Worst. Trade. Ever.

Ironically, when I heard Webber was traded to the Sixers I was fine with it. Foolishly, I assumed he was traded for something like Dalembert, Glenn Robinson's expiring contract, Kedrick Brown's expriring contract and a draft pick or two. While I wouldn't have made that trade personally, it would have made plenty of sense (Kings get actual cap relief, Dalembert provides desperately needed defense, picks could turn into something nice). This trade, on the other hand, has to be one of the worst trades in NBA history.

- If you were disgruntled with Webber's crappy defense and aversion to the post, you'll LOVE Kenny Thomas - he's has NO post game, is a HORRIBLE defender (and undersized to boot), and he LOVES the elbow jumper as much or more than Webber. It's like we traded Webber for Webber Jr. who has all Webber's faults with none of his strengths.

- The Kings get NO cap relief - in fact, their cap situation is arguably WORSE thanks to KT's longer contract (with the 15% trade kicker, KT might have the WORST overall contract in the league, outside of Allen Houston).

- The Kings barely get younger in this deal - Thomas is almost 28, Corliss is as old as Webber (and has looked pretty washed up this year), and Skinner is almost 29.

I just can find no logic behind this trade. How are we supposed to take on the elite frontcourts in the West with Miller/Thomas? We now have a 0% chance of ever beating SA now or in the future (Bowen just OWNS Peja and Miller is useless against Duncan), we can't beat Dallas anymore (2-0 with Webber vs. them in playoffs, 0-1 without), we can't beat Minnesota (if they get their act together), or Seattle (they'll get about 80000 offensive rebounds per game now instead of just 70000). The only elite team I like our chances against is Phoenix (also undersized, and equally crappy defensively). The Kings' biggest problems were rebounding and defense, and this trade addresses none of those issues. I'm sorry, but if Minnesota and Denver start playing well, I don't expect the Kings to make the playoffs now, or any time in the near future. Might as well dismantle the whole team, and get it ready for the move to Vegas.
Forgot to mention - Mobley is as good as gone after the season now, and expect Mike Bibby to turn into Jason Kidd Jr. (as a malcontent, not a passer, of course - he was headed down that path in Vancouver before the trade) within a year or two. Just another sad negative to this move.
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You pretty much nailed it. I would have atleast been ok with a Webber trade if we dump some salary or get something good in return. We couldn't even get Dalembert? Not even Robinson's expiring contract? No future prospect in Iguodala? or Korver? And we throw in an all-hustle guy in Barnes too? *sigh*

Someone please tell me this is a nightmare. Bye bye playoffs.
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Hall of Famer
Even though I don't consider this an end to the Kings chances I will say, on the surface, this makes the Shaq trade look like a stroke of genius by the Lakers.
SacTownKid said:
this makes the Shaq trade look like a stroke of genius by the Lakers.
hehe...i must say....there is wisdom in those words.

but this is the end of the kings chances. at least for the relative future, which is say, the next 2-3 years. ya gotta understand, the rest of the nba is getting better, and very quickly. to put it quite simply, we are not.
for Shap's trade, at least Lakers got Odom, Butler

what Kings got for Webber? Tomas? Kings deserve a better trade than that.
hopefully by the time the trade deadline ends tomorrow, we will have made another trade, and all this was was a stepping stone to get to that trade. probably not, but we can hope can't we.
Yeah, I had been critical of Webber and I had been thinking the Kings can't really be more athletic with Webber on the floor, but even I don't like this trade. If you trade old for young, then okay. If you trade big contract for expiring contract, then okay. You trade sueprstar for superstar, then okay! You just traded old, big contract of talented player for old long contracts of mediocre players.
coolhandluke said:
I would have atleast been ok with a Webber trade if we dump some salary or get something good in return. We couldn't even get Dalembert? Not even Robinson's expiring contract? No future prospect in Iguodala? or Korver? And we throw in an all-hustle guy in Barnes too? *sigh*
Oh yeah - I forgot a couple more problems with this atrocity:

1) The Kings THREW in Barnes to make the salaries match rather than demanding to take on Kedrick Brown and his last year contract instead of Skinner. We lost Barnes, basically to do the Sixers a favor and take a bad contract of an unwanted player (Skinner) off their hands. Sick.

2) We actually gave the Sixers cap relief after 07/08 (unbelievable that the Kings could actually make a Webber trade that gives the other team cap relief at some point) by taking on KT's HORRIBLE contract (I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather pay Webber the MAX through 06/07 than have to pay KT 8-8.5 million in 08/09 and 09/10). How could we possibly trade Webber AND take on a MORE poisonous contract in return? I'm surprised Petrie didn't offer to take Kevin Ollie and his absurd contract as part of the bargain as well.
Well if nothing else happens by the deadline, i will be even more dumbfounded than I am right now.
On a happier note, just think of all the good seats available for home games when all of the fair weather fans bail !!
Thanks for turning us from Podunk to Sacramento Chris!
I Phantom said:
Dirk Nowitzki was traded straight up for Robert Traylor.

This is far from the worst trade ever.
Dirk was an unknown quantity when he was traded for Traylor, while Webb is one of the best players in the league and was traded for ... let's not go there.

Either way, I don't ever remember somebody getting punked in a trade the way the Kings did tonight. As far as talent goes, WE WERE PUNKED ... BIG TIME my friend.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Stojakovic said:
Either way, I don't ever remember somebody getting punked in a trade the way the Kings did tonight. As far as talent goes, WE WERE PUNKED ... BIG TIME my friend.
That's the shocking part to me. Trade Chris -- yeah, okay. Give up the season, but if we were going to rebuild, an inevitability. But for Geoff Petrie to ake ona bunch of middling crap with long term contracts in retruen -- I mean its like every dream deal every unrealistic fanboy puts together on RealGM where one side would just NEVER do it. Well, we did.
It is shocking....Maybe too shocking. There HAS to be more to come. I am pretty sure we are not in an episode of the twilight zone. *pinches self just to make sure*
Bricklayer said:
That's the shocking part to me. Trade Chris -- yeah, okay. Give up the season, but if we were going to rebuild, an inevitability. But for Geoff Petrie to ake ona bunch of middling crap with long term contracts in retruen -- I mean its like every dream deal every unrealistic fanboy puts together on RealGM where one side would just NEVER do it. Well, we did.

I agree. After my initial shock and despair I tried to take my heart out of it and be objective. Still no good. I cannot find one possible way this makes us a better team. Okay, maybe one, if Peja ends his strike and starts playing like an all star, and if that happens this is just way too sad! I really believe this trade was about Peja, and that makes me sick.
Bricklayer said:
That's the shocking part to me. Trade Chris -- yeah, okay. Give up the season, but if we were going to rebuild, an inevitability. But for Geoff Petrie to ake ona bunch of middling crap with long term contracts in retruen -- I mean its like every dream deal every unrealistic fanboy puts together on RealGM where one side would just NEVER do it. Well, we did.
The needs of the team were not addressed with this trade, that's all that needs to be said. From a fantasy viewpoint, anybody would have laughed this offer of even on RealGM. In fact, this type of a trade would only have been posted as a joke. I cannot comprehend how they got Petrie to agree to this. The Maloofs must have been informed about this, and yet this still went through. Something's fishy here, real fishy.


Super Moderator Emeritus
KingDog said:
Well if nothing else happens by the deadline, i will be even more dumbfounded than I am right now.
On a happier note, just think of all the good seats available for home games when all of the fair weather fans bail !!
Thanks for turning us from Podunk to Sacramento Chris!
The sad part will be when it's NOT just fair weather fans bailing. I don't know how or even if I'll be able to walk into Arco for a long time. I remember the banner hanging outside when he chose to stick with us. And that I don't forget. HE CHOSE TO STAY HERE IN SACRAMENTO. It's a shame Petrie couldn't have given him the same courtesy.

ah, blast it. I thought I had finally stopped crying.

Bottom line, it's the inequity that I find unable to reconcile. IF we had received anything in return, I would have been upset but I could have eventually come to grips. How do you come to grips with basically watching while your team is told to bend over and smile?
VF21 said:
The sad part will be when it's NOT just fair weather fans bailing. I don't know how or even if I'll be able to walk into Arco for a long time. I remember the banner hanging outside when he chose to stick with us. And that I don't forget. HE CHOSE TO STAY HERE IN SACRAMENTO. It's a shame Petrie couldn't have given him the same courtesy.

ah, blast it. I thought I had finally stopped crying.

Bottom line, it's the inequity that I find unable to reconcile. IF we had received anything in return, I would have been upset but I could have eventually come to grips. How do you come to grips with basically watching while your team is told to bend over and smile?
Webb also got one of the sweetest deals in NBA history. He would have signed with the Monarchs for that kind of scratch.