Why are you a Kings fan?


The Game Thread Dude
In dark times like these, I find that the best way to remedy a post-getting-blown-out-by-a-team-missing-two-All-Stars-Hangover is to reflect upon the root of the infection, the point where the pain became a daily part of your life, which is why I feel like it's time to once again ask all of my fellow Arco Faithful, why they are fans of the Purple and Black.

I want the negativity to an absolute minimum and would like to add:

You heard me. Now I want responses.

And one last thing...
Go Kings
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Because they we're the first team i rooted for, Horry's shot still haunts my nightmares.

Anyways, yes, there's tons to be negative about. But being a bay area fan my whole life, you learn to be patient. You know why Cousins was drafted as a project? Because he's a project. His under the hood game is extremely raw but the talent is there. His rebounding is a lot better than i projected, but his shot was pretty awful. Guess what people, remember those Sophmore slumps that happent alot of star rookies? Tyreke is not superman, and it is happening to him. It's discusting watching Tyreke catch the ball and see 5 defenders all looking at him within 10 feet. And we still can't do anything. We need to either develope a lightsout shooter in Greene or Casspi, or we're going to have to get one via free agency, trade, or draft. Teams are going to continue to stack up on Tyreke knowing we have noone who can knock down an open 3 consistantly. Also, i'm not really suprised that Tyrekes shot isn't improved. Did you really think after 3 months it wold? Yeah, we got all these reports on how he shot lightsout in College, his form is changing, ect, but it really doesn't happen like that.

Yes i'm dissapointed at our record, with our added frontcourt, which i thought was our biggest need last season. But, i guess, give it time, and it will grow...
I am a fan of the Kings because I grew up with them. They had Mitch Richmond, Spud Webb, and Tisdale and I would watch them on SportsChannel (ch 25 I think..or 30 something.) Remember coming home from something when I was young and flipped on the TV asap to watch the end of the game against the Nuggets and heard "17" before I looked at the TV. My heart jumped a bit at the thought of them leading by 17. That was the day I learned what "trailing" meant in regards to a sports game.
I remember waking up every morning before school and whipping out the sports page, closing my eyes so as to not see the headlines, and immediately flip to the box score so I could devour the stats and try to determine if they won before my eyes caught the score.

Richmond/Seattle series was fools gold, but then Jason Williams was drafted and I was old enough to go to live games. I will never forget that lockout year and the next couple of years, win or lose.. that team was so fun to watch in person or on TV... I will always follow the Kings because of those few years.
I am a fan of the Kings because I grew up with them. They had Mitch Richmond, Spud Webb, and Tisdale and I would watch them on SportsChannel (ch 25 I think..or 30 something.) Remember coming home from something when I was young and flipped on the TV asap to watch the end of the game against the Nuggets and heard "17" before I looked at the TV. My heart jumped a bit at the thought of them leading by 17. That was the day I learned what "trailing" meant in regards to a sports game.
I remember waking up every morning before school and whipping out the sports page, closing my eyes so as to not see the headlines, and immediately flip to the box score so I could devour the stats and try to determine if they won before my eyes caught the score.

Richmond/Seattle series was fools gold, but then Jason Williams was drafted and I was old enough to go to live games. I will never forget that lockout year and the next couple of years, win or lose.. that team was so fun to watch in person or on TV... I will always follow the Kings because of those few years.
I used to own people on NBA Jam with Richmond when I was about 9 (I am 24 now). Basketball, obviously, is my favorite sport, and that is saying a lot considering my obsession with the NFL and MLB. I have always shown my team a lot of love, and I can't begin to express how excited I was in the early 00's. I felt like this team would always be competitive. I loved the players, I respected the coach, and I had a very fascinating relationship with C Webb. (I met him in middle school during an ARCO event for making a free throw).

I hated how he looked like he was going to cry after a lot of plays, bit truth be told, I used to be pretty emotional like that too. In retrospect, he was damn good at what he did, and I definitely considered him the best PF in the league for a while. In short I have always considered this team as a part of this city, and this city is my home. Whenever I drive by the arena, all the epic games of the past flash in my mind. Mark my words, we will return to greatness, thanks for making this one Tets. You da man!
Been a fan since '98 (I was 11) because of Jason Williams. Before that I just followed the Bulls because of Jordan. Living in LA I could've sided with Lakers at the time, but I did not.. and after these past few games I kinda wish I had.
Been a fan since '98 (I was 11) because of Jason Williams. Before that I just followed the Bulls because of Jordan. Living in LA I could've sided with Lakers at the time, but I did not.. and after these past few games I kinda wish I had.
No you're falling to the dark side!!!
Watching NBA highlights of JWill on the break crossing up Gary Payton like it was nothing, transition pull up 3's, sick passes, etc. Hearing about Vlade Divac getting work done and seeing Chris Webber actually balling up to his potential made me a Kings fan even through the awfulness of these past few years. The heart break of the early decades Kings teams makes what we are watching now more annoying than anything.
Eh they were the team i watched when i was a kid. I didnt know crap about basketball but i remember people like Tyus edney bobby hurley mitch richmond polynice in my young days. They just happen to be the team for my city.


Hall of Famer
I've been with the team since it got here. Went to a lot of games in the old warehouse, that had to be the loudest, dare I call it an arena, in the NBA. I loved the sound meter they had. Became a season ticket holder when they moved to ARCO. We had some very bad teams and bad luck. From Ralph Sampson to Bobby Hurley. I remember Jerry Reynolds passing out on the sideline. I remember having a birthday party for Tim Roye in the skylight lounge where everyone had on a Tim Roye mask when he walked out. I remember Luckenbill up on the catwalks putting out buckets to catch the water that was leaking through the roof during the game.

A lot of good and bad memories. A lot of losses for many years. But the fans kept coming and cheering. Hopefully they will again someday.
Because I like to suffer. :p I was a big Chris Webber fan and I loved the way White Chocolate passed the ball. The Arco Arena constant sell-outs. The hostile environment. The best fans in the NBA. The small market. Uncle Rick. The Maloofs. It's not the same anymore. :(
Because when i was younger, my house used to be so loud during kings games. i used to wonder what the hell all that yelling and screaming was about until one day,i walked into the room while a kings game was on and i discovered what all the screaming was about... (damn cheating lakers lol) Unfortunately i remain the only kings fan in the house...
At this point, it's not by choice in my case, that's for sure. It would be hard to be an NBA fan and not be a fan of your hometown team, at least for me. More than once in the last 5 years I've gotten disgusted with the team and said I was done with them, but I always end up coming back. I almost wish I wasn't a fan with this arena thing looming, that way I wouldn't have to get sad and depressed along with every other Kings fan if the team ends up moving.
Loved the style of play in the days when we were good. Now every game is painful to watch but I figure it's stupid to quit when the future can be bright.
I was power forward for my high school basketball team and i watched a lot of NBA games... Chris Webber was my absolute favourite player so naturally i just started following kings basketball.. have done ever since!
Webber was good but seeing everyone involved in team-play early 2000s made me start watching the NBA. Sometime you see the solo heroics of certain players and you say wow but its teamwork that turned my head.
It's interesting to see that not many Kings fans are actually from Sacramento.

I was born and raised here. That's way.
Cool that you're an original. I'm amazed at how many on this #1 Kings forum do not live in Sacramento, say within an hour drive, have never lived here for a second, or have long ago moved away to greener pastures. Maybe that's part of the problem with this franchise - it's most rabid fans are not in Sac. Now sadly the team is thinking of moving away. Brick, Bajaden, CruzDude, VF21 and so many others who post regularily are elsewhere in Cali, out of state, or out of the country.

For the record, I could have made an exact quote like Baja who I'm sure loves his retirement digs in Mexico. I first went to games at the old barn and later after first couple years at the then new gleeming Arco. I was lucky to befriend several of the players back in those early days like Reggie Theus and his Rockets friends Robert 'Bobby Joe' Reid, Hakeem Olajuwan to name a few. I suffered mightily through the very lean years of early-mid 90's before enjoying the amazing glory years with everyone. Of course, the eventual playoff loses that left us in further despair were tough but I now miss all those runs more than ever. Losing respectablility, to fall off the cliff NBA laughable, is the most painful of all. Losing the team, if it comes to that monumental disaster will be unquestionably the darkest day ever in my 50 plus years as a sports fan.
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Hall of Famer
Moved to the Bay Area from NY when run TMC were putting up huge numbers for the Warriors, but wasn't really a Warrior fan at the time, because I had just moved, and had only gotten into the watching the NBA a year or two earlier.

Given I felt zero loyalty to GS, when Mitch was traded to Sac, I started following the Kings, and going up to Arco for games. Really became a diehard fan during the season we faced Seattle in the playoffs, 96 if I remember correctly, and never have let up as a fan since. Just thinking about that time, how nice would it be to have a shooter like Mahmood Abdul-Rauf now? He's still playing over in Asia too.
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I grew up in Columbus, Ohio and when my favorite player, Ohio State's Jerry Lucas, joined the Cincinnati Royals in 1963, I decided to be a Royals fan (hence my screen name). I kind of lost track of them while they were in Kansas City (pre-internet there wasn't much news available about bad teams), but then I moved to Sacramento in '84 and my Royals showed up a year later. I've seen at least one game live every season since they've been here, usually several.


Disgruntled Kings Fan
Like a tenured masochistic relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, it seems the passion has faded only to be left with the memories and nostalgia of events that came before.

Hoping one day that the person you once loved is still the same person and maybe one day they would change back to the person you fell in love with, only to be disappointed time and time again and the eventual separation of thus.

Like a tenured masochistic relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend, it seems the passion has faded only to be left with the memories and nostalgia of events that came before.

Hoping one day that the person you once loved is still the same person and maybe one day they would change back to the person you fell in love with, only to be disappointed time and time again and the eventual separation of thus.

Good (albeit depressing) analogy.
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It started with Micheal Jordan, when they were in the playoffs and battling the Jazz my dad said come here you've got to watch this so I was like ok I guess so I watched and was sucked in because of Jordan and Malone and all those guys. The following year one day I was bored and I thought I wonder if there is a basketball game on so I turn on the tv(had no cable at the time) and saw the Kings playing...didn't know a thing about them but I saw some beatiful basketball and I was hooked since then.

I was born in L.A. but moved to the Bay Area when I was pretty young, my whole family are Laker fans but not me, my dad likes the lakers but he also enjoys watching the kings with me.


Hall of Famer
I started becoming a Kings fan in the 2001/2002 years when I first started watching the NBA. I chose to watch the Kings because Peja/Divac, also because they were from my country. Ever since then, I've been following them and just stuck with them, like a loyal fan is supposed to do.
I've been with the team since it got here. Went to a lot of games in the old warehouse, that had to be the loudest, dare I call it an arena, in the NBA. I loved the sound meter they had. Became a season ticket holder when they moved to ARCO. We had some very bad teams and bad luck. From Ralph Sampson to Bobby Hurley. I remember Jerry Reynolds passing out on the sideline. I remember having a birthday party for Tim Roye in the skylight lounge where everyone had on a Tim Roye mask when he walked out. I remember Luckenbill up on the catwalks putting out buckets to catch the water that was leaking through the roof during the game.

A lot of good and bad memories. A lot of losses for many years. But the fans kept coming and cheering. Hopefully they will again someday.
Very enjoyable reading your post. The old arena was great for me as fan. I had season tickets in about the tenth row of the upper level. When we moved into the new arena and my partner and I had to pick new seat locations I remember measuring the horizontal distance from our old seats to the court. I did the same thing on the new layout and found we had to get seats in the lower leve to be as close to the court, and we did and I still do. Arco still has its charms for me even if nothing like when the crowds were bigger and wins were more frequent. I'm not looking for anything else to replace my Kings fanhood.