Your Picks: #1-#6-Who do you want?


Hall of Famer
I thought it would be interesting to see exactly what players everyone is hoping we draft, and the order of preference. Some want Wall. Some want Turner. Some hope we drop to the 2nd or 3rd pick and take Favors/Cousins because it simplifies things. So who do you want?

5)Monroe-climbing draft boards quickly

Yes, I want all 3 more than Wall.:D
Yeah I am really surprised Monroe is climbing. Have people been doing workouts, or is there some type of insider info that's been leaked? Of course when I watched him playing in a few games(segments) he seemed really passive, so I am not sure if he would give us that extra push this summer that we need to make it to the playoffs.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
Monroe is a tough guy to figure out. I like watching Georgetown play so I've seen him a dozen or so times the past two years. He came out of high school very highly regarded as a highly skilled big man and played in a system at Georgetown that should have been perfect for him. And he does some things on the basketball court that are pretty rare for guys that size. I've seen him throw some laser passes with incredible precision. A couple times per game actually. He flashes a good variety of fakes and counter moves in the post from time to time. Not often enough, but it's there. He can face up 10-15 feet out and get by his man more often than not (if he doesn't fumble the ball). On defense he comes up with a lot of steals by denying the entry pass like Ben Wallace used to do so well. But then you see him unable to hold position in the post on defense, floating around the perimeter on offensive sets, and a little too willing to give all the big shots to his teammates. He's a potential pick more than anything else, I think that's why his stock is rising. Which is a little scary for a two year college player. You look at the size and the skills and you can talk yourself into getting pretty excited. His numbers did improve in his second year, particularly scoring and rebounding. He's probably a top 10 player in this draft, it just depends what you're looking for. He's not going to anchor a defense, but he could be a unique offensive weapon.
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This will change, I'm sure. But as of now:

1.) John Wall
2.) Evan Turner
3.) Derrick Favors
4.) Ed Davis
5.) Wes Johnson
6.) DeMarcus Cousins

Note: As an armchair GM, I wouldn't touch a guy like DeMarcus with a 10-foot pole, but damn he is very talented. From what I garner, the track record for a guy with his set of character issues isn't stellar. Also not an Aminu fan - I'm just not seeing, at this point, how he'll be successful in the NBA.
1. Wall
2. Turner
3. Favors
4. Cousins
5. Aldrich
6. Wesley Johnson

Dropping below 4 would be a little disappointing, but at 5 one of those top 4, or what Petrie thinks of as the best of the rest, will be there. I don't want to think about falling to 6.
This is almost guaranteed to change in the next few weeks, but for now...

1. Wall
2. Turner
3. Favors
4. Cousins
5. Aldrich
6. This should not happen
Things might change after the draft measurements/workouts, but for now:

1.) Turner
2.) Wall
3.) Cousins
4.) Favors
5.) Aldrich
6.) Udoh
By not getting any trades in yet, based on the needs of our team strictly for the draft.

1. Ill give it too Cousins
2. Hassan Whiteside
3. Favors
4. Turner
5. Wall

Being if trades were involved, draft Wall 1st and trade him away for something great!


Hall of Famer
I thought it would be interesting to see exactly what players everyone is hoping we draft, and the order of preference. Some want Wall. Some want Turner. Some hope we drop to the 2nd or 3rd pick and take Favors/Cousins because it simplifies things. So who do you want?

5)Monroe-climbing draft boards quickly

Yes, I want all 3 more than Wall.:D
Well, I hope that the GMs in the draft, with the exception of Petrie, agree with you.
Talent wise, Wall and Turner have to be first. Therefore those two are my number 1 and 2, even if I don't necessarily believe they would be the best fit.

3-6 is where personal rankings really come into effect.

1. Wall
2. Turner
3. Cousins
4. Favors
5. Aldrich
6. Udoh

First of all, if we get any pick in the top 4 I will be thrilled. I am a huge fan of Cousins game, and if he didn't have attitude problems, which I believe could be very significant, I may even have him as my first choice. I think his game would fit perfectly here and he is exactly the type of center we need. He could be a top 3 center in this league for a decade. That said, I don't buy that his only problems regarding character is his maturity. That's certainly one issue, but I think there's more to it. I saw him shout at Calipari and do lots of other dumb things. Nonetheless, I would still take him and hope that you can get him to sort his head out. If you can, you've got one of the premier big men in the league. If not, you could have a headcase who might just undo all the hard work this franchise has done over the last few years. I don't think that's likely however. I'm not going to close the book on a guy as young as him, and with his talent, he deserves a shot. Cousins at number 3 for me.

Favors is more about potential. Good size, length, very athletic, can defend and block shots. Smart, hard-worker, determined. Would fit in very well with this Kings team. Could be a star. Getting him is nothing to sneeze at. Clear-cut number four for me (and possibly 3 in some peoples eyes).

Aldrich. Big, mean. Rebounds and block shots. Does the dirty work. Isn't afraid to get physical. I like him. Won't get as much admirers due to his appearance. Will more than likely be a very solid big man. However, you're never going to throw the ball to him and expect a bucket.

Udoh is an intriguing one. I like his skills and length. Good size too. Slightly old but nothing to worry about. Despite his various skills I don't see star potential. Just a do-it-all roleplayer, although you never know, could one day make the all-star team if things go right. Hard to tell. Good passer, handles for a big man, face up game, shotblocker. Solid pick.
#1 Cousins
#2 Wall
#3 Turner
#4 Favors
#5 Whiteside
#6 Aminu

Those are the 6 I want. I like Monroe but he does seem kinda passive. Aldrich doesn't excite me but I wouldn't be disappointed with the pick. Wesley Johnson either. I haven't seen Udoh. And I threw Aminu in there because I cheer for Wake Forest


Hall of Famer
My personal choices and not how I think the actual draft will go.

1. Turner
2. Wall
3. Cousins
4. Favors
5. Aldrich
6. Johnson
7. Udoh
8. Davis
9. Monroe
10. Aminu

You could probably interchange Udoh and Davis. As you might notice, I've placed an emphasis on the defensive abilities of the players I've listed. Which is why I have Monroe listed so far down.


Hall of Famer
My personal choices and not how I think the actual draft will go.

1. Turner
2. Wall
3. Cousins
4. Favors
5. Aldrich
6. Johnson
7. Udoh
8. Davis
9. Monroe
10. Aminu

You could probably interchange Udoh and Davis. As you might notice, I've placed an emphasis on the defensive abilities of the players I've listed. Which is why I have Monroe listed so far down.
What is your take on Monroe defensivly? I don't think he's a great defender by any stretch of the imagination, but think he will get better as he adapts to the nba game. Maybe never a great man to man defender, but I think he could end up being a very solid team defender. Well, solid enough that he wouldn't be a liability on that end.
1) Turner
2) Favors
3) Aldrich
4) Cousins
5) N/A
6) N/A

Cousins is who I'm having trouble placing. He could move up to the one slot on draft day for me but for now he's at number four.
What is your take on Monroe defensivly? I don't think he's a great defender by any stretch of the imagination, but think he will get better as he adapts to the nba game. Maybe never a great man to man defender, but I think he could end up being a very solid team defender. Well, solid enough that he wouldn't be a liability on that end.

I kinda see Monroe being a Joe Smith at his prime type player throughout most his career. Just a very good and solid big man to have. Won't win you games by himself, but won't lose you games either. Just a consummate pro and an overall winner of a team player.


Hall of Famer
I kinda see Monroe being a Joe Smith at his prime type player throughout most his career. Just a very good and solid big man to have. Won't win you games by himself, but won't lose you games either. Just a consummate pro and an overall winner of a team player.
Different kind of player than Smith. I think Smith is a better athlete, and that Monroe is more talented offensively, and probably a little bigger than Smith. But impact wise, you could be right.

Aside from the comparison, I thought Monroe made improvements on defense this season. He improved in his man defense and blocked more shots. Where he's at his weakest is when he asked to defend away from the basket. His lateral movement is poor at best, and his footwork needs improving in that area. I think he can be a decent defender, but never a great defender. He's just too limited by his lack of athleticism in that area. He did turn himself into a pretty good defensive rebounder though. Something like 6 out of every 9 rebounds he pulled down were defensive rebounds.

I've always had him projected as a PF. But after watching him play this season, I'm starting to believe that his best position may be the center position. Especially with the lack of overly tall centers in the league right now. I think it would be easier for him to defend the center positon at the next level, instead of getting stuck out on the floor trying to defend the Landry's and Millsaps of the world.