in rebounds every year since 2000. Her stats have been steady the last five years and she has developed more of an outside shot and poise on the court. And she is only 27.

While at 34, Yo has fewer productive years ahead, she has led our team in rebounds the last five years, and except for this season when she was second, led the team in points since 2000.

We already have a big gap in the offense. To trade either of our top players would leave a hole both offensively and defensively too big to fill with what we could ever get. I think we should probably (ouch) let Ruthie, Lady and Edna go. They are the three oldest members of the team, and while Ruthie and Edna bring a lot to the table in defense and wisdom, their offensive numbers just don’t give us what we need.

You have Ticha and DeMya as free-agents. Ticha is free to take any offer. If she goes, move Kara to the point. If not, maybe try and package (gulp) Ticha, DeMya, Anderson and Maiga for a player or higher draft choice. Maybe we get a steal overseas. You then hope Brunson grows into Yo’s position, and Guliana plays to her potential at the #2.

I just think trading Yo or Tan is too high a price to pay. Those are my initial thoughts anyway.

I'm also struck by the fact that through the years, we have lost players without major emotional consequence. I think whatever GM Whiz decides to do for this season is going to be very painful. :( :( :(

And yeah, big congratulations to Lady and Dell on the baby.
April Minus 9= August...What?????

Still JD said:
We already have a big gap in the offense. To trade either of our top players would leave a hole both offensively and defensively too big to fill with what we could ever get. I think we should probably (ouch) let Ruthie, Lady and Edna go. They are the three oldest members of the team, and while Ruthie and Edna bring a lot to the table in defense and wisdom, their offensive numbers just don’t give us what we need.

You have Ticha and DeMya as free-agents. Ticha is free to take any offer. If she goes, move Kara to the point. If not, maybe try and package (gulp) Ticha, DeMya, Anderson and Maiga for a player or higher draft choice. Maybe we get a steal overseas. You then hope Brunson grows into Yo’s position, and Guliana plays to her potential at the #2.

I just think trading Yo or Tan is too high a price to pay. Those are my initial thoughts anyway.

I'm also struck by the fact that through the years, we have lost players without major emotional consequence. I think whatever GM Whiz decides to do for this season is going to be very painful. :( :( :(

And yeah, big congratulations to Lady and Dell on the baby.

I agree with the majority of the wisdom that JD imparts.
But I am a little confused about one thing. Maybe try and package (gulp) Ticha, DeMya, Anderson and Maiga for a player or higher draft choice. Are you saying use these players in a package or are you saying package these 4 player and trade them for 1 player and/or draft pick in return?

Something else to consider... For Ticha to be traded she has to be signed. And she is going to tie up some cap space. So if we are not going to keep her, then why bother signing her.

My last thought is this. And It won't be popular.

First I send my Congrats to the Grooms clan.
A baby is a wonderful thing.

Now I don't know about anyone elses math, but according to mine...
If Lady is expecting her child in April. That would have made her pregnant right around late July. Early August the latest.

So you think she didn't know by the time the play-offs started?
Especially since she was out mid-September with the "Flu"

I will not belabor My Best Kept Secret Issues, but WTF
This is something I just do not understand.
You don't bring a Knife to a Gun Fight.

We all agreed that the Shooting of the Storm killed the M's.
Or the M's lack of shooting. Either way...
I am not convinced that having G-Mend on the floor would have given the Monarchs the edge they needed but DAMN.
She had to be a better option that having an unproductive, pregnant woman with morning sickness DNP on the active/play-off roster.

Am I the Only person that Gets the RED BOTTOM about this.
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I just have to toss my thoughts into the conversation, too.

First, I did the same math as others, and now have a complete understanding of Lady's decline in playing time at the end of the season and during the playoffs. I wonder if morning sickness had struck by mid- to late-September. And congratulations to the Grooms family!

That said, I would presume Lady will retire. Yo, Tangela, Ticha, Edna, Ruthie and Tanti are unrestricted free agents. DeMya is a restricted free agent. Chantelle, Kara, Rebekkah and Guiliana are under contract.

If the Monarchs decide to core-designate Yo and Tangela, that immediately puts them under contract at the maximum salary, I think. A player must be under contract to be traded. This gives the Monarchs instant flexibility for trading, since the receiving team will know the price they have to play. Personally, I'd core-designate Tangela and Ticha, since they are two I'd be trying to move, and I'd offer the maximum to Yolanda on a two year deal, then let the chips fall where they may on the rest of the free agents.

Charlotte as a trade spot for Tangela sounds interesting, because they have a banger in Tammy Sutton-Brown, but could use someone with Tangela's finesse in the post. Plus they have a plethora of shooters.

A team that might be interested in Ticha would be the Mystics, but I'm having a problem with what the Monarchs might get in return -- would they give up Chamique? Now that she's told us what her problem is (depression) and seems to be getting treated for it, I think she will be fine for the upcoming years. Isn't she in Europe playing now? Another option would be a package deal of Stacy Dales-Schuman, who is a nice small forward with good hands, and the Mystics first round draft pick.

New York has been hankering after Tangela for a few years. Since they picked up Baranova and Wauters, I'm not sure they are as hungry for her as they were, but maybe a three-way deal would work out.

I really hate the thought of helping out another Western Conference team with a trade, but sending either Tangela or Ticha to the Mercury might work.

Well, that's my musings. I'm so glad the Bee is keeping us informed this winter. I think it helps to have Coach T and Kara Lawson so heavily involved in the Kings broadcast team. It helps to keep everyone more aware of the team throughout the winter.

Have a great holiday, everyone!

The roster spot that Mendiola and Grooms shared was ceremonial at best. Lady wasn't likely to have moved off the bench, although medically she probably could have since it seems women are playing into their 4th month without incidence. Mendiola's problem was that she wasn't going to have the quicks to keep up with the Sparks or Storm back courts so she wasn't going to see much action anyway. Again, the Monarchs needed more than one backcourt shooter/scorer.

At this point, I'm about where I was in September when I ranted that I wanted this team rebuilt even if it made the playoffs. I'm not emotionally tied to anybody but maybe keeping Griffith, Brunson, Lawson and Maiga and that is more because I see them as a core to build around rather some sentimental reason. Like the year before, we needed some team ahead of us to melt down for us to make it in - I don't see Phoenix going nearly 0-fer the second half another season or us being able to wait until a team ahead of us falls out because a major piece of their puzzle goes down late in the season with a injury. We've got to get younger or else we're going to find ourselves on the outside looking in as everybody else around us gets younger with foreign players or the elite impact college kids. Seattle, Minnesota,Phoenix and to some extent San Antonio are on the cusp with a young core to work with. Phoenix is going to get another lottery pick. We're in the same boat as Houston and LA, cap heavy with vets and a need to re-tool.
OK, now my head hurts! I''m going to have to go find my information on the CBA. Is there a maximum salary? I know there are minimums by years of play and draft order. With such a small cap, it averages apx. $61,000 per player. I think I remember reading the veteran minimum Ruthie took was around $40,000. You know Yo, Tan and Ticha are maxed now. Does that mean if another team wanted them, they could only pay the max we already pay? Then unless there is some other incentive to leave, it would seem those players might want to stay here. Also, if Ticha and DeMya are free agents, the Monarchs can chose to negotiate (Ticha) or match (DeMya) or just let them go. HM, I thought Maiga was under contract? We really don't have a lot of give under contract - Maiga and Anderson (assuming we keep Mendiola and Brunson). That is not a very attractive package for a big trade, which is why I thought, depending on the caliber of player you were aiming for, somehow packaging Ticha and/or DeMya in a sign-and-trade might work. HM, I used to think Ticha might want to play for the Mystics, closer to ODU and all that. Through the years and buying a home here I figured she was now a Sac girl, but that is still an intriguing thought. The Mystics may be looking to move CH and her baggage. By the way, she is playing in Europe and is averaging 19 pts. and 11 rebounds per game.
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For those that wanted to see the numbers, I dug this information out:

The team salary cap for 2005 is $673,000 (which is less than Shaq makes in two games, but let's not go there....) The maximum salary is $89,000 and the minimum is $31,200 for 3 or fewer years of experience, and $45,427 for 4 or more years. There is also a Rookie Salary Scale based on draft order. I also forgot, we technically have 12 players, not 11,, since one is always on IR.

I imagine Yo, Tan and Ticha are maxed at $89,000.

Chantelle was #2 in the first round in 2003, so she is guaranteed $41,600. Kara was 5th, so she is guaranteed $38,480. Brunson was drafted 10th in the first round in 2004 so she is guaranteed $34,333. Mendiola was undrafted so her guarantee is $31,212.

Maiga has a guaranteed minimum $31,200. DeMya, Ruthie, Edna and Lady have a guaranteed $45,427.

Using the assumption about Yo, Ticha and Tan and the minimum on the others, the total team salary would be $625,533, which is $47, 467 below the cap. (Minimum team salary is 90% of the cap).

So it appears the issue is not really the cap. With the surplus and a retirement or two, another “maximum” player is a possibility.

I haven't really looked at other teams and possibly trade scenarios, but can anyone think of a (realistic) trade situation that would fill our needs, without giving up Yo and Tan?
After working with numbers all day, those salary cap figures make my brain hurt. I think if the team designates a player as a core player, they automatically make the maximum. That's why I'd core designate Ticha and Tangela, then offer Yo the max, with the thinking that since she has a daughter in high school in the area, she doesn't want to leave, which is her prerogative given unrestricted free agency.

Once any of the players are signed, they can be traded. Like MBF, I'd be tempted to throw a few extra dollars at Maiga. I've never seen a woman cover the court like she does. I just wish she'd also fit the bill offensively.

The team has done well in the rookie department for the last few years. None of them came into the league at a starter level, but Lawson and Brunson will be starting next year if the trades/free agencies happen.

Enough musing for now. Happy holidays to everyone! I hope your stockings are stuffed with goodies (and I'm doing a happy dance, because I've already gotten a $25 gift certificate to the Team Store!)

Here are my Numbers(Amended)

Based on the Numbers JD found this is what I came up with. Sorry for the other post. I was a little quick with the point and click

PlayersEligible Salary

Yolanda $ 89,000.00
Tangela $ 89,000.00
DeMya $ 45,427.00
Ticha $ 89,000.00
Edna $ 45,427.00
Ruthie $ 45,427.00
Kara $ 38,480.00
Rebekkah $ 34,333.00
Chantelle $ 41,600.00
Maiga $ 31,200.00
Lady $ 45,427.00
Giuliana $ 31,212.00

Totals $ 625,533.00

Cap amount $673,000

Cap Space $ 47,467.00

This would be my adjustments

Players Eligible Salary
Yolanda $ 89,000.00
Tangela $ 75,000.00
DeMya $ 55,000.00
Ticha $ 55,000.00
Edna $ 45,427.00
Ruthie $ 50,000.00
Kara $ 45,000.00
Rebekkah $ 42,000.00
Chantelle $ 43,600.00
Maiga $ 31,200.00
Lady $ 45,427.00
Giuliana $ 41,000.00

totals $ 617,654.00

Cap amount $673,000

Cap Space $ 55,346.00

I just don't think it is reasonable to have anyone be employed for less than 40K. Notice that Bekkah, Kara and Giuliana got raises. Maiga didn't, but I expect that she would be trade bait. Should she make the team she will get a raise too.

I also reduced Tangie down to 75K but I would expect that she will get a 2+ year deal. Ticha is not worth 89K, so even if we keep her I think it is obsured to pay more than 55K for her. DeMya got a small pay increase, and Ruthie got a small pay increase. I figure it will be her final year and you know that will be 50K worth of cap space to work with next year.

I figure that emotion will indeed play a part in this decision, but for me based on the needs of the team I would find cap space with the following

Ticha $ 55,000.00
Edna $ 45,427.00
Maiga $ 31,200.00
Lady $ 45,427.00
excess cap money $ 55,346.00

Increased Cap Space $ 233,400.00

You can sign at least 2 high profile free agent with that money, and have cap room to work with. Two names I keep hearing are Kelly Mazzante and Anna DeForge. They aren't that high profile, but those are the names that keep surfacing. Anyone else come up??
Maiga shouldn't be trade bait, and she should definitely get a raise. The fact that according to the numbers we've been seeing from her overseas she's working on a 3pt shot should increase her value here. If we could have a hole at the SF spot and trade her for Mazzante who is not half the defensive player Maiga is, I would seriously question Whiz' ability to judge talent and or need. We are heavy at the post position, not the wing and bloated with guards who are getting older and whose offensive production is sketchy.

Now, unless Mazzante gets much better than she was last year - I'm not interested in seeing her in a Monarch uni. Ticha shot better from the perimeter than Mazzante did. Mazzante, like Lawson, also needs screens and we currently have lousy screen setters - except for maybe Brunson.

DeForge? I was ALLLLLLLLLLLL over that potential move last year, and if there is even the remotest chance that she can be lured away from Phoenix either as a FA or by trade, I'd love to see that happen. She's a perfect combo guard fit in Sac. I'd like to take a look at Jia Perkins out of Charlotte too rather than Mazzante, because Perkins is the better defensive player.

The league may publish a list of free agents next month (fingers crossed).